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Dry Sour 60 bud + hash


Well-known member
whats your problem bro?

btw i dry my bud till it loses 2 3rds of its wet wieght and from my calculation that bud should of only wieghed 24 grams fresh of the plant.

Well Mr 2/3's
Thats not too safe...
since the 20% crumble zone
and the 30% MOLD zone

25% conversion value to calculate dry weight from fresh weight.

This value was chosen because published cannabis figures1 supported it, because preliminary tests by growers have shown it to be accurate, and because it's the average most likely to be encountered over the long term when working within the 20% shake-threat and 30% mold-threat threshold range. 1 Marijuana Botany 1981, RC Clarke, p153: Marijuana Grower's Guide - Deluxe Edition revised 1990, Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal, p303

You R saying U let Bud sit @ 33%

U R askin for Mold
and just quit callin me a Hater and really answer my questions?


Well I dont care about the weight but I kind of have to agree.. They have to be compact as stone to have that kind of weight.

Just took my HBD down, was 119g wet and ended up with 29g dry. As for me I always count on getting 1/4 of the wet weight.

Buds look nice anyway mate, enjoy.


Active member
Well Mr 2/3's
Thats not too safe...
since the 20% crumble zone
and the 30% MOLD zone

25% conversion value to calculate dry weight from fresh weight.

This value was chosen because published cannabis figures1 supported it, because preliminary tests by growers have shown it to be accurate, and because it's the average most likely to be encountered over the long term when working within the 20% shake-threat and 30% mold-threat threshold range. 1 Marijuana Botany 1981, RC Clarke, p153: Marijuana Grower's Guide - Deluxe Edition revised 1990, Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal, p303

You R saying U let Bud sit @ 33%

U R askin for Mold
and just quit callin me a Hater and really answer my questions?

What is your question?


Active member

i don't really care what it weighs, its the high and mighty attitude that pisses me off?


Somebody is VERY new to this"

the photo shows no depth, it could be 3-4 lighters high? i'd rather say well done than start doubting? if i was new to this site and he said that to me i would stick two fingers up to icmag and find another forum.
dont go gettin all faggoty on me i was just trying to play devils advocate and expound on where Dr.B might be coming from. i didnt have a high and mighty attitude, are you saying im new to this?
yeah it might be 3-4 lighters high, thats possible but i doubt it since its only about 2 lighters wide, most weed grows conical from center, so it cant be 2 lighters wide on one side and 4 lighters wide on the other, doesnt even make sense. sour60 prolly is the absolute shit i wouldnt know, and i dont doubt your claim. and you're right its about the quality not quantity.

also i doubt that weed is even half as wide as my keyboard. /me grabs tape measure...

this keyboard is 8.5 inches across from top to bottom. keys only 5.5 inches F5 to spacebar. the average bic lighter as shown in that picture is about 1 inch wide.

at any rate, i dont know how i got into an argument in a subforum i never visit, good luck with your future endeavors all of you, nice looking nugs. peace, and im out.

and btw weed loses 75-80% weight to water. its a fact.

The Hummus Monk

Active member
None of this changes the fact that all fuzzybritches brings to auto forums is a pile of negativity...I guess he needs to vent...so we can take positives from all this knowing that we're actually helping him balance his life out!

We love Dr Fuzzybritches!!! Woo Hoo
Well Mr 2/3's

Thats not too safe...
since the 20% crumble zone
and the 30% MOLD zone

25% conversion value to calculate dry weight from fresh weight.

This value was chosen because published cannabis figures1 supported it, because preliminary tests by growers have shown it to be accurate, and because it's the average most likely to be encountered over the long term when working within the 20% shake-threat and 30% mold-threat threshold range. 1 Marijuana Botany 1981, RC Clarke, p153: Marijuana Grower's Guide - Deluxe Edition revised 1990, Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal, p303

You R saying U let Bud sit @ 33%

U R askin for Mold

and just quit callin me a Hater and really answer my questions?

i dont have too much to say to that other then ive been happy enough with 1/3 of my wet wieght for years and ive never suffered mold ever? maybe the fact that i cure after dry sucks out all the extra moisture, but i dont really wiegh through/after the cure, im just happy to smoke my nicely manicured dry buds!


read the thread!

read the thread!

dont go gettin all faggoty on me i was just trying to play devils advocate and expound on where Dr.B might be coming from. i didnt have a high and mighty attitude, are you saying im new to this?
yeah it might be 3-4 lighters high, thats possible but i doubt it since its only about 2 lighters wide, most weed grows conical from center, so it cant be 2 lighters wide on one side and 4 lighters wide on the other, doesnt even make sense. sour60 prolly is the absolute shit i wouldnt know, and i dont doubt your claim. and you're right its about the quality not quantity.

also i doubt that weed is even half as wide as my keyboard. /me grabs tape measure...

this keyboard is 8.5 inches across from top to bottom. keys only 5.5 inches F5 to spacebar. the average bic lighter as shown in that picture is about 1 inch wide.

at any rate, i dont know how i got into an argument in a subforum i never visit, good luck with your future endeavors all of you, nice looking nugs. peace, and im out.

and btw weed loses 75-80% weight to water. its a fact.

high and mighty attitude? thats drGbG!

new to this? that was a quote from the good dr. i see you took it the same way i did?

thread = ruined


Ohhh my.. lol. I thought it was damn funny, raz gets out the ski and proves Dr No wrong and he goes right after the next person to question him... Why has he not been talk'n to about trolling yet? This gets a little old. If we went into his forums and talked trash for the pure intent to sir up an argument we'd all get "the talk". Sure he is intitled to his opinion but we all fall under the same IC dictatorship sooooo.

And whats with the 1981 books.. Can't you get some updated manuals? I wouldn't take Dr no's advice anyways, anyone who treats people with such disregard gets the thumbs down in my crew!


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