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Droopy Clones



are they in a humidity dome? they will dry out in about 5 seconds unless you keep the humidity really high. so defintely get those babies under a humidity dome of some kind, and start spraying them with plain water every few hours.

also the 200w might be a bit much, clones dont need a lot of light, they aren't growing yet, just popping roots. i would suggest using a flouro instead. if its the only light you have, put it several feet away from the clones.

good luck
growerinshorts said:
are they in a humidity dome? so defintely get those babies under a humidity dome of some kind, and start spraying them with plain water every few hours.

Any suggestions on making a humidity dome with stuff around the house?
Will they die if I can't get something till tomorrow night?



you can put them in a tupperware container, and then put saran wrap over it. anything basically to keep them sealed, and the humidity up. I would also suggest spraying them. dont wait until tomorrow, they will continue to wilt and die.
growerinshorts said:
you can put them in a tupperware container, and then put saran wrap over it. anything basically to keep them sealed, and the humidity up. I would also suggest spraying them. dont wait until tomorrow, they will continue to wilt and die.

Excellent idea. We've got them in a plastic container with plastic wrap over the top. Sprayed the clones and the container... they're also under a desk lamp, flouro.

Wish us luck and thanks for the help.


New member


Hey spongebob420,

Your immediate problem is too much light. In addition to this you want to have your RH up between 80%-100% which is the reason your being told to use a dome.

Your need to keep the clones about 4 to 5 feet from that hps. the HID is too intense for the clones at this stage. You also want to change out the water in those cups about every 2 days. the purpose of the air pump is to agitate the surface area of the water in the jar, this maintains the o2 levels in the jar. If you dont use a pump (which is not necessary) then you need to change your water frequently.



full time daddy
yes yes and yes......

im working on a new thread... i have a good cam im just waiting for the moms to grow to take more clones....

make sure the water temps are 78-80 and thats about it roots in a few days.......

no nutes stem in the water leafs out

iv seen b-1 put in.
i add nutes ( 50 ppm) as soon as they root ( 1/2" -1")

thats it....
Dutchgrown said:
How's the clones....are they perking up? Sure hope so. Give us an update! :D


They seem to be perking up now. I have them covered with plastic containers... keeping the humidity high.
Crossing my fingers... but I think they'll make it.



Glad to hear your clones are doing good.. I dont use the Rapid Rooter PLugs till i see some roots start to pop outa the stem of the clone.. Im sure its been harped out but you can get a 5$ air pump/stone from walmart and 3$ for a tupperware.. 8$ total spending and like a 99% success ratio if done right.. Though it sounds like your method is working out for you.

Well, don't think they're doing so good. Might have to resort to ordering beans. :(
It's been 2 weeks and still no roots.
The base of the clones are swollen and stinky.
We've even trimmed them and "started over" but still...
I do see one has 2 little roots poking out. YEAH! :D
But the others might be a loss cause.

Any suggestions?

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whats up

whats up

hey spongebob420

opening the root cube on a clone is a no no
do you pull them apart alot if so stopit you will ripp the root off the plant doing that
just my 0.02 cents worth
good luck:)
Re: whats up

Re: whats up

I've only done it twice in the two weeks... and it's a good thing, the first time I did it they were SUPER nasty, slimey, and smelt like sulfer.
So I trimmed em and "started over". Now we've got some rooting with one.. possibly two.

Thanks though.

southernsmoker said:
hey spongebob420

opening the root cube on a clone is a no no
do you pull them apart alot if so stopit you will ripp the root off the plant doing that
just my 0.02 cents worth
good luck:)