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Drying with repile lamps?!


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I have a friend that told me he dries his plants while they are exposed to UV light until dry. He says this gives him a totally different high that he prefers in contrast to drying in the dark. He is not the type to lie, and I have known him for ten plus years, but it does sound odd.

I guess it could be reasonable to hypothesize that the UV converts some of the other cannabinoids into another form, or THC into THC-V? Just guessing. What do you all think? I personally thought it would just dull the buzz and make it weaker.



My first thought is placebo effect. I'd be surprised if the light made any sort of regularly detectable difference one way or the other.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I always thought UV light, or any light for that matter would degrade thc. I always dry in the dark, but a few times I dried with a 1000 watt bulb burning so that it would heat the room therefore drying the buds faster. I was in a pinch - but I didn't notice any difference in potency at all. Even tasted the same. I call BS. Just thought I'd ask to see what others thought.

The more and more I associate with people I am becoming to realize everyone has an agenda, and real friends are hard to come by. Sorry, i'm starting to rant - I think I need a toke!



I've read here often that UV light will degrade THC. I've also learned that what I experience in reality doesn't always match up to what I've read here. Haven't tried, but I'd be surprised if the effect of drying under some light was that noticeable. When someone swears it is, I guess I tend to think it's in their head. Not a lot of faith in people I guess, lol.
I wouldn't do it. UV and excessive/unneeded light exposure will start killing your buzz. All depends on light intensity, though. At low intensity, nothing is really going to happen except for wasting energy lol.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I've been told UV light would help continue the change from clear trichomes to cloudy; to amber?
I'm afraid to try it....:chin:..no guts..:)
mabey if you found a way to keep the buds in the daark but get the heat of the light,

regardless just hanging it upside down and curing it in jar in the dark is the best way to cure the buds evenly ill just stick to that


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I've been told UV light would help continue the change from clear trichomes to cloudy; to amber?
I'm afraid to try it....:chin:..no guts..:)

If this is true, this could explain why he gets a different buzz that he prefers. Possibly he is not letting his plants finish long enough and the UV acts as a finishing system for him? I hope that is true because I hate to think of him as a BS lol.

I'm gonna try this soon, the reason is I like the sundried buds from the tropical regions makes it turn yellowish gold and changes the smells in a positive way. also it might kill any mold or mildew mostly always present in small amounts though not visible with the naked eye. It's an interesting idea TGT, I'll report back in a few weeks.


Kiss My Ring
i'm not calling bs 'cause everybodys high is different, hard to even come by a high anymore, just seems it's normal...
Even though it might not make a difference potency wise, UV light is used many places to kill of mold and onder kind of bacteria. So it might be possible that you with help of UV light could compleatly avoid getting mold to develop while drying/curing. - just a thought though, nothing i have experience with yet.

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