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DVD Has Landed



Well, today i got a super big suprise. The DVD has made it to me on the East Coast. Everyone should start checking their mailboxes or PO's. They should start showing up very soon. I've only watched part of it and it's just AWESOME. I like it better then the first one, and guess WHAT? It works in normal DVD players. No problems like the last ones. They will play in our USA standard players. Man, I'm so happy today.
Take care everyone


OK, just got done the whole DVD and OH MY GOD. The first part with Gypsy and Bubbleman was just awesome. Man, that looked like some much fun. God, was that alot of bubble. I've never seen that much bubble in one batch. The gardenes in those fileds were so nice. The second part in Cali with Eddie was awesome also. Man, his farm and garderns are like no others. For people that hasn't bought a copy. I would highly do so. The magazine and DVD are well worth the money spent.

PS. Thanks Dutch for the other gift i got. Your the best


cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
I'm glad you mentioned getting yours GDW :yes:
It reminded me to go look for mine. Hadn't checked in a couple days. Sure enough there it was today. Sweeet. I'll probably watch it tonight and report back. I fully expect it'll rock!


resident slackass
same here

same here

mine arrived today as well :smile:
i got about halfway through the first segment in jamaica when i had to go drive my sister to work.... :mad: P.I.T.A...... :biglaugh:
when i saw this thread i realised that i left it paused with the t.v. off so i'm off to finish watching it now.
btw... GDW, thanks for the reminder... :biglaugh:


mybeans420 said:
mine arrived today as well :smile:
i got about halfway through the first segment in jamaica when i had to go drive my sister to work.... :mad: P.I.T.A...... :biglaugh:
when i saw this thread i realised that i left it paused with the t.v. off so i'm off to finish watching it now.
btw... GDW, thanks for the reminder... :biglaugh:

No problem. Isn't that what the Jamaicians say all the time. :) I loved the Jamaica segment with Bubblman, Wally, Gypsy and St Teflon. I think i saw him walking around in that part. Any ways, its a great video.
Take care everyone

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted


I watched my DVD last night. Excellent stuff!
I loved all of it, but for me highlights included :After inquiring about where the guys got the rolling papers they were using, the Jamaican dudes saying "you come all the way to Jamaica, and you smokin Amsterdam papers?!?!?"
I also dug some of the music in the Jamaica segment. Gypsy..I didn't know you had such urban sensibilities as far as music is concerned :smile: (in particular dig the intro from Redman.... "Do you wanna get HIGH man?!?!? Well I got a joint here I been savin for a special occasion"
and it did look like a special J Wally was preparing with the hash in it....mmm :yummy:

Looked like some amazing hash that was made!

Payaso's visit to Eddy's place was also great.
That's about as close to a stoner paradise as we have in the US.

The 420 Cup segment was good, but certainly would have liked to see a bit more about the cup(and some of the entries). I do realize there's only so much room on the DVD though.
Overall I'd rate it 9 out of 10 golden trichomes :smile:
Lookin forward to the future editions of ICMAG.
And now since I've finished with my DVD and magazine, I'll probably do like I did last time and mail em to a buddy outa state so he can enjoy them. It's the least I can do...he's the cat that got me growing.
Rock on Gypsy n crew. Keep on producing a fine product.


the next DVD will be bigger and better
I have over 6 hours of the cup material to edit down

Oh if anyone know's what the song is at the start of the cup 2004 section is please let me know
"I'm just sitting here watching another blade of grass grow"
