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Dutch PM says "F*** Drugs" drink beer.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Fighting for his political life, Dutch PM Balkenende wore a t-shirt in public recently stating "Fuck Drugs" in large letters on the front.

Not only tasteless, but truly hypocritical as well, see the can of beer in his hand? Alcohol yes, drugs no.

What a clear message.


From the Dutch newspaper het Volkskrant.

The left-wing Volkskrant begins its election coverage on the front page with "Balkenende fighting for his political life," and the paper illustrates the caretaker prime minister's desperate measures with a photograph of him on the campaign trail wearing a T-shirt that says Fuck Drugs. De Telegraaf also prints a photo of Mr Balkenende wearing that T-shirt and asks, "Would your mother say something like that?".
Trouw looks ahead to the coalition talks that will get underway bright and early on 10 June. "Parties sniffing around each other," headlines the Protestant paper on its front page. According to Trouw, "the battle for the premiership is a duel between Labour's Cohen and VVD’s Rutte".

The paper says Labour is trying to present the election as an old-fashioned battle between left and right and that heavy hints about a post-election coalition are being dropped by some of the smaller parties: "GreenLeft leader Femke Halsema and D66 leader Alexander Pechtold have both repeatedly and publicly stated that they are in daily telephone contact with Labour leader Job Cohen".

(The above was from Radio Netherlands)


Well-known member
sure looks like a comma to me...so it says "fuck, DRUGS!" Whole different message there LOL.


Who wants a PM drugged up on alcohol anyway?

And really, if that douche doesn't know alcohol/ethanol is a drug...he's just not qualified to minister any primes.
Wow. If anyone needs lessons in looking like a buffoon, this guy will gladly show you the way. It seems like the people he would be vying for would likely be the ones offended by the word choice on the shirt. what a dumb ass.


Active member
LMAO! Guess Balkenede (or someone in the Dutch gov't) finally saw my sig and came up with a counter campaign...

Yeah, go Job Cohen! Looks like the liberals are ready to take over again!

Then maybe we'll see cannabis come back like never before in Holland.

Now it's time for Holland to learn from the US how to LEGALIZE cannabis, not keep it illegal and "tolerate" it.

Time for the Dutch to deal with the supply side of the equation and start legalizing small grows.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
That's no comma, pinkus, it's the design...a US newspaper misquoted it and said "F*** Dogs." Perhaps deliberately?
wow that guy looks like the biggest dork ive seen in a very very long time and the guys surrounding him look queerer then a 3 dolla bill


lol good reads, good reads, lololol ,What an ass hat. This post made me smile.


Active member
The stupidity creeps to the top everywhere I guess.

Fucking moron don't know that alcohol is a drug! It is just a legal one, you fool!


Well-known member
That's no comma, pinkus, it's the design...a US newspaper misquoted it and said "F*** Dogs." Perhaps deliberately?

wow for a Payaso you don't have a sense of humor. ;) if he knew the FUCK part he wouldn't be wearing the shirt. or he's just an idiot drinking beer like the vast majority of people i deal with on a daily basis. :tiphat:


Now it's time for Holland to learn from the US how to LEGALIZE cannabis, not keep it illegal and "tolerate" it.

LMAO since when is marijuana LEGAL in the US.Only 14 States of the 52 have laws for medical cannabis and so far as i know is recreational use still ILLEGAL.
Balkenende was btw a butt kisser of Bush, so thanks to Bush Balkenende introduced the Dutch DEA with the same lies as the US DEA department.CDA is losing in the polls at this moment, but we have to wait what White Hair will do.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:



Grower for Life
LMAO since when is marijuana LEGAL in the US.Only 14 States of the 52 have laws for medical cannabis and so far as i know is recreational use still ILLEGAL.
Balkenende was btw a butt kisser of Bush, so thanks to Bush Balkenende introduced the Dutch DEA with the same lies as the US DEA department.CDA is losing in the polls at this moment, but we have to wait what White Hair will do.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

Yea, seems like you guys forget who started the War on Drugs in the first place.

And btw, he aint PM since 20 feb.


New member
It certainly looks to me like the guys standing around him gave him the t-shirt. They all look half baked as it is. They all seem to be having a good laugh at his expense.
Politicians will do anything for a vote even be publicly humiliated by a bunch of private school prats.
Fuck Drugs?

Fuck Drugs?

Fuck you Mr.Balkenende. And the horse your rode in on. This dude looks like a Phedophile Bill Gates

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
fuck drugs , but we love weird poop-sex shows, just be funny to see them try to stop the drugs and talk all those junkies into just havin a beer, nevermind fuck drugs , fuck stupid dutch politicians


ICMag Donor
He's still wearing his white-collar shirt underneath. It's amazing how low politicians will creep these days in the pursuit of publicity.


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