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Dyna-Gro Liquid Bloom experience/users

anyone used Dyna-Gro on here before?? any advice, tips, or suggestions would be great. just bought some as a bloom booster. if nobody is familiar, it is 3-12-6 w/ trace elements galore. ca, mg, b, chlorine(which worries me since i use tap water. i do let it sit out though), cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, na, & zinc & chelated zinc. it also has EDTA. i am very unfamiliar with this EDTA. if someone could enlighten me upon that, it would be great too. I will def post results & application methods later. perhaps a pic or two as well....


I used it back in the 80's for a grow or 2. It was alright. Can't say the same for the Grow version. It's produced locally so I was "offered" that stuff every time I went to the grow shop. There are much better nutes on the market now.
interesting. i felt same way at my local shop. that it was somehwat pushed onto me. i just felt the push was sincere considering I told the sales lady I came for AN Big Bug or FF grow big which is 2x as much. she pushed me to the cheaper Dyna. so thought it would be for good reason. i currently have dutchmasters big bloom. i was satisfied, but wanted more still. i guess Ill let you all know in a bit.....sorry, prob should have posted in nutrients area. if a mod cares to move it, that would be cool. sorry for the hassle. thanx for the responses all.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Matanuskan Flo

Dyna-Gro was one of the very first hydroponic nutrient product dating from 1984 or so. I used both the Dyna-Gro as well as the Dyna-Bloom. I grow using strict organic process/materials so I haven't had any reason to use this or any other nutrient product.

Having said that, the local orchid groups that Mrs. CC belongs to swear by the Dyna-Gro products - it's amazing.

Piece of advice - if you're in a nursery or a grow store standing near the Dyna-Gro products and you see some blue-hairs coming your way - stand back. They're a very testy bunch!

hahaha, wow. seems like we shop the same arena. haha. you are spot on. i am an avid orchid grower myself, so i was surprised to see a 50 x 80 ft greenhouse filled with them. they were gorgeous. all used dyna products. makes sense, owner was 83 yrs old. i have a good feeling about this stuff though, dunno why. the dutchmasters stuff was def effective, but i never noticed any enhanced tastes or potency with it or without it. i am betting I Will with Dyna. william wonders my girl, always has been basically. so i know her very very well. i dont post pics here, but that doesnt mean I do not take any. so, when its over & done, i will post comparison pics. thanx for the input everyone!! i did not know it is one of the oldest hydro nute makers....

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Matanuskan Flo

In the event you're not familiar with OrchidWeb.com you might want to check them out. Quite a collection of orchids, equipment, etc.

The P.L. Light Systems' equipment is what I use in my medical garden. Best light systems you can source, IMHO. They were developed in the mid-70's for the greenhouse industry to extend the sun period during winters in Holland and elsewhere.




Active member
Matanuskan Flo

Dyna-Gro was one of the very first hydroponic nutrient product dating from 1984 or so. I used both the Dyna-Gro as well as the Dyna-Bloom. I grow using strict organic process/materials so I haven't had any reason to use this or any other nutrient product.

Having said that, the local orchid groups that Mrs. CC belongs to swear by the Dyna-Gro products - it's amazing.

Piece of advice - if you're in a nursery or a grow store standing near the Dyna-Gro products and you see some blue-hairs coming your way - stand back. They're a very testy bunch!


I used to use dyna-gro grow, for veg but check out dyna-gro foliage-pro on their website, I use that now, it has a better NPK formula!


I've used the Dyna-Grow lots in early veg and taking cuts up from the rooting stage, past that it's mediocre. I've also used Dyna-Bloom for several grows , maybe 8 in recent years and had great succes, but better succes with a Sensi 2 part. here's some sourbubble grown with Dyna -Bloom only. the stuff certainly works but you can do better for MJ.


New member
anyone used Dyna-Gro on here before?? any advice, tips, or suggestions would be great. just bought some as a bloom booster. if nobody is familiar, it is 3-12-6 w/ trace elements galore. ca, mg, b, chlorine(which worries me since i use tap water. i do let it sit out though), cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, na, & zinc & chelated zinc. it also has EDTA. i am very unfamiliar with this EDTA. if someone could enlighten me upon that, it would be great too. I will def post results & application methods later. perhaps a pic or two as well....

The chlorine in DynaGro is different than the chlorine in your water. The chlorine in your water is diatomic chlorine (Cl2), which a dissolved gas used as a disinfectant. The chlorine in DynaGro is actually chloride, and is the anionic (salt) form of chlorine, as you would get in sodium chloride table salt. So the 'chlorine' in DynaGro isn't going to hurt your plant like the chlorine you get in your tap waer.

EDTA is a divalent metal chelator. What this means is that it binds to and stabilizes to metals which are often reactive or insoluble, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese and zinc. The plant does not metabolize the EDTA however. Simply put, EDTA is a carrier for many essential elements to make sure they get delivered to the plant properly. Without the EDTA, many of these metals would react with other things in the nutrient mix and/or precipitate out into an unusable form. For example, the iron would react with oxygen to make rust if it weren't bound to the EDTA. Needless to say, we don't want to be feeding our plants rust. :)