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Drug Czar doesnt Want to be Drug Czar anymore


Active member

It's hard to imagine a worse job than defending the drug war every single day, and it looks as though Gil Kerlikowske has had about all he can take:
President Barack Obama‘s drug czar is among the contenders to become the first Chicago police superintendent in Mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel‘s administration, the Chicago News Cooperative has learned.

Gil Kerlikowske, whose formal title is director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, met last week with Emanuel in Chicago and was in town again over the weekend for an interview with the police board, sources told the CNC. (Chicago News Cooperative)​
This could make for an early end to Kerlikowske's term as head cheerleader for the U.S. War on Drugs, but it isn't hugely surprising. He struck me as a rather reluctant drug czar, willing to read the script, but uninspired when it came to the dirty game of D.C. drug war politics. I'm tempted to speculate that he never fully appreciated the extent to which the job simply involved performing public relations duties as Americans grow increasingly disgusted with everything that office stands for.

His recent clash with the Seattle Times over a marijuana legalization editorial made for some pretty embarrassing press and really cemented the already well-understood nature of the drug czar position as basically a cranky government stooge who wags his finger at proponents of policy reform. It's not glamorous work, but worse, it isn't even important in any of the ways that someone like Kerlikowske would want it to be. You don't get to fix or change anything, so unless you love the drug war exactly the way it is, the job is utterly unrewarding.

If Kerlikowske does move on, it will be the second high-ranking departure from ONDCP under Obama, and it should raise new questions about what the hell actually goes on over there.


Enormous Member
The problem with getting rid of jack-ass politicians is that you never know if the next one will be even worse.


Kiss My Ring
how could it get worse than this administration?

i was glad to hear Gil wants out, he most certainly was caught up in the deceit. from what i learned of him, he was fooled by Nobama saying there would be change...

wtf. this administration is worse than Nixons'.


how could it get worse than this administration?

i was glad to hear Gil wants out, he most certainly was caught up in the deceit. from what i learned of him, he was fooled by Nobama saying there would be change...

wtf. this administration is worse than Nixons'.

You don't think the feds saying they will lay off the growers following their states laws was a change?

Don't hate just to hate man...

Change takes time...and its moving in the right direction...imo...

When I first got my license I was actually pretty paranoid about the whole federal law vs state law crap....and knowing that my puny little 5x5 grow area with 1 1000w light won't be causing me to get into trouble makes me feel better.

So there has been some change....

Ya its not perfect but still...its gettin there.


You don't think the feds saying they will lay off the growers following their states laws was a change?

Don't hate just to hate man...

Change takes time...and its moving in the right direction...imo...

When I first got my license I was actually pretty paranoid about the whole federal law vs state law crap....and knowing that my puny little 5x5 grow area with 1 1000w light won't be causing me to get into trouble makes me feel better.

So there has been some change....

Ya its not perfect but still...its gettin there.

I agree. There have been huge strides taken in the past few years under this administration. Easily the biggest steps in any living persons lifetime. I'm not saying this is because of this administration, but more likely despite of. Say what you will about following through, but Obama's little memo about not attacking people following state law has empowered a lot of people. Like Aksala, that little memo helped people feel a great deal of legitimacy and the whole counter culture of marijuana users and growers has become far more mainstream.

I think yours is a crap attitude trikerider. you seem like a good guy, but you may want to rethink that comment as it makes you look like a snot-nosed kid.

[pipedream] Maybe Obamah told Gil his job was going to be eliminated and he better put the feelers out? [/pipedream]

This is good news, though the point that the next guy could be worse is a good one. Lets hope we see the light someday soon. Uruguay, Spain, Brazil, Jamaica... the tide is turning.


Active member
I cant necessarily give them 'credit' but they are one of the first mouthpieces that have discussed it on more than one occasion. Sure 98% of it may have been bullshit, but its that 2% that we grasp on to and keep the momentum rolling.


Active member
How many of y'all lived through the 80's??


LOL My adolescence was in the 80s. I was a part of the 'DARE' and 'Just say N2O' and the 'This is your brain' generation.

