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DynaGro in Coco


Whats up guys:tiphat:

Been reading lots of good stuff about DynaGro lately. Ive always wanted to try them as I love their ethics, extremely concentrated, extremely cheap, and no bullshit advertising (I hate advertising!!!)

However I havent read anything coco specific

Anyone using DynaGrow in straight coco? At what rate?
Ive seen it mentioned to just ditch the grow and use the bloom from veg to flush...is this whats up?

Finally, what do you think of the full line? Im thinking of using everything but magpro. Im kinda over bloom boosters for the time being.

Thanks guys. Happy growing!


I have yet to use the dynagro-bloom in bloom yet but i have started feeding my coco mothers dyna bloom at 4ml/gallon + calmag+ @4ml/gallon. Switched from floranova grow and it is an improvement so I would definitely say that you shouldn't be afraid to use just the bloom while in veg. Use it as a rockwool/plug soak for cuttings @ 2ml/gallon for explosive roots as well.


Coco is what i grew in my first time with Dyna. i always add Cal Mag with coco. the did better than any other nutrient has done in coco so far but i dont buy coco specific nutes. i have since switched over to Sunshine Mix #4 after it won a side by side comparison with coco.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I bought my dyna gro to use in coco on the suggestion of the hydro store guy. I ended up using light mix instead of coco but I've still got some dyna gro and I'm planning on experimenting using MaxiBloom on one group of plants and Dyna Gro BLOOM on a second set in the same cab, with same soil, containers, etc. and see what happens.


Coco is what i grew in my first time with Dyna. i always add Cal Mag with coco. the did better than any other nutrient has done in coco so far but i dont buy coco specific nutes. i have since switched over to Sunshine Mix #4 after it won a side by side comparison with coco.

do you use cal mag with the sunshine mix #4?

i have never had to use cal mag in coco with h&g cocos or GH 6/9


no i have fairly hard water. around 200pm. so i add some cal mag maybe once or twice in veg when Ca usage is high but thats it.

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
no i have fairly hard water. around 200pm. .

I guess everythings relative....my tap is over 600 ppm
I've started using Dyna-Gro recently in cococ and so far so good....probably running about 1/2 - 3/4 strength of whats on the label. Using Dyna-Grow Grow + Protek ( real low rate) + MagiCal. I use 75-100% RO water
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Im on week 3 of flower on my first full run with the complete dyna gro line (Grow, Bloom, ProTekt, MagPro).

Im growing 2 TGA Cheesequake and 1 Fem DNA Sour Cream in GH mixed brick (Red) Coco with RO water. Ive only been growing for a year, so take this for what its worth.

I find that the bloom alone doesnt have enough N for the first couple weeks of Flower. The girls started yellowing very quickly when I used only Bloom.
Even mixed as a two part (Grow + Bloom) its much easier for me to keep track of while smoking my doobie than the GH 6/9 was. I have even read of some people on other forums that premix their Grow and Bloom into 1 bottle for flower without issue.

I highly recommend using Protekt. I find that it makes the stems much thicker/stronger when used, and is essential to controlling PH stability in RO water. With the right amount of protekt (4 - 5 ml), I find there is no need to adjust (or even check) the PH - including during the initial mix.

Im currently using the following schedule

In veg
4 ml Protekt
4 ml calmag+
4 ml Grow

For flower:

Week 1:
5 ml Protekt
4 ml Calmag
1.5 ml Grow
3.5 ml Bloom

ec 1.2 - PH 6.0

Week 2
5 ml Protekt
4 ml Calmag
1.5 ml Grow
4 ml Bloom
1 ml Magpro

ec 1.4 ph

im seeing some leaves yellowing and dropping from the bottom. I read somewhere that bumping up the magpro will improve that.

Week 3

Last Night I mixed the following
5 ml protekt
4 ml calmag
1 ml Grow
6 ml Bloom
1.5 Magpro

This gives me an EC of 1.4.

So far Im happy with DG, Im not experienced enough to say its better than anything else but for various reasons I definitely prefer it over GH (The only other nute I have ever used, and as a bonus DG doesnt stain my res red).

There are a couple good threads over at RIU comparing Dyna Gro to GH and AN (in soil) if anyone is interested in reading them (search for Dyna-Gro).

