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Drug Czar's Pot-Potency Claims Go Up In Smoke


Active member
By Ryan Grim
Source: Huffington Post

cannabis Washington, D.C. -- A newly released report about marijuana potency undermines previous claims by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) that the drug's potency has hit record highs.

In May, the media ran wild with stories of highly potent pot sweeping the nation, as the ONDCP announced that their testing showed average marijuana potency had topped 10 percent THC-level for the first time ever. THC is the active ingredient in marijuana.

"According to the latest data on marijuana samples analyzed to date, the average amount of THC in seized samples has reached a new high of 10.1 percent," reads the announcement by Gil Kerlikowske, the Drug Czar.

But the full report is now available and it shows that the 10-percent bar is only crossed by throwing hash into the equation. Without hash, the average potency was 8.52 percent. The average potency of hash was 20.76 percent.

The Marijuana Policy Project obtained the full report, which is produced by the Marijuana Potency Monitoring Project at the University of Mississippi.

Connoisseurs would enjoy reading the whole thing, which is available here -- http://big.assets.huffingtonpost.com/MPMP-report.pdf -- as it breaks seizures and potency-measurement into "Buds," "Kilobricks," "Loose leaf," "Loose other," "Thai Sticks" and other categories.

There is also debate over whether there is actually a problem with higher-potency marijuana, with advocates arguing that stronger pot means that users end up smoking less for the same effect, thus sparing their lungs.


they always twist the facts and tell half truths because if they told the truth they wouldn't have a leg to stand on.


This report is from last quarter.. "December 16, 2008 thru March 15, 2009"

The new drug czar wasn't even nominated until March 14th, 2009. I think we should wait until next quarter before attributing "claims" to him.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
sounds like they been testn schwag lmao n seeds n stem pressed hash


Active member
This report is from last quarter.. "December 16, 2008 thru March 15, 2009"

The new drug czar wasn't even nominated until March 14th, 2009. I think we should wait until next quarter before attributing "claims" to him.

"... reads the announcement by Gil Kerlikowske, the Drug Czar." The article doesn't say when Mr. Kerlikowske commented on the report. One can draw the obvious conclusion that it was after he was appointed and confirmed.

Methinks thou doest protest too much...



"... reads the announcement by Gil Kerlikowske, the Drug Czar." The article doesn't say when Mr. Kerlikowske commented on the report. One can draw the obvious conclusion that it was after he was appointed and confirmed.

It doesn't really matter that much, after looking at the data it's not all that shocking. But, this report is data that was compiled before the new czar took over, that's all I'm saying.

The title of the article is misleading, which is surprising since it's from Huffington Post.

It should read something like, "Reefer Madness Is Alive And Well: Media Once Again Distorts Official Report On Cannabis Potency"


Patient Grower
I think we're on the edge of hypocrisy here. Haven't we worked hard to get hashish and oil included in Prop 215 as cannabis? Or did I miss something, did they just throw hashish into the mix this year in order to generate the headline?


New member
THC in seized samples has reached a new high of 10.1 percent

Without hash, the average potency was 8.52 percent.

i don't understand

look here
it says 34%
i know people exaggerate but an exaggeration of more that 3 times???

whats going on here?
If they want some weak samples, probably can dig up something for them. Really, ever think that they target high grade ganja more than the shit weed? Anymore, they look stronger having busts that say, "HIGH POTENCY" and "HYDROPONIC" and things like that in the tabloids.

I can probably step on some weed, if that helps them; plenty of tactics to turn great bud into shit.


New member
Elephant Bud raises the bar so high, nothing else will be able to match it for at least another 10 years.
do you know this personally?

The 10.1% figure from the govt is the average
I also wouldn't trust what most seedbanks claim
ahhh... it's the average
and yes i realize that it's THEIR web site making the claims

never believe raw statistics without at least doing a bit of research.
lol, what? that would involve googling something and about 1/2 hour:joint:

Anymore, they look stronger having busts that say, "HIGH POTENCY" and "HYDROPONIC" and things like that in the tabloids.
oh yeah ---> ya know they gotta keep the sheep happy
oh yeah ---> ya know they gotta keep the sheep happy

Yep they have to buy the voters, the voters pay for their lives. It's very sick, how much people play on truths and in fact keep these truths things to worry about. Small truths, become huge mind freaking situations on the news. That turn back into small truths, that land people in huge mind freaking prisons.

It would be neat, to have every legislator and other official that makes the way for everyone........to go to prison for one day, and be an inmate...no PC; if you get ass raped, try to press charges, if your cookies and cakes get stolen, deal with it, if you get beat up....remember to blame yourself and the ones that wrote the laws.

Honestly, the best security law makers have; is them being stupid, it's hard to blame a dumb ass.