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E.C's Bagseed Paradise


New pics and update soon... Had to flush the two plants that took a big hit but other than that... They are gaining some weight.... So gorgeous and the smell is intense... Potent cant even describe it ....'


Well here are the pics promised.... I have a two photos showing the plant with i think "rootburn" of some sort. Brown blotches and it almost looks like a saw dust covering on the leaves and they feel real brittle, compared to the rest. The other is bright YELLOW. so i flushed her out and gave her some food today. shes recovering as expected. Stressy is still her. She looks to be in some real deep pain but shes the biggest supplier out of the rest. She smells the skunkiest, hardest nugs, most dense and just the overall size is amazingly bigger than the other 4 plants. Here we go:

These were taken today - 1-15-10



They look good in general, but you may be over-ferting. That would explain the crispy leaves, etc. I'd back off the ferts by half, see how they're doing, and adjust from there.


Well well well.....:smokey:.... Today is the 21st and i would love to :artist: (paint you guys the picture)....

The plants are doing very very nice, but also very slow to mature ( im thinking they are sativas, due to the length and height of the plants along with the thin bud structure)...

Stressy - is the plant that looks to have gone through hell and came back alive with many stories to tell. She has the BIGGEST, MOST DENSE, BUDS of all the plants. Im thinking its cuz i had her in a 1 gallon pot while the others were in their final pots, then i transpl. her into the 3 gallon with the rest of the them. A little lesson i taught myself in pot sizes. lol....

I had a very big malfunction and def. in two plants. One totally recovered from it and the other (nuteburn) is recovering slowly but all the damaged leaves are burnt up as of now, so it looks bad but she is great ( she told me so)....

We are at day 37-39 of flowering, not sure havent checked the day this morning but real close to them numbers.

I got my bubble bags in the mail today, very happy. Get to make some fresh bubble hash from them trimmmings, ohhhhhh la la.

Here is a pic of one of "Stressy's" Buds and a shot of the B.Bags...



I'm rootin' for the jets too now ;)

plants looking good!

I hope your not a fairweather fan.... J/p my friend...

Ive been a fan of the jets for quite some time now and its our time to shine and get that 2nd ring for the franchise. #1 D, #1 Run, and a very young CONFIDENT QB with a COCKY Rookie coach.... We goin to MIAMI!!!!!!!... THanks for checking up on my grow.... Its the countdown now... Have a good one friend.
Anyone watch the video of that Jet's fan getting locked up for rooting for his team in San Diego? What a pitiful police state our country has turned into this past decade.


The corsican - I just watched the video... Thats wrong in many more ways than one. I wouldve done the same.... YELL IN THE CHARGERS FACES "JETS JETS JETS" lol... That is very sad though even when the one chargers fan was saying "he didnt do anything" plenty of times. Thanks for letting me know about this.


Nit - Wishfull thinking my friend lol.... Jets getting the 2nd Ring in 41 years this year... And im about 1 month away.. They are stinky stinky like rotten pinky.. lol.. They are very strong and smelly though.. Gorgeous


Nice grow EC! Your in for a nice harvest!
You could reveg the ones you consider better, and after smoke test, make a mom.
It would be cool to start with 9 plants and end with 9... :D
Keep it up!


Thank you everyone for comming by and spreading your peace along with enjoying mine. Ive been busy/lazy these last couple days even last 2 weeks but everything is great. Im flushing stressy and she is on a 2 week countdown. I will be flushing the one "def." plant, she isnt turning around too nicely so i figure why not just flush her. Then the other 3 will be getting 1 more week of nutes and then BAM... Flush and 2 week countdown. Thank you and pics will be up soon...