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Drunk Moms, Stoned Sons


Space Ghost

drinkers are fine as long as they don't infringe on anyone's rights or choose strong drink over looking after their loved ones...

I'm not saying throw them in jail or anything, it's just a sad reality....

Tolerance is key to almost every facet of life.

Baba Ku

Active member
A firmer grip like it's society's responsibility to tell individuals what they should do?

Intolerance and disrespect is certainly deserving upon anything you don't agree with.


You can throw your little jack off icon up there all you want...it is not me being a jackoff. I suggest you wait until some drunkard kills some of your family, or perhaps rapes one of your young daughters...then you tell me society has no business telling a drunkard what he can and can't do.

Just because pot has been put on the same shelf as drugs and chemicals doesn't mean that we need to tolerate things that are killing people each and every day for no good reason at all. No good reason. Name one fucking good reason that folks who get drunk and endanger others should be tolerated.
Bullfucking shit.

Hell, Mustard...that's the naysayer mentality.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You can throw your little jack off icon up there all you want...it is not me being a jackoff. I suggest you wait until some drunkard kills some of your family, or perhaps rapes one of your young daughters...then you tell me society has no business telling a drunkard what he can and can't do.

Just because pot has been put on the same shelf as drugs and chemicals doesn't mean that we need to tolerate things that are killing people each and every day for no good reason at all. No good reason. Name one fucking good reason that folks who get drunk and endanger others should be tolerated.
Bullfucking shit.

Hell, Mustard...that's the naysayer mentality.

You sound just like Anslinger.

The drunks are going to kill your men and rape your women!!

A good reason people who get drunk should be tolerated is the US Constitution.

If we let people like you decide what we can do and how many children we are allowed to have, then we will no longer be living in America.

Name one reason people can't be free?


Active member
age appropriate behavior ...

age appropriate behavior ...

aren't they just adorable at that age?


Baba Ku

Active member
You get drunk all you want. I didn't say anything about you getting drunk. Bring it outside your yard, and I make it every fucking bit of my business.

The Constitution...please...
Tell what the founding fathers said about Drunkards and Mountain men. Get a grip and don't even try the Constitution route..you will come up short there. The Constitution guarantees our states to remedy such things as they see fit.
You think drunk driving laws are draconian and should be taken away?

One good reason people can't be totally free to do what they want, is because it is in the very nature of man to bring misery and hurt to others.

Nope...you have no arguments yet.

Besides that...you damn betcha drunkards kill men and rape women...each and every damn day.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
try driving a taxi every friday & saturday night for the last 20 years in a city with 9 different colleges !!! my tolerance for drunks is below zero at this point . these kids have no clue how to handle themselves at all . they drink till they get fall down stupid drunk . yeah i know its thier first time away from any family structure but please have a little common sense !!! is that really asking to much ??& that pic that fisted sister put up .... perfect example !!! then you have the hardcore professional drinkers .... now they're alot of fun ....NOT !!! most times i ride around with my doors locked looking for the happy crowd .... but when you have to get around all the police & ambulances cuz of the fights & whatnot . you have to wonder to yourself ...why the fuck is alchohol still legal ???? I have no use for drunks of any kind . its not alowed in or around my house .... even my kids know if they're going to drink ..... don't come home till your sober or its gonna be hell . I'm not saying all drunks are assholes .... but i've seen too much how it can turn a good person into a complete and utter asshole . needless to say ... i don't drive the weekends anymore .... just can't handle it anymore .
sorry for the rant session but this hits a sore note for me .
You can throw your little jack off icon up there all you want...it is not me being a jackoff. I suggest you wait until some drunkard kills some of your family, or perhaps rapes one of your young daughters...then you tell me society has no business telling a drunkard what he can and can't do.

Just because pot has been put on the same shelf as drugs and chemicals doesn't mean that we need to tolerate things that are killing people each and every day for no good reason at all. No good reason. Name one fucking good reason that folks who get drunk and endanger others should be tolerated.
Bullfucking shit.

Hell, Mustard...that's the naysayer mentality.

some countries in the middle east like the UAE and Dubai ban alcohol

I think our society would be better off if we didn't push alcohol on the people so hard. alcohol is too normalized imo

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It seems that we have a much different tolerance towards people as a group than we used to.

Remember we used to be a lot less judgemental and xenophobic?

I must differ over the "very nature of man" the way Baba sees it.

The less we accept others and the more harshly we deal with them the less human we become.

Don't find a monster in your mirror someday.

Saying legalize pot while saying why is alcohol still legal is just disgusting.

I'm going to the mountains.

People have gotten ugly.

I'm going to be sick.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I'm going to the mountains.

People have gotten ugly.

I'm going to be sick.
I couldn't agree more !!! i'm constantly sayin to the wife that i want to move into the mountains .. grow my own food & stash & just live off the land like our forefathers did .... i could very easliy become a hermit . i know the day she dies & if i'm still able .. i am doing just that ... moving out into the woods somewhere where nobody can bother me .
people have really changed sense i was a youngster ... & not for the better as I see it . I have friends that are really concidering revolting against the government .... stock piling guns & everything !!! this is nuts !!! they talk about concentration camps being built by the government & everything . people are just fucked up today ... what happened ??? family members that are crack heads & loose their kids to the system for the sake of thier next hit . freinds planning against the government ... family that would rather drink than have any type of normal life ... its just all to much for me . i feel sorry for anyone who brings a child into this world now days !!! whats that kids life gonna be like in the next 40 or 50 years ?

