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Dry Ice


Active member
well i have yet to smoke any dry ice worth my time..
but all means educate me

start with photos of melty dry ice hash..

i doubt they exist.. cause if you understand the process.. its simple..
EVERYTHING falls thru the screen

if you dig it.. awesome.. but please dont compare it bubblehash.. that melts into a liquid..

my two cents

Bubble man

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Can ice water hash be made with dry, very dry, popcorn buds? It would seem that as dry as it is it would be powdery and thus small enough to fall thru the mesh along with the heads.


New member
yea i agree just did a run of dry ice and was not impressed at all. Serious yield but not worth the time if your after high end. And in all reality the quality of full melt is what people want, and also the yield with bubble bags isn't bad when you take into account the lower grade stuff from the non money bag. I mix them together and its as good as any imported hash. Also bubble in my opinion is far less work, maybe I just have gotten the process down but its faster for me.


New member
i dunno bubble is pretty easy how can you beat freeze trim layer with ice dump in water mix with drill and big mixing paddle and strain


Freedom Fighter
i dunno bubble is pretty easy how can you beat freeze trim layer with ice dump in water mix with drill and big mixing paddle and strain

By skipping all those parts...and using dry ice instead--
To be honest, I have 40-50 lbs of trim at a time...so I actually do all...BHO, Dry-Ice, Bubble...but I have had more ppl wanting the Dry Ice Keif (Because it is cheaper, and still good) than the Bubble-
I'm going with the Amber, myself--:tiphat:


Also bubble in my opinion is far less work, maybe I just have gotten the process down but its faster for me.

There's no doubt that using Bubble bags can produce good to great quality ice water hash, but dry sifting is by far the fastest method for plant essence extractions (and the only method that isolates the resin heads intact in their full flavored natural state (and undissolved as with petrochemicals and unwashed as with Bubblebags),

I'd be smoking a bowl of dry sift before you even got back from buying ice, if you had enough ice in the fridge, I'd be high long before you put down the drill (and lets not mention the fact that you have to wait a week before the bubble hash has dried and is smokable)

And although I've never tried it, I definitely think that dry ice sifting will be able to attain the same purity as standard dry sifting can if the right processes are used.

As I mentioned previously, it's the ability of dry ice to maintain extremely low plant material temperatures with extremely low humidity levels helps the resin heads snap off easily but the downside (that no one seems to be working on) is the fact that blocks of dry ice act the same as frozen chunks of steel or other material in that they pulverize the plant material...add this to the fact that quick freeze dried material will powder easily adding contaminants to the sifted resin.

I'm sure that soon, due to the sheer numbers of growers and hashers there, it will probably happen in California, a dry sifter will work out a method for dry ice extractions that will produce excellent quality.

This will probably be with the ideal sized pieces of dry ice (perhaps in powdered or granulated form? as there's no way that using big chunks is the way to go), the right timing, the right humidity levels, the best suited technique etc. I think that if dry ice was used to maintain low temps during the sifting process without being in direct contact with the plant material (as frozen plant material quickly returns to the ambient room temperature) or with minimal contact then this should produce better purity....sifters could start with experimenting with shaved dry ice, a gentle action and a short duration of sifting and see what happens.

And/or maybe if (powdered or granules) dry ice is used during the re-sifting process to help the contaminant break up and pass through the finer meshes (while the resin heads remain on the mesh) might be the way??...time will tell, if I had access to heaps of plants and dry ice I'd put my theories to the test....until then, I'm all talk and no action!
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Well-known member
well i have yet to smoke any dry ice worth my time.. but all means educate me
start with photos of melty dry ice hash..
i doubt they exist.. cause if you understand the process.. its simple..
EVERYTHING falls thru the screen
if you dig it.. awesome.. but please dont compare it bubblehash.. that melts into a liquid.. my two cents
Bubble man

i don't take pics so none to post, but to me...i can't tell the diff... and i find it way easier then straining bubble bags...


New member
You might be able to get to smoking it in under 10 min but I have my shit dry and bagged in 2 days max. But I don't press it and keep it as powder


Active member
Can the dry ice method be a good starting point before doing a dry sift through other meshes? Eliminate all the leaf matter, make sure dry ice result is dry, then go about sifting with the standard method using multiple screens? Or waste O time?


Active member
in my opinion thats about all its good for.
I have never seen a dry ice product that was worth smoking.. i call it farmers grade hash. The plant matter contamination on dry ice sift is very high.. so you would absolutely need to clean what you've extracted.

Bubble man


Active member
Made bubble with ice water again. Sooooooo much better.

But, yesterday I went to a medical fund raiser thing. This dude shows me a concentrate. I'm like "what grade?" He didn't understand my question. He had bho. He let me hit some vape pen thing which was tasty. Then, he asked me if I wanted hit it the way it's supposed to be hit. Lit a nail with a blowtorch and gave me a hit off that. Holy Fuck! I almost fell down. I got all dizzy. lol

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