I must say, it did pique my curiousity quite a bit :laughing:


I saw my first government anti-psychedelic film in 1968, as a freshman in a rural high school. I knew they were lying about Vietnam, and I figured they were lying about psychedelics. The film awakened the irrepressible conviction that this was an area I had to explore first hand. Before I embarked on this spiritual quest, I read all the scientific literature I could lay my little mitts on, as well as the Alpert, Huxley, Leary, Lilly, Tom Wolfe books, before the spiritual call from my soul to the Universe resulted in abundant manifestations of the Moksha medicine. I learned that the government has a vested interest in keeping us all from seeing behind the curtain of their deception. Over the past 43 years, nothing has changed. And let's face it, nothing has changed since governmental authority has been created as an instutiom (as Phillip K. Dick states in VALIS, "Empire never ended"). As an attorney once said to me, "Don't forget. You're dealing with the government. Same old sh__, new flies.". Only way to change it is to stand up to it with truth in our hearts and minds.


You don't think the feds saying they will lay off the growers following their states laws was a change?

Don't hate just to hate man...

Change takes time...and its moving in the right direction...imo...

When I first got my license I was actually pretty paranoid about the whole federal law vs state law crap....and knowing that my puny little 5x5 grow area with 1 1000w light won't be causing me to get into trouble makes me feel better.

So there has been some change....

Ya its not perfect but still...its gettin there.

They are not busting the coops yet but they are working to put them out of business by using the IRS and FDA. They haven't let up just changed tactics. Wave and smile at you while they stick a knife in your back.
Kudos to the writer of that article. It is a thorough encapsulation of the mentality required to do that job- ie, complete and utter moral apathy for a six figure paycheck- while never being vicious or mean-spirited. And also kind of funny in a dark way.

Thanks for the link.


Active member
For all of you that think it is getting better, the DEA just said the "gloves are off". There next move is going to be eradicating the medical cannabis industry. They are trying to make Sativex the only game in town. GW pharmaceuticals are in the final phase of getting Sativex passed through the FDA. Raids keep happening and they will get much worse. Obama is a liar.


Kudos to the writer of that article. It is a thorough encapsulation of the mentality required to do that job- ie, complete and utter moral apathy for a six figure paycheck- while never being vicious or mean-spirited. And also kind of funny in a dark way.

Thanks for the link.

Indeed. It's the law:

Reauthorization Act of 1998 Title VII Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 1998: H11225 said:
(12) shall ensure that no Federal funds appropriated to the Office of National Drug Control Policy shall be expended for any study or contract relating to the legalization (for a medical use or any other use) of a substance listed in schedule I of section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) and take such actions as necessary to oppose any attempt to legalize the use of a substance (in any form) that--
(A) is listed in schedule I of section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812); and
(B) has not been approved for use for medical purposes by the Food and Drug Administration;

Hahah I mean, really? Our country's willful ignorance is written in the law. :(


Kiss My Ring
I agree. There have been huge strides taken in the past few years under this administration. Easily the biggest steps in any living persons lifetime. I'm not saying this is because of this administration, but more likely despite of. Say what you will about following through, but Obama's little memo about not attacking people following state law has empowered a lot of people. Like Aksala, that little memo helped people feel a great deal of legitimacy and the whole counter culture of marijuana users and growers has become far more mainstream.

I think yours is a crap attitude trikerider. you seem like a good guy, but you may want to rethink that comment as it makes you look like a snot-nosed kid.

[pipedream] Maybe Obamah told Gil his job was going to be eliminated and he better put the feelers out? [/pipedream]

This is good news, though the point that the next guy could be worse is a good one. Lets hope we see the light someday soon. Uruguay, Spain, Brazil, Jamaica... the tide is turning.

the tide is turning for countries outside the jurisdicton of the fascist amerika perhaps, but this snot nosed kid carries a hanky.
you may want to borrow it when you find the truth.


...it is none of my business what you think anyway...
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For all of you that think it is getting better, the DEA just said the "gloves are off". There next move is going to be eradicating the medical cannabis industry. They are trying to make Sativex the only game in town. GW pharmaceuticals are in the final phase of getting Sativex passed through the FDA. Raids keep happening and they will get much worse. Obama is a liar.

It's a mixed bag, egh? Because, in my humble opinion, if we legalized, your entire county would be royally fucked beyond words in a matter of 3-4 years. Of course this is highly debatable and has been the subject of endless debate on here. Just my opinion.



so explain to me again what the obama administration has done for marijuana???

I can't say specifically what they have done directly for our cause, but I will say that the legalization movement has made huge strides under their watch. I don't think it is the intent of any politician to undermine the dollar flow that got them where they are and the money wheel associated with marijuana prohibition is a huge one. It isn't just going to stop rolling for you, me or anyone else.

