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Dry Sieve BHO


I am going to be making some dry sieve BHO. I've collected about 3 grams unpressed kif by filling a mason jar with bud trimmings, putting a pantyhose on top, and freezing and shaking. Its virtually free of plant matter under a 10x scope, however it was a tad moldy (very minimally), so I could see a few white hairs under scope which i assume to be mold.

Not wanting to smoke mold I will be extracing it via BHO. I was gonna do an ISO run but I think the BHO will be more fun. Tomorrow I make the extraction vessel. It's a 12 gram CO2 cartridge from an air pistol. the neck where the gas comes out will be bored and a hole for the tane drilled on the bottom. (Quite handy for small runs and $1.50 full of C02)

The trim was also 2 years old. the resin glands are very dark brown. It looks like brown mexican H.

Do you think 2 coffee filters will filter out these fine hairs of Mold?

I am trying to borrow a digi cam to get some documentation. If I cant then I will do it again in 2 weeks and buy a camera if the results are favorable. Thanks for any comments.

Stay Frosty

you could put your kif in water maybe, then filter with the coffee filters. The mold is water soluble and kif isnt so the mold will wash through the filter.


off to the kitchen......

Well about 1 tsp. was put in a filter, flushed with 500 mls cold water soaked about 5 mins in water stirring alot. Its now drying on the filter, on a towel, on my warm monitor. Smells nice. Peppery and Earthy.

The trim kinda smelled like wet dog a bit.
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Looked a lot cleaner. Dark amber heads, some clear trich stalks, and the odd leaf particle. So I feel it looks clean enough to smoke. Tastes good, hashey and lots of bite. Really stings when exhaled through the nose. I've got it pretty much dried all in about an hour.

Thanks for the help sir! +k if i can


the spores of mould are designed to stick onto anything, so specially resin will get it attached hard to it.

this means a water wash wont get rid of it.

butane wash is my recomendation


Thanks for the input on the BHO. The bad stuff has been frozen to -18C already... during the dry sift. I am wondering if BHO is antiseptic like ISO is....

Oct 20 Edit:

MMMM. It's delicious. A Glass-like, translucent, result with a deep red color when thick. Its the normal golden color in the dish. The red is red is fairly common with aged source material. The smoke has that "deep lung feel" consistent with rub or fingerhash.

3 Grams of unpressed kif, was loaded into a discharged 12 gram C02 container from an air pistol. Washed with around 100-150 grams of Colibri. Yield was about .75 Grams. The extraction was normal except all the dry sift is now a hard lump of spent hashish inside a container with only 1/4" openings.... 2.25 gram ball of hash aint coming out any 1/4" hole....... <-- go for it ;)

I will post some pictures ASAP.


Well I did again, I'm really enjoying the results.... I find by just leaving the washed crap in there, ( its never full more on this later), I can usually get a second wash of equal yeild by breaking up the chunks. I just add new stuff when it stops yeilding. The thing is the pressure, from butane expansion inside the vessel, compresses the kiff much like a cold hashpress. This can be a problem when using tapered vessels. Plugging and blowouts, Ive had 1 blowout on 4 runs and generally stop extraction due to plugging. The sides of the vessels also have a good coating of empty trichs.

I have made a plea for another camera, so wish me luck.

I would really like to see/hear someone else's results. I know it seems gluttonous but give it a try! I know someone else has made oil from kiff.

I also have some questions about BHO and how it affects moldy material. Is it antiseptic like alcohols? I do understand the extreme temp SHOULD render the spores inactive... but I also read spores can survive cold temps so I am undecided. (i.e. winter time in Canada) Don't really wanna have to grow some molds to find out. ;)