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Dropshipping cannabis seeds business with worldwide shipping


People are so fucking judgemental without any clue of what shit they are talking.

I understand your concern. Everyone wants that.

Where would you go if you want milk? To the cow or mall? There are probably 3 middle men involved until you actually drinking it.

You are looking at this wrong.
I'm not buying the milk. I'm buying the fucking COW.
If I want a specific bloodline of cow I'm going straight to the breeder.


Comfortably numb!
People are so fucking judgemental without any clue of what shit they are talking.
The people have spoken and it seems to me at least on the surface, they are telling you to sex and travel. We are not interested! Not everything these days can be labelled hate, because it is convenient to do so.


Well-known member
I'm not buying the milk. I'm buying the fucking COW.
If I want a specific bloodline of cow I'm going straight to the breeder.

But what if the cow you want is in a country that has a brucellosis epidemic, the USA won't allow it to be imported. You know the cow you want is disease free but the breeder won't ship it illegally. But someone else is willing to take the cow to Germany and ship it from there legally. And you really want that sweet sweet cream.

There was a guy in my area that was a distributor for several breeders that didn't ship to the USA. He was cool, easy to deal with and fair. But he left the seeds in their breeder packs. I've bought from a seed distributor that bought seeds from breeders and then packaged them. It was a fiasco, mislabeled the seeds I got.

Now you can buy hemp seed that germinate and sell them to growers as the real deal. Cannabis takes a long time to grow from seed, by the time the customers find they were ripped it's too late. I'm not implying you're dishonest and this is your plan but it's in people's minds and accounts for part of the negative reaction. You'll need to build a reputation as an honest and fair businessman to gain the trust necessary to succeed which ain't easy, especially with the time involved.

As legalization spreads it's getting much easier to obtain quality seed. It's much easier to contact breeders and either buy directly from them or from their reputable retailers. Not saying there's not a niche for what you want to do, I'm no expert but there's a reason there's not many people doing what you're planning. I'm not sure if there's talented breeders out there that will bite when there's plenty of distributors that sell breeder packs. There's nothing a breeder hates more then losing credit for their work.


The Tri Guy
This entire site and all the posts on it were paid for by a middleman business. Yes there was an actual company storing and shipping, but we weren't buying from breeders most of the time.

What this guy needs to do is contact other middlemen, and bring them together under a collective umbrella, like alibaba for cannabis seeds. He increases their sales, they get a reduction in profit per sale but an increase in overall profits. Everyone wins, where's the harm?


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I don't see gypo passing off others work as his own.

I know larger banks that do, but they marginalized themselves ages ago.


Well-known member
Wow, strange thread. LOL Lots of varying opinions on something that I thought was black and white.

All the things the OP talked about are standard business models in the US. And, pretty much always have been.

I'm not sure I understand the opposition. Very few businesses take raw to retail. There are almost always a number of middle men. Retailers. wholesalers, reps, dealers, distributors.

Many home improvement companies are like this. In home salesman selling something they have nothing to do with. A private contractor comes in behind him and does the work under separate contract.

I know very few manufacturers who sell retail.

Not taking one side or the other. Just saying I don't understand the opposition's side.



Just this guy, ya know?
One of the points of the internet was to remove the middleman who provides nothing of value except lining his own pockets. Also coming in and asking the people who breed/grow the weed, to sell him their product so he can resell it while providing nothing of value? Kind of a dick move, even in bird culture.


Well-known member
I respectfully disagree. I don't think Bayer will ever start selling aspirin direct on the internet. Nor will CocaCola.

Some business models allow for direct sales and others don't. Plus, some companies don't want the hassle of retail. I'm sure Bayer and Coke could do it if they wanted to. Why don't they? It simply doesn't fit their business model.

America was built on middlemen. The small Mom and Pop store that made nothing and sold everything. All the way up to WalMart. I think you are wrong saying the middleman adds nothing. I was a 'middleman' much of my business life and I added plenty to the products. Like tech support that the manufacturer simply did not do. Like customer service 24/7, again, that the manufacturer would never do.

No big deal. Everyone s entitled to their own opinion about capitalism. Personally, I'm a capitalist and it's been good to me. People who have failed at it generally don't like it. As long as it's honest, I'm all for it. If 20 people can make money off of every bottle of Coke sold rather than just Coca Cola making money, how can that be bad?

Love you bud. Please don't take this as an assault. ;)

Just curious... what do you do for a living?


White Beard

Active member
Capitalism is a deeply misunderstood concept - like love and socialism.

The basic structure of capitalism is to induce /entice investors to risk *their money* on an endeavor that will enrich *you* first - and them afterward, if they’re lucky. Most businesses may be for profit, but they are not capitalist, they are largely self-funded free enterprise. Capitalism feeds off the would-be wealthy, and the workers.

I could be wrong, but I doubt you ran your business on those principles.


Well-known member
Wow, strange thread. LOL Lots of varying opinions on something that I thought was black and white.

All the things the OP talked about are standard business models in the US. And, pretty much always have been.

I'm not sure I understand the opposition. Very few businesses take raw to retail. There are almost always a number of middle men. Retailers. wholesalers, reps, dealers, distributors.

Many home improvement companies are like this. In home salesman selling something they have nothing to do with. A private contractor comes in behind him and does the work under separate contract.

