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Dumbest thing you heard 2011 edition


Active member
A couple weeks ago I was at my cousin's graduation. When
Pomp and Circumstance was played, alot of parents started to cry as the graduates walked out.

My young cousin looks at me and say " Wow, I guess everyone is really taking the Macho Man's death badly."

I looked at him and just agreed. "Yeah they are still in shock about his death."

On this longest day of the year, what is the dumbest thing you have heard or over heard this year?


East Coast Grower
I'll have to give that award to Harold Camping, the dumbass that said the world was gonna end in May. but oooops, not yet!! Things like that blow my mind as to the hopeless stupidity and ignorance of some people.

the med man

that when plants grow in hydroponics and are rooted in soil that their dna changes becuase they are in a new medium lol i mean mutated dna to make a new strain hahahaha. i heard the same thing 8 years ago from some trippers too. and these are from part owners of supernatural brand nutrients lol, it was an excuse for their plants being covered in powdery mildew.



Well-known member
One of my neighbors told me in all seriousness that some of the windmills in wind farms popping up across the country are actually used by the Government to control the weather.

I'm NOT kidding. She was 100% serious. Wrap your head around that one.

one Q

I stopped hanging out with almost everyone... so the people I DO hang out with dont really say dumb shit. Ill will post here the second that changes... lol


Active member
I saw a bunch of video clips of the dumb as dirt contestants for Miss USA explaining why they do not believe in Evolution. Only two of the contestants did.
I think perhaps we should end the war on drugs and employ police officers on a war on stupidity. Let pigs execute people who just cant grasp evolution. Then shoot themselves.
We would all be better off.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

that truTV is renewing Conspiracy Theory w/ Jesse (clean that drool off your chin) Ventura.......


Keep your government hands off my medicare!!

gawd that was funny.

oh and almost everything john edwards said this year


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
so what if he shoved a car up his ass? what in the fuck does that have do with anything concerning you.

This brought tears to my eyes!!!!!!


shut the fuck up Donny
"you should not hire a lawyer when charged with federal cultivation, you should do some legal research and represent yourself. derp."

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