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Drug test?? noooooo!!!!!

I think it worked............knock on wood

I think it worked............knock on wood


Alright fellas I used the synthetic piss (see above) and I think it worked. I really didnt trust my own urine considering how much I medicate. This is how it went down I threw the bottle in microwave to heat it up then threw the heat pad on, and wore long ass socks and tucked it in there. 20 minutes later I arrive at my destination. I check in and they call me back. I get back there and some big black chick says empty your pockets fool just like MR. T. At this point im shaking cause Im a pussy. So she tells me grab the cup go in the bathroom to give a sample she reminds me dont flush + dont wash your hands. So I get in there luckly she is not watching, and I begin to squirt potion in the cup all while making loud squirt bottle noises, I wait a min or so and exit she is right there almost as if her ear was on the door. So I give her the cup and she looks at the temp guage funny its not reading so she dumps it in a new cup and there it goes its reading she says there we go. She packs it all up sets next to all the other samples asks me to sign the form I was super shaky and jittery then she tells me good luck with the job and have a good day. Thank the budgod its all over now its just a waiting game. And after its all over I head to the smoke shop to exchage the $35 dollar unopened detox drink for nice little glass piece so I could enjoy the rest of my day, the smoke shop says tuff luck we dont do exchanges, return, refunds what the fuck oh well so Im just waiting smoking on the nirvana big bud hopefully everything goes well Ill update what happens thanks for responses/input it helped me feel more confident about this mumbo jumbo peace ~lvcloset

FOR THE PEOPLE IN CALI = I wonder if I was in cali and had doctors rec/med card. I could just tell the employer that I will test positive for thc but its my medication and I have all the proper paperwork. Does the company still have to hire me cause it would be discrimation if they don't?? I basically have the job it just depends on the outcome of the drug screen.
Pre-Employment drug screen? Psshhh...they will not watch use synthetic urine that can be purchased at your local head shop for $30. Works like a charm just make sure the temp is correct.


FOR THE PEOPLE IN CALI = I wonder if I was in cali and had doctors rec/med card. I could just tell the employer that I will test positive for thc but its my medication and I have all the proper paperwork. Does the company still have to hire me cause it would be discrimation if they don't?? I basically have the job it just depends on the outcome of the drug screen.

I have wondered the same thing but I think it comes down to the employers choice. If you tell them you have a medical card, they could still refuse to hire you because they cant have someone high on the job even if it is medical.

I have a cool story, happened to me just recently. I had an interview for a big business and knew they would test. My gf told me she heard they did a mouth swab and I'm not sure how to get around that one. I decided if they let me come back on my time and piss I'll get someone elses to pass it...On the other hand if they wanted to test me right there I would be honest and explain that I smoke occasionally at parties. Well I did well on my first interview, they sent me back for a second right then and there. After the second interview they said congrats pretty much but we need you to take a drug test in back. A mouth swab. She asked if I had any questions and I told her honestly I did smoke. She asked if I had any prior convictions with marijuana, which I do not, and she said no problem dont worry about it lets go take the test. The test was positive for THC, I could read it but they just looked at it said ok and threw the test out.

My friend told me a similar story when getting hired at a different location in cali. I guess the employers understand it isnt that big of a deal as long as you dont come to work high.


Active member
FOR THE PEOPLE IN CALI = I wonder if I was in cali and had doctors rec/med card. I could just tell the employer that I will test positive for thc but its my medication and I have all the proper paperwork. Does the company still have to hire me cause it would be discrimation if they don't?? I basically have the job it just depends on the outcome of the drug screen.

Most corps. get a fat tax credit for having a drug free workplace. A federal tax credit...


half cat half man half baked
Don't use women pee if your a guy... that's just bad, "i've heard stories" where the sample was busted for having birth control, or the woman was ovulating or some other weird shit.

I've proved this myth false in my experiences.
bad news......

bad news......

Well as it turns out that synthetic shit didnt work. Dont buy it or think of buying anything simliar. The employer called me and said the sample was not valid. Theres no re-takes he said we are unable to hire you :wallbash: all those interviews and tests that I did was a waste of time dam oh well ill find something sooner or later peace


Active member
sorry to hear you did not get the job.

i am going tomorrow with 'clean' urine...

will 4 ounces be enough?? (that's all i have!).:biggrin:
My condolences man. I was asked once in a job interview and I was honest, she said she respected that and simply warned that any use of impairing substances in the workplace would result in termination.


sorry to hear you did not get the job.

i am going tomorrow with 'clean' urine...

will 4 ounces be enough?? (that's all i have!).:biggrin:

That's good sleepy, can you get it fresh or are you re-warming? Good luck, be happy and confident you are about to join the club..


dehydrated urine is the way to go(got it online). It comes and just add water. Then follow all heating etc.... and sub away. Screw fake if the real stuff is still available. Haven't looked in a few years, but it worked for me once.

Peace :joint:


Active member
well it was fresh the other day...its been in the fridge.

i will be warming it up to about 110 degrees, then keeping it warm in a thermal mug until i go in...then i plan on stuffing it in my sock or under my 'junk' until i get called in.

i'll let you know.


Active member
so far so good.

so far so good.

it worked great and i hit the target temperature!

4 ounces was plenty...probably could have gotten away with 2 or 3 ounces of urine...i wasn't sure, so i wanted to make sure i had enough...

the test cup had a thermometer imbedded on its side and when i filled it to the line, it read 96-97 degrees!! WOOHOOO!!

so i will find out in 24 hours if i can start work on Monday...

its been nice not working, but i need the $$...

so back to work for ol' Sleepy...:whistling:

i hope this helps anyone out there, i have never 'cheated' on anything like this before (its none of their business anyway)...i was stressing a bit.:dance013:

i'll let you know how i make out.


ICMag Donor
No need to worry if you don't want to do the substitution method.I just had a test today the employee handbook listed every possible drug.But they only gave the 5 panel test.I haven't smoked in quite awhile.

But i did a bunch of reading ,cause i was worried they might test me for an oc .Here's a great link on dilution.These guys are smoking the day or 2 before the test and passing.It seems a a detox drink and dillution works best for this method,great reading too ....

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prop 215 in California says that employers are not required to make an exception for mmj users


5 panel what joke. I can be denied a job for some thc. yet be a massive alcoholic with a benzo addiction and be in like flynn...


Active member
5 panel what joke. I can be denied a job for some thc. yet be a massive alcoholic with a benzo addiction and be in like flynn...

i agree...its insulting that they can even test.

what can you do?

mine was a 10 panel test...

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