I know very few manufacturers who sell retail.

Not taking one side or the other. Just saying I don't understand the opposition's side.


IMO, and this is just the way I view things. If OP were to purchase the seeds himself or take them on credit, advertise and sell / ship them himself i wouldn't have a problem with it, as he would be doing some actual work himself.

Its the fact he isnt even willing to do any of the ground work himself. He isnt even willing to find a vendor himself, thats why he has posted here asking us if we know of any such places :laughing:

Hes literally come posting here with his hand out, saying link me up, so i can hike the price of seeds up for all of us guys, the consumers, and make lots of money whilst not even lifting a finger or leaving the house. Then wonders why people are taking it the wrong way lol.

As i said earlier, everyone now a days just wants something for nothing and wants to reap the rewards without ever putting the hard work in, to be i dont find that attitude very attractive.

Especially as the price of seeds is ridiculous as it is. What happened to being in it for the love?


Comfortably numb!
IMO, and this is just the way I view things. If OP were to purchase the seeds himself or take them on credit, advertise and sell / ship them himself i wouldn't have a problem with it, as he would be doing some actual work himself.

Its the fact he isnt even willing to do any of the ground work himself. He isnt even willing to find a vendor himself, thats why he has posted here asking us if we know of any such places :laughing:

Hes literally come posting here with his hand out, saying link me up, so i can hike the price of seeds up for all of us guys, the consumers, and make lots of money whilst not even lifting a finger or leaving the house. Then wonders why people are taking it the wrong way lol.

As i said earlier, everyone now a days just wants something for nothing and wants to reap the rewards without ever putting the hard work in, to be i dont find that attitude very attractive.

Especially as the price of seeds is ridiculous as it is. What happened to being in it for the love?
What a summation :) +1


The Tri Guy
My knee jerk reaction was the same as the haters at first. "Here's someone else wanting to wade into the weed world throwing cash at it to become a big name".
But then I realised that people have different skill sets. The guys who are chin deep in plants, on the whole, dont want to be messing around promoting web sites etc. This guys in a location that he can't be chin deep in plants.
The internet can be used to let mom sell her tea cosys without needing a distributor but it also let's people come together to achieve what they can't alone.
This guy has a particular skill set, its better to put things in place that generate an advantage for us by suggesting things you'd use rather than simply saying " we have everyone we need, go away".


Comfortably numb!
My knee jerk reaction was the same as the haters at first. "Here's someone else wanting to wade into the weed world throwing cash at it to become a big name".
But then I realised that people have different skill sets. The guys who are chin deep in plants, on the whole, dont want to be messing around promoting web sites etc. This guys in a location that he can't be chin deep in plants.
The internet can be used to let mom sell her tea cosys without needing a distributor but it also let's people come together to achieve what they can't alone.
This guy has a particular skill set, its better to put things in place that generate an advantage for us by suggesting things you'd use rather than simply saying " we have everyone we need, go away".
Let's just say that prose wasn't/isn't his strong suit :)


Just this guy, ya know?
My knee jerk reaction was the same as the haters at first. "Here's someone else wanting to wade into the weed world throwing cash at it to become a big name".
But then I realised that people have different skill sets. The guys who are chin deep in plants, on the whole, dont want to be messing around promoting web sites etc. This guys in a location that he can't be chin deep in plants.
The internet can be used to let mom sell her tea cosys without needing a distributor but it also let's people come together to achieve what they can't alone.
This guy has a particular skill set, its better to put things in place that generate an advantage for us by suggesting things you'd use rather than simply saying " we have everyone we need, go away".

you know after reading that I have to agree with that I apologize if I came off like an asshole, but I am an asshole :biggrin:

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
The reason we are here on this site is because we are passionate about cannabis. The wrong type of people to pitch selling rebranded seeds too. Genetics are different than Chinese plastic products bought on Amazon for us enthusiast folk.

And just because someone disagrees does not make them a hater. That word gets thrown around a lot when someone just voices their opinion.

Op, give it hell hope you make a ton of money, just won't be my money.


Active member
The "Drop Shipping" model is mostly used in this industry (on this side of the ocean, EU) between the wholesalers and the "empty seedbanks". Most of these seedbanks are "hard discount" offers but not only, a couple of "brick and mortars" brands with fabulous pics of high tech nasa labs (rent for one day at 500€ for the shooting) use also this model.

So, the practice is lot common but not literrally. It's on a specific model than is not so compliant with what we can see basically with chinese provider / western retailers. To quote one well known example.

By this specific aspect of the equation, you should contact wholesalers first and not specially seedbanks in your priorities to be able to set something in this vein. They have generally a load of "seedmans" than are working for them all year round to fill the market with bulk seeds. The most shitty job on earth in this industry imho, high risk, bad paycheck, full charges on you, boring and same genetics all the year...

In fabulous NASA labs on marketing, more on tents in dense decentralized homegrown spaces in reality off course lol

If you're skilled at it at the origin, i'm pretty sure than you can set interesting strategy with the reliable (biggest) EU wholesalers. Over the "decorum" and drama queens of the scene, they are generally rationnal people open to discussions about business models and pleasant to work with. But don't dream, they are not there for charity and you have to fight hard with them to make decent profits.