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Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Seriously folks no cyanide. If it gets to that I'll just clean house pop some beans and call it a lost set of genes or round of veg plants. If you find yourself contemplating something like that it's time to just pack it in scrub. kill everything in your entire space paint heat treat get new pots and start fresh. Fuck cyanide bombs and avid drenches on plants people are going to smoke or even having that much poison in use at a time where you work. It's not worth it.

I am familiar with your sarcastic side. I think you are all organic.


Active member
i wanted to make some joke about organics, guano and being bat shit crazy.
im not totally organic at all.. ill use things appropriately if its a needed situation but theres stuff that if put on plants will be hella present on plants come harvest. im not into that. i use organic pest treatments when i can but i nuke new cuttings with chems before they are allowed in my grow if they pass quarantine. i dont treat flowering plants and i wont use stuff that will remain in the herb. organic nutrients are an art in themselves.mad respect to people able to get consistant and amazing results in 100% organic systems indoor.while i do use biologicals and organic based nutes supplementally, i cheat with salts. heavily.however i draw the line at mustard gas and depleted uranium.


Active member
Ya I Dont have confirmed toads, I was more just trying to get a summation of what does work on them "if" they need killing.


aka "Doc"
...while i do use biologicals and organic based nutes supplementally, i cheat with salts. heavily.however i draw the line at mustard gas and depleted uranium.

I don't call it cheating, I call it "adopting the best practices from all disciplines". Some view "organic cultivation" like a religion: never disobey--irregardless of effect to cost/quality, others view it as "guidelines" to follow.

BTW, dust/powder from phosphate rocks of sedimentary origin (allowable organic input) are known to contain Radium, Uranium, Thorium, etc. So going "organic" may not mean "nuclear free"....lol. IMHO, better to pick and choose among the best choices--than to select the "best of the worst options".

Loose Cannon

Active member
Big ups to loosecannon

Retrogrow is the one deserving of any props.

I may or may not have todes but I'll gladly try to get anybody's stem specimen to this guy at the lab in Sacramento.

I believe he'll be much more open once he gets a positive in cannabis for the evil Italian, Dipsaci. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

I have a better/ much better/ scope arriving Saturday so I should be able to check some of my own recent harvested stems and maybe 1 or 2 from veg rooms.


Active member


If you are considering using MeloCon it contains Paecilomyces lilacinus microbes @ 1x10/10 per gram there are other products available with Paecilomyces lilacinus @ 5x10/10 per gram so 5 x the microbes

Keep your soil/coco temps up around 25 °C for best results

D. Dipsaci optimum breeding rhizosphere 15–20 °C
Paecilomyces Lilacinus optimum inoculation rhizosphere 25 °C
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Active member
yo Yes4Prop215!!!!
whats the word man???
and any pictures/reports to accompany said word?


tests came back today…NPN (no parasitic nematodes)

i took the lowest droopy branch from the sickest gorilla glue in my entire garden, one that had every symptom of dipsaci from wilt to brittle stems to phantom deficiency.

i sent in a big stem sample labeled as hops, as well as two cups of soil drawn from the base of the stem down 1 foot.

so yeah this test is negative…still gonna send some more samples into other labs to independently verify, but its a big relief to see this initial report, along with my own microscope work, come back negative!


Active member
loose cannon when we can start sending in stem samples to your guy? i can have some ready ASAP so hit me on the PM when thats ready.

also what is the heat they can tolerate? I'm thinking about letting my indoor rooms cook in between harvests, since they are full of Epaps I'm sure i can heat the room pretty damn hot.


Active member
tests came back today…NPN (no parasitic nematodes)

i took the lowest droopy branch from the sickest gorilla glue in my entire garden, one that had every symptom of dipsaci from wilt to brittle stems to phantom deficiency.

i sent in a big stem sample labeled as hops, as well as two cups of soil drawn from the base of the stem down 1 foot.

so yeah this test is negative…still gonna send some more samples into other labs to independently verify, but its a big relief to see this initial report, along with my own microscope work, come back negative!

I guess it's "good" that it came back negative, except now we are still left with the mystery as to what is wrong with them?


Active member
I guess it's "good" that it came back negative, except now we are still left with the mystery as to what is wrong with them?

I'm having a ton of issues in my OD garden due to high PH, lockout, and fusarium/root disease. we really got run through the ringer in the past two weeks i have had to diagnose and treat at least 6 different deficiencies, pests, and molds.

Loose Cannon

Active member
I'm having a ton of issues in my OD garden due to high PH, lockout, and fusarium/root disease. we really got run through the ringer in the past two weeks i have had to diagnose and treat at least 6 different deficiencies, pests, and molds.

Seems there are quite a few probs according to the guys/ girls at various hydro stores in San Jose and Sacramento areas.
Many peeps w problems, that is.


Well-known member
I'm having a ton of issues in my OD garden due to high PH, lockout, and fusarium/root disease. we really got run through the ringer in the past two weeks i have had to diagnose and treat at least 6 different deficiencies, pests, and molds.

Fuckin aye man, been a rough season for me too. That actinovate saved my ass on the root issues. Overwatered a bit in early flower and had a bunch of plants start to drop branches to fusarium, single actinovate dosage cleared up issues.


Active member
'Duding' seems more to me a symptom of a multitude of ailments, rather than an indicator of one specific. For me, I think duding came from pH swings in the soil zone, even though I feed a consistent 5.8.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I am just an idiot, learning, but I would think it could be genetic dudding for most. No one has defined exactly what a dud is. An experienced grower might consider any poor growth dud (but would probably know why).

I am also new to cloning. Couldn't that induce stress, that could cause dudding, especially with clones, of clones, etc..

Best to all, and their projects!!


Active member
I'm having a ton of issues in my OD garden due to high PH, lockout, and fusarium/root disease. we really got run through the ringer in the past two weeks i have had to diagnose and treat at least 6 different deficiencies, pests, and molds.

Aquashield works well against fusarium.
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