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Early Harvesting?


Smokes, lets go
I have some plants that are on 55 of flowering I am having security problems.

The smell is too much and I am having odor problems.

In my opinion the plants could go for 80 days so they are quite immature, still lots of white hairs and a little ways to go I have some pictures of them, have not checked trichs yet but im sure they are clear.

Here are the pics.

I don't want to harvest now if there is going to be no potency. I picked a bud dried it and smoked it and it did not get me high at all so i doubt even a perfect cure that weed would do anything to me to ever give me a buzz but i don't know.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
In the absense of a scrubber, I was going to suggest Ona as a quick fix but, lo and behold, while searching Ona, I find your thread on that very subject. You saw this day coming over two months ago. You haven't done anything?


Active member
Am I assuming that the pinesol trick is pretty well the same as the Ona in the five gallon bucket trick?
Norcal, is the smell the security problem? If so, dude is right, you REALLY should have anticipated the smell from a grow.
Trust me, last year in the old place, I had one single plant, with a thin carbon scrubber going... On the 4th week of flower I went away on vacation. I left with no smell. The roommates and I come back and and we all hit the floor with the scent that hit us...
Don't let the stink be your loose lips, cause remember; loose lips sink tight ships, and the smell of ganja growing, lets lips sing to all those near.


If its because of your roommate i would cover it up with some pine-sol or incense - even though incense is just as bad - but for the most part these will all make your room smell like weed AND incense. I would spring for a carbon scrubber asap. - Goat!


The natural light cycle outdoors is going to keep yer plants blooming. Put them outside...

If you live in the city....Get some large boxes, or trash baggs...Take em out of the house, and up to the mtns late at night, transplant em into the ground, and pack in water every week......The finnished product will be better that it would have been insideIMO..


use the ONA or pinesol for a temporary fix and get a scrubber ordered and installed asap. if low on funds, I would do as others have suggested and move them outside or chop'em. you have no other choice at this point.

this goes without saying but i'll mention it anyway, before starting the next round, have a scrubber ready to go.

note: I only use a scrubber from the 3rd week of flower to harvest. I dont have a need before that as they dont smell. no sense in wasting the life of my carbon on the first half of the grow when it isnt needed.



Smokes, lets go
Ok guys i had a good run here on IC not gonna be around a while, pot growing is stressing me and my spot is hot, no future with growing i guess. gonna chop the rest and guess take my losses try to sell the early picked bud for cheap and make my money back i put into it at least. i am broke right now need to shut down i can't afford a cheeseburger much less odor control....

gotta work on something else i guess even tho growing is my favorite thing to do , i see why i quit 4 years ago its way too much stress for me. I am dealing with other shit too right now. Gonna be out of the game for a while if not forever, at least until I can afford a proper setup. I am hating my neighborhood all my neighbors do is talk shit about me, and i have to move but cannot afford a new place or have the credit to get another one, so ill probably move back home or just try to make due with whatever.

Sorry this thread really sucks, but I am in shit city right now. don't feel comfortable about any of this , and quitting cigs all at the same time isn't working for me. Ill be back next year maybe to try again i guess. maybe not i could give up forever. I just am not in the shape and ego/confidence i used to be. Nothing but bad shit lately. I can't help but think i didn't deserve any of this but that sounds too convienent for many of u to beleive.

Later Every1

edit: one day after this was posted I got robbed. :(
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This is a rough time.....My heart goes out to ya man. Best of luck Norcal....Seriously, best of luck.

You are gonna make it my friend....Youll be just fine.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Well crap. Now I feel like a bully. Go take care of life. We'll hold your spot for you.


Active member
go back to the drawing board and start planning for the day when you can SAFELY grow again . good luck !


Active member
Hey Norcal, You'll pull out of it and all will be fine.
Gardening is supposed to relaxing and a release for your mind, but when it comes to this green plant, nothing but paranoia and anxiety follow.
I hope your travels bring you happiness wherever they they lead.
BTW, Congrats on the quitting of cigarettes! A few weeks to a month after you quit, you smell so much more of the air, you no longer cough up black, and you breath like you never thought you could. It's a decision that every smoker should consider, and an award to all that do.


Active member
ICMag Donor
OK, NorCal...
First off I am for sure sorry about your bad luck. You seem like a real nice kid and I hate hearing bad happening to good kids.

But, I want to take this opportunity to post up some old guy shit, if you don't mind...if you do mind, it don't matter cause I'm postin it anywho! :)

Now, I remember back awhile some conversation about you living at home with Mom, not cool placing her in jeopardy with bad grow decisions, etc, etc...
And I remember you coming back with that you are a mature (19?) and that Mom is actually living with you..da,da,da....
I'm not here to call you on anything that has been stated in the past, nor am I trying to ridicule you in any way. What I DO want to do is impress upon you just how serious growing is. And with such a serious undertaking, it takes mature decisions to make it successful. Anything less is lacking, and will get you...well...what it got you.

This ALL stems to being mature enough to make logical and wise decisions.
IMO, which may not be worth much, but IMO folks who have not reached at least the age of 21 just do not have fully developed decision making apparatus in their heads yet. No personal offense, and trust me..I was also a part of the club that felt they had it together at 18,19,20...and didn't. And it wasn't until I had matured just a bit until I could actually see the err of my thinking and my ways. It's just part of life that anyone who makes it past your stage will agree with. Hardly any of us that have aged a bit more would disagree with this too.

But, just as vulnerable as youth is, it also provides a better sense of learning than it does to those of us who are older. Youth brings the ability to absorb and learn from experiences like nothing else. And I hope that you take the time to do some good thinking about things.
I do not want to pick nits..but here you were growing in a closet, you had an AC with nothing in the way of proper venting, and there was absolutely no way of you containing the smell of the grow from the start. You knew these things. They were in front of you, yet you decided to go for it.

OK, you can get mad at me...thats kewl, I don't hold grudges, but you need to heed my words and get your shit together.

Like I said, I think you are a good kid, and I hate to see bad things happen to good kids.
If I thought you were a dicked out douche, I wouldn't waste the ASCII on you.


Looks fine dude

Cut it and it will still be good gear!!

Next time maybe invest in a vaportek ( nice one vindiesel ) or a scrubber, you only have to yield a extra ounce per harvest to pay for it and it REALLY gives you peace of mind

Id go for a vaportek if i was you, put it next to the grow on a setting of 4 o 5 and you ll never smell a thing, they use these to clear up flood sites, there really industrial. US 200 dollars, UK 200 quid

My room has 30 trees ( see below ) in it and i recently had the mother in law stay over for the weekend and sleep in the adjacent room, not a sniff of MJ at all.

I also had my car stolen last year from my driveway, the police were in my living room for 3 hours getting a statement and obviously didnt smell anything!!


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take a trip down to the river and drive around. collect a dead skunk and place it in the gutter area next to the street. make sure you have a replacement skunk on hand. my experience has led me to freeze the animals to make sure a fresh one is ready to go.
just kidding.....


New member
are you healthy? walk into the country side, find a messy farm. offer to clean it up for free. just keep at it awhile, you`ll be alright.