I dunno anymore !!! I think i was born a hundred years to late ... really .
I just want a peaceful existance , but it seems like the world won't leave me alone .

Sorry just in one of my moods today ... see ya all later . stay safe & high .

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The Constitution...please...
Tell what the founding fathers said about Drunkards and Mountain men. Get a grip and don't even try the Constitution route..you will come up short there. The Constitution guarantees our states to remedy such things as they see fit.

The 21st Amendment repealed Prohibition... but feel free to try again.

This Mountain Man is going out for a breath of free air and maybe even a drink. I'm all packed up... later haters!


Baba Ku

Active member
Prohibition means you can purchase booze and legally drink it. Or at least the federal government can't stop you from buying it.
However they still control its sale and distribution.
And like I said, the minute you bring your drunken stuper outside of your yard, all bets are off and you are no longer protected by anything.
And rightly so.
It is you that needs to retry.
I do indeed hate people that drink and drive with no care for the health and well being of others. Actually, I find it hard to hate anyone truly..but I can sure dislike the fuck out of these damaging people.
You go drink a barrel of it...but you get in public with your uncontrollable shit, or drive, and I can only hope it is just you that pays the price, and not some innocent other.

BTW...the founding fathers were perceptive enough to realize that drunkards and mountain men had absolutely no clue as to what the real issues of the day politically were, and that there votes were often bought for whiskey. This fact was precisely why the Electoral College was devised and put into place. We still have these same mountain men (the projects are full of them) and drunkards who have absolutely no clues to the issues, yet can effect the lives of each of us with their dubious votes.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Prohibition means you can purchase booze and legally drink it. Or at least the federal government can't stop you from buying it.
However they still control its sale and distribution.

You obviously have lost your grasp on reality.... again.

Prohibit does not mean allow.

I do indeed hate people that drink and drive with no care for the health and well being of others. Actually, I find it hard to hate anyone truly..but I can sure dislike the fuck out of these damaging people.
You go drink a barrel of it...but you get in public with your uncontrollable shit, or drive, and I can only hope it is just you that pays the price, and not some innocent other.

I don't think you have a problem hating people.. you just have to dehumanize them in your own mind first.

A lot of people don't drink barrels and drive around drunk... they are responsible users just like many who responsibly use cannabis.

If you would realize that demonizing any substance by generalizing those who use them just distances you from society then maybe you'd quit using blanket statements.

You aren't any better, different surely, but no better than any other individual out there in the scheme of things... though I'm sure you will argue that.

BTW...the founding fathers were perceptive enough to realize that drunkards and mountain men had absolutely no clue as to what the real issues of the day politically were, and that there votes were often bought for whiskey. This fact was precisely why the Electoral College was devised and put into place. We still have these same mountain men (the projects are full of them) and drunkards who have absolutely no clues to the issues, yet can effect the lives of each of us with their dubious votes.

Our founding fathers drank... quite a bit actually.... what exactly is your point? We can't directly elect a president because of projects?

I don't think you should have used the word precisely.

The more you post the more narrow minded you appear.

Take it back to Prohibition and start again please.

Baba Ku

Active member
I don't have one bit of problem with people imbibing in alcohol. I myself enjoy an occasional drink. But, I have also been on the side of things that I enjoyed more than an occasional drink. I am guilty of the things that I lobby against, like driving drunk and being drunk and disorderly in public. I think that having first hand knowledge and experience gives me at least the right to voice my opinion. And you know what, I am spot fucking on right too...and you damn well know it.

How many people were killed last year and their deaths could be directly attributed to cannabis use? How many?

Now, how many people were killed, and how many of those victims families were torn apart from simply because people drank alcohol to excess?

Really...you don't have one bit of a good argument. I am not against the responsible use of alcohol..not one bit.
And if you think that a drunkard that places others in danger is on the same level as I am, and compare his alcohol use to my cannabis use...you are simply making a loons argument.

I ask you, is it OK for a person to drive drunk...especially when they can handle it better than most can and don't have lots of trouble? Do you think they should just do away with these draconian laws and let drinkers do what they will and be completely free?

I tell you...it really pisses me off when people try to equate alcohol with pot. Especially someone who should know better.

(the repeal of prohibition there dip...you know what I was talking about...sheesh)

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Yeah, we pot heads should show some respect and tolerance to alcohol and drunkards.

I haven't been issuing an argument, I've been expressing amazement with certain attitudes.

People deserve respect.

Tolerance is rare with some these days.

Baba Ku

Active member
And what a fucked up society we live in when a known killer such as alcohol is lobbied for. While pot, which is known to be completely benign (or at least not detrimental to ones self and others only as a consequence), is seen as the demon weed.

Tolerance...is in the eye of the bee holder.