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Drug accused faces caning in Singapore


A south Australian man charged with traficing cannabis in Singapore faces up to 20 years in jail and fifteen strokes of the cane.

Micheal karras was arrested earlier this month not long after the first anniversary of the death of Melbourne man Nguyen Tuong Van who was hanged for heroin smuggling in Singapore in 2005

Karras 38 is accused of trafficking 495 grams of cannabis and was arrested on January 9 at an apartment in Singapore.

The drug was allegedly found in four flat slabs

The amount of cannabis found is crucial because under Singapore’s though drug laws trafficking more then 500 grams would be punishable by death.


one in the chamber
You'd have to be retarded to even want to go to Singapore if you smoke pot. Fuck Singapore.


Ya definately wont find me in Singapore....or the US for that matter.

Crazy Laws.....

What the hell is wrong with this world? It's just a mild intoxicant!