Right now I also have gnats and just have a lot of sticky traps setup - Anyone know if skeeter dunks can be used during flower? I never got them when I was using the Crop Circles Coco. It was much chunkier and more aerated.

<Ninja Edit>
After 24 hours I dont see any more yellow leaves as I have been the past week or so. I think increasing the magpro had the desired effect. Next run I will either increase the magpro earlier or start from the beginning.
</end edit>
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Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
I just discontinued using the dyna + calmag for veg. Started showing N deficiency.

Were you using Dyna-Gro Grow or Bloom? I've heard alot of people talking about using the Dyna-Gro Bloom through all growth phases


@BCMaster im guessing you weren't using Dyna-Gro Foliage-Pro 9-3-6? the 3-1-2 ratio is perfect for veg. cant imagine having any deficiencies except possibly S with Foliage-Pro & Cal-Mag +


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I just discontinued using the dyna + calmag for veg. Started showing N deficiency.

you locking out, that's why you have N deficiency, discontinue the calmag....

ive used dynagrow veg in coco for many years at 3/4 strength and its hands down the best 1 part grow nutrient out there, i also go with Aurora Amino Aid at 1/4 strength for that little extra luster.....

anyone who sees my veg area always says i have the best looking plants they have ever seen.....


ive used dynagrow veg in coco for many years at 3/4 strength and its hands down the best 1 part grow nutrient out there, i also go with Aurora Amino Aid at 1/4 strength for that little extra luster.....

thats a bold statement there. Dyna-Gro Foliage-Pro and Grow have in all practical aspects have identical secondary nutrient and micronutrient levels (their website says foliage-pro has less Fe but a comparison of labels in real life will show identical Fe levels), so the only difference is the actual NPK value (well and NH4:N03 ratio, but Foliage-Pro wins there too) and i doubt anyone can successfully argue that a 7-9-5 is a better NPK ratio than a 9-3-6 for the vegetative stage of marijuana. 3-1-2 (foliage-pro) is pretty much accepted as THE best NPK ratio for veg.

so i say that Foliage-Pro is a better nutrient for vegetative growth than Grow, with as much certainty as i can without having done a side by side experiment myself. to be honest i think the All-Pro, having the same amount of N, more K and less P, and the Hi-N-Pro (if using Pro-Tekt) being a 3-1-1 are all more likely to grow better plants than the Liquid grow 7-9-5. 7-9-5 is a horrible veg ratio, although Dyna-Gro seems to still make happy plants no matter how far the NPK ratios are off (e.g. liquid bloom+ mag-pro makes great plants although the P levels are at least 3X more than you'll ever need)

and furthermore, although i am a dyna-gro user myself i have my doubts that Liquid Grow will outperform either of CNS17's veg formulas or any of Hesi's veg formulas (Hesi also has amino acids for that "little extra luster").

p.s. AFAIK nitrogen can only get locked out due to pH issue, not nutrient content in solution or medium.

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
you locking out, that's why you have N deficiency, discontinue the calmag....

ive used dynagrow veg in coco for many years at 3/4 strength and its hands down the best 1 part grow nutrient out there, i also go with Aurora Amino Aid at 1/4 strength for that little extra luster.....

anyone who sees my veg area always says i have the best looking plants they have ever seen.....

Cool...Nice to see such an established member chime in. Are you using tap water or RO. My tap is so crappy ( 600+ ppm) I use RO & have been using MagiCal to bring in Mag & Calcium. I also have been using a little of the Dyna-Gro silica product ( proTek) but being sure to dilute it before adding other nutes.

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
i have my doubts that Liquid Grow will outperform either of CNS17's veg formulas or any of Hesi's veg formulas.

I tried a couple of rounds of CNS17 and got tired of trying to keep that stuff in suspension. I thought maybe I had a bad bottle but the next one was the same. I know people that use it in constantly circulating systems & really like it but it was a pain in the ass for my setup which is occasional top feed


Were you using Dyna-Gro Grow or Bloom? I've heard alot of people talking about using the Dyna-Gro Bloom through all growth phases

Was using The Bloom formula + calmag at 4ml/gallon of each which looks like this

N 62.8
P 72.4
K 68.8
Mg 19.6
Ca 62