We are at a unique place in history for the cannabis plant. The public mostly sees that it is safe, and sees it as a medicine for some, and sees it as a benign pleasure drug for others. This is a new attitude!!! Non-users were terrified of marijuana 15 years ago. People saw it as a dangerous drug. People looked at pot smokers as people who didn't shower and didn't hold jobs. The reality of it is starting to set in now where people realize that their coworkers, friends and family smoke sometimes, and that being a pot smoker isn't being a slave to your bong all day every day. Responsible use is just as prevalent as the irresponsible use that people associated with pot smokers since they were the only ones they were aware of. I would guess responsible use is more the norm for society at this point.

the tide is turning for countries outside the jurisdicton of the fascist amerika perhaps, but this snot nosed kid carries a hanky.
you may want to borrow it when you find the truth.


...it is none of my business what you think anyway...

I've read the Haag memo tr..

This was written to Oakland telling them that they couldn't open pot wharehouse grows without the feds putting up a stink. I don't think that surprised anyone. The feds are going to continually go after large grows and anyone who is making big money on MJ. Again, no surprises there!! The MMJ movement was never supposed to be about making money, it was supposed to be about making medicine available to those who need it. Legalization and Regulation is the next step we need to take and at that point free enterprise will be acceptable and expected.


Kiss My Ring
I can't say specifically what they have done directly for our cause, but I will say that the legalization movement has made huge strides under their watch.
...perhaps because they have made none...most of the strides in the perception of cannabis happened during the dreaded bush years, acceptance by the people has only been hampered by the vague reference B. Husssein Brobama happened to make regarding his use of the plant...and the blatantly false implication that his administration would somehow effect 'change'. the change was them stripping the facade/revealing the beast with ill regard for how brutally they operate.
I don't think it is the intent of any politician to undermine the dollar flow that got them where they are and the money wheel associated with marijuana prohibition is a huge one. It isn't just going to stop rolling for you, me or anyone else.
...was not disputed.

We are at a unique place in history for the cannabis plant. The public mostly sees that it is safe, and sees it as a medicine for some, and sees it as a benign pleasure drug for others. This is a new attitude!!!
...unique and quite unremarkable...
Non-users were terrified of marijuana 15 years ago. People saw it as a dangerous drug. People looked at pot smokers as people who didn't shower and didn't hold jobs. The reality of it is starting to set in now where people realize that their coworkers, friends and family smoke sometimes, and that being a pot smoker isn't being a slave to your bong all day every day. Responsible use is just as prevalent as the irresponsible use that people associated with pot smokers since they were the only ones they were aware of. I would guess responsible use is more the norm for society at this point.
...you aren't convincing, i do not consider it the norm to be hunted and caged for my benign use of a natural substance because someone with an agenda preempted such...
I've read the Haag memo tr..
...and do you suppose it pertained exclusively to Oakland?...
This was written to Oakland telling them that they couldn't open pot wharehouse grows without the feds putting up a stink. I don't think that surprised anyone. The feds are going to continually go after large grows and anyone who is making big money on MJ. Again, no surprises there!! The MMJ movement was never supposed to be about making money, it was supposed to be about making medicine available to those who need it. Legalization and Regulation is the next step we need to take and at that point free enterprise will be acceptable and expected.

...imvho, free trade concerning cannabis will not happen in my lifetime, with or without regulation. Pharma has a firm grasp on anything resembling regulation...lawyers, lobbiests, labor, line item veto...just sayin'.

suppose you look at the links in my sig, you might not wonder about my snotty attitude...you would be convinced.



Tr, I mostly agree with you about what you are saying. I know our government isn't serving us! By the way, when I said "responsible use is the norm for society" I meant to say for pot smokers within society it is more the norm. I am well aware that people go to jail for it.

Here is my thing. You are villainizing Obama like there is, or was ever a better and obtainable solution. To get your name on the ballot for either R or D you need to play ball with the corporations that support your party. It is very simple for me to understand this, and I find myself scratching my head wondering why the rest of the world seems blind to it. Nobody wants to do this for us. That doesn't mean it won't happen in my lifetime, let alone yours. I still have faith that we will get there soon. To much social uprising in the air over this issue. There will come a time when this issue is as much about government control as it is about growing a harmless plant. Other countries are trying to legalize and individual states are pushing it. The popular view of medical these days is that it is a veil for legalization, and I think a lot of people are now wondering what is so bad about that. Legalization = economic boost, and even more importantly control over the beast. You may be able to hang out at a hash bar sooner than you think!