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E-Cigarette!! Whose vaping??


Active member
Citizens Aux, sorry you had such a rough experience with your e-cig.. I've heard of people being allergic to propolyn glycol, but never actually met anybody whose had a reaction.
... But you can get e-juice that is only Vegetable Glycerin based - this is in many foods most of us eat every day and is very safe, and gives you bigger plumes of vapor but less flavor than the PG. I really think you should give it another try to get you off e-cigs

And you really have to find a flavor you love. I mainly love Marshmallow flavors, or Hazelnut, Cotton Candy, Chocolate, etc... Occasionally I'll have a tobacco-caramel flavor, but me and most of my friends smoke either sweet or savory/bakery flavors. I haven't heard any complaints about smell, only compliments lol.

I started with 2 Vision Spinners (like the ego-twist) but they both broke and had a 3rd knockoff spinner that had the button stuck inside.. Now I have an eVic and mainly use the Protank/PT2, with my self-built microcoil, lol.
I haven't had a cigarette in almost 8 months now, and the funny thing is I never planned to quit smoking, when I started vaping.. Hah, now I need to start vaping my greens!
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Right on, Marcellas! :tiphat:

Actually, I am committed to staying with tobacco. I love SMOKE. :smoker:

When I was puffing on that e-cig...I had dinner and then, as I always do, I wanted a cigarette. I puffed on that e-cig and it did not give me that after-dinner-cigarette satisfaction that I get from tobacco.

Before I tried that e-cig I visited some online vape-sites. The impression I got was that most of them folks enjoyed the vaping-paraphernalia more than the experience of smoking. They looooved their kits and drops and flavours.

Not me.

I just wanna light up, suck it in, and see smoke when I exhale.

Smoking tobacco relieves indigestion...I can't see them e-cigs giving the same experience.


I am glad you are happy with vaping. It gives you peace of mind. Smoking tobacco obviously worried you and that ain't cool.

Keep vaping, my friend.

Thank goodness we have a variety of choices in this temporary world! :dance013:


Active member
I am glad you are happy with vaping. It gives you peace of mind. Smoking tobacco obviously worried you and that ain't cool.

Keep vaping, my friend.

Thanks for the support. Lol, but nope.. I was never worried about my health or anything when I was smoking. I knew it was bad for me, but like I said, I never planned to quit cigarettes.

I got a gift card for my local "vape store" this past Xmas, went and got a nice kit (and got real lucky, the 1st flavor I tried is still my favorite today - toasted marshmallow).. With no plans of quitting my beloved smoking habit, I began vaping
... Pretty much as soon as I started my 1st e-cig, I quickly cut down from a bout a pack a day to about 3-5 cigs a day. Than down to 1 or 2 a day after a week. Bought 1 more pack of cigs, and when it ran out, I decided not to buy another pack and to just keep vaping.

I loved smoking cigarettes and definitely felt "something missing" the 1st few weeks after I switched to vaping, but the transition was relatively easy! Like I said, I never planned to quit cigs, I just loved vaping my delicious marshmallow flavor so much more, that I stuck with it and ditched my cigarettes..

About 6 weeks after switching to vaping, I had a cigarette while drinking with friends at the bar.. It was a Marb Light but tasted like an extra-bold, full flavor cig. It tasted horrible, I struggled to finish it.
........ Haven't looked back since!!

Thanx for your input! :D

And I was only a PAD-smoker for about 7 years,


Señor Member
I just found this thread because I am about to join the world of e-cigs myself!

I just recently tried out e-cigs for the first time. I bought one of those disposable Blu cigs from the corner store, and I was pleasantly impressed with how it allowed me to go a full 24 hours without one cigarette! I also was impressed with how it allowed me to smoke less during the day, while at work. I felt like, while it didn't fully scratch the itch, it REALLY was helpful, and good in its own right.

But the flavor was awful! Those Blu cigs taste more like cigarillos, like a swisher sweet or something, as opposed to a cigarette. YUCK! Now, I should also state here that I smoke RYO tobacco. I have been rolling my own cigs for about 8 years now, with the Bugler brand tobacco (in the blue bag). So my taste palette is already a bit different than the average cigarette smoker.

Anyway, when the Blu ran out, I wanted to try another brand, and the only one I could find local to me was the Njoy King from 7-11. So I bought one, and the taste and throat feel on this one was almost exactly what I remembered a Camel wide to taste and feel like. It was fairly nasty to me, and I almost wished I had bought the cigarillo-tasting Blu again! I still haven't even finished it. BUT, the one thing I want to point out is that this one, being more like an actual cigarette, really felt like I was smoking a cigarette, I have to admit.

Long story short, I figured this is really going to let me quit smoking, so I did my homework and ended up ordering a rechargeable unit last night. The one I went with is the Halo G6. Anyone familiar with this one? I went with their Tribeca tobacco, but I also purchased a few cartos of another straight-tobacco flavor that I can't remember at the moment. Anyway, I'm kind of excited about this. I should receive it by the end of the week I would imagine, and once it's in my hands I will no longer be smoking tobacco. That's the promise I made my wife. The plan is to quit smoking, and that's what I shall do. :)

Thanks for this thread Marcellas!

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