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Dwarf Navel Orange Tree Problems!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I have a dwarf Navel Orange tree and it's showing some problems on the leaves. I have it potted in a 3 gallon pot with miracle grow mix (shitty, I know...but temporary until next transplant). I got it about 3 weeks ago and new growth was great, it was healthy. So far I have only watered it...no nutes because of the soil mix with ferts in it. What's happening with the leaves is a drying and crinkling up at the edges...almost like something was nibbling on it and those leaves are slowly dying. I haven't seen any bugs...other than fungus gnats in the grow room, so I took it outside for a few days and it seems like it's progressively getting worse. I see brown spots on some of the leaves and they look like they want to do the drying up and crinkling thing too. Now, the new growth is still doing fine....I'm lost on what could be happening here....any help would be so appreciated. One thought...did I over water this thing?

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Here are some pics I forgot to add...


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Active member
i have a lime tree that exhibits similar problems before it throws a bunch of flowers.

handling the leaves sometimes damages them.

give her a nice feeding and spray her down every few daze...

my lime tree loves a nice misting.


Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Sleepy....even at such a young age she can flower? Well....she did spend a lot of time with my ladies in one of our flower rooms under 2000watts before I took her outside to see if it was the fungus gnats eating her. I noticed the bugs hide in her potting mix, but never seen one on the leaves. Do you know anything about Rainbow Mix Grow? The miracle grow mix I have says not to fertilize for 3 months (I have no idea how to use miracle grow...derr!)...obviously I don't use that for pot, haha. Now that I think of it, I mixed the miracle grow potting mix with promix(peat) and worm castings...so it's not ALL that shitty mix.

I'm gonna top feed her some Rainbow Grow and mist her down...hopefully she'll stick around for me...I'm already attached, beautiful little trees.

Thank you!!!


Active member
i have some figplants that bore fruit the first year!

where i got them told me not to expect anything fro 2-3 years...not always the case.

i am not familiar with the rainbow mix products...i'll try to find some info.

take care of those fungus gnats, though...they look harmless, but they can ruin things.

all the best.


i'v grown the citrus and i can say they don't care to be moved sometimes drop there leaves when moved. they are insect magnets and almost always need to be sprayed for insects regularly. did you possibly burn it under the 2k watts since you just got it?

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
It thrived for about 3 weeks...the growth was insane. The problem started only about 5 days ago in the grow room, that's when I took it outside and it just progressed...it did see a temperature change from hell...we had some 40 degree nights and the tree may have gotten cold. But, it took a nose dive inside first for sure. It's back under the lights now. Well, at least for now...we're having freakeshly cold nights.

What kind of spray for bugs would you use? And thank you for helping :)


I lugged a lemon around for years.

It was the cold temps, and maybe the MG soil is acidic? I have problems with it being acidic sometimes runoff ph down to 4.4 EEEKKKkk!

MG soil should be OK with the EWC.

I recommend misting with a little dish soap 2 drops and water. Gets rid of aphids well outside and sorta prevents too. They love the misting like Sleepy sez.

I bet it got a little pH imbalance too. Don't know what kind of ph for citrus. I'd guess at least 6.0 though.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
This orange tree is rockin' now.... It went through a few shock periods and a lot of abuse, but it's under a 1k and blossoming/fruiting. Getting ready to transplant it into a 50/50 promix/perlite mix with osmocote and some worm castings into a 5 gallon Air Pot. Hopefully she feels more spoiled and throws more blossoms for me:)

Got to love citrus trees, i got an orange, lemon and lime in my little flat. They only get sun light and they are strong plants, we have just been though the coldest winter for 30 years and they have dropped some leaves and lost their fruit but they look green and healthy ;) roll on the summer !!!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Well, transplanting her was a mess to say the least. Sat under a 400W with nobody even living at our old house and was in a pot and promix that weren't draining well. Hopefully being in an air pot with a lot of Foxfarm chunky perlite will help. She had a lot of drowned roots:( She's under a 1K now, suprisingly has been continuously growing the whole time...even being so abused. Fruit still in tact and other than a few leave drops, is looking fine this morning....hope she takes the transplant well.

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