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DWC 5 gallon bucket Tricky Veg question.

Ok so theres 4 rooms... Each room has 24 5 gallon buckets.

How can i veg 96 plants the most efficient way? all in 1 room. So i can harvest every 8 weeks.



stone fool
You need a large room, lots of electricity, equipment, a plan, and lots of work. There are many ways, depending on your experience, budget, and work ethic. Sounds like you just want to cash srop, 8 weeks is not sufficient for most strains, and it takes time to harvest, clean and replant.


Active member
The info you gave us is very sparse I'll assume you have four separate rez's/pumps running an RDWC in each room?? If you want to harvest in only 8weeks the first thing you need is a 7 week strain... good luck...and an aero cloner as well as a few moms in a fifth smaller room. You also need to havest 96 plants in like one day and then clean 4 systems / replant the same day so you get at least 7 days of veg to get the roots into the bucket. you wont have time to re-use media..your choice depends on the budget.. have 192 net pots so you can just fill them and put them back in the system no cleaning. Why not bump it up to 12 weeks and get a 65day strain (common) get some good veg time in so your plants can bust out some good root mass. I would think 4 havests a year would give you better product than 6 and you won't end up a balding alcoholic from stressing over your garden...good luck.
I have a ezcloner 120 site, but i dont know whats the best veg system(space wise) that can support 96t plants in 1 room.

So i have to do SOG style if i want to flower in 4 rooms at the same time?


Active member
u could use a kiddy pool w/96 6" net pots w/ hydroton /quartz gravel mixx and air stones in the water .




Active member
dont use a lid u can use styrofoam popcorn (packaging material) to fill the voids in betweenthe pots (not much space when u got 96 pots in there)
the stuff floats, its NONorganic = less chance of disease etc..

u can make a lid w 96 holes out of foam insulation 4x8 sheets comes in blue and pink ive seen it at lowes/home depot etc

u r gonna hafta meet us half way on this question at some point u will figure out what will work best for ya, sometimes it takes failure(s) to "learn" ..........happens to all of us at one time or another

good luck!!


Active member
Maybe you should make ur rooms

perpetual, because if those buckets

Aren't rdwc its going to be a straight

P.I.T.A. To ajust 24, 5 gallons ph and

Water levels. If it is rdwc then you'll

Possibly could cut down one room,

or find room for two 4x8 ebb and flo

Table 48 plants per table, lighting I

Say two 400 watt MH per table or 250

Your choice, and happy growing.


Ok so theres 4 rooms... Each room has 24 5 gallon buckets.

How can i veg 96 plants the most efficient way? all in 1 room. So i can harvest every 8 weeks.


You can harvest every 4 weeks if you want, or even 3 weeks...and this would be more manageable than choping 4 rooms full at once

10 week strain, 2 weeks veg = 12 weeks
12 weeks/ 4 rooms = 3 weeks
so if you have your cloner in a different room altogether, every three weeks you take however many rooted clones to fill room 1, then 3 weeks later you use however many rooted clones for room 2, 3 weeks later room 3, 3 weeks later room 4, 3 weeks later you chop and refill room 1, 3 weeks later you chop and refill room 2....etc

forget about the traditional veg/bloom room idea. get your cloner into a different room and veg and flower in each room. if you are growing rdwc 2-3 weeks veg is plenty IMO.

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