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AppAlachiAn OutLaW
HEy Ic has anyone ever thought about getting a drone to check plots with and also the area around the plot before going in? there could be several ways a guerilla could use on these to his advantage..u could check on plants and never have to go to the plot to make a trail to see if the plants was still healthy..and u dont have to fly it very low to get great pics..hell they make some with killer photo lens on it that can zoom in..ive always loved the remote control cars,boats and air planes when i was a little kid but these new age drones are badass..whats your guys opinion on it some do's and dont's of this ideal,lets discuss?


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
lol me2 man..just depends on what u want..anywhere from 100$-5,000$ + i think after this years harvest i will get one in the 150-200$ price range to test out to see its capabilities before i buy a more exp one..i would love to be able to fly over my plots during the hot ass summer and check my plants out to see if they need water or not lol
another benefit i could see me using it for is just like the google earth thing that dont really show much layout of the area and with a drone i could get that..


Well-known member
It seems like a great idea if you can afford one. It would help to know things such as range, visibility at night, etc. If you could get night vision on the camera on one of those bad boys holy shit, I can't imagine a more discreet way to check on things.


Active member
Yes sir.but like most i lack the funds . I've also thought about game games with sms updates.again lack the funds.
Drones would be sweet but again the lack of fundage prohibits it.but 2016 will be the year of the high tec GG.stress free baybay.thats one of my main stress ' s . Did they set up a camera.thats why i wear a mosquito mask.harvest at night.scarry shit when your by yourself.danm snakes and b8gfoot be active at n8ght. ;)


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
It seems like a great idea if you can afford one. It would help to know things such as range, visibility at night, etc. If you could get night vision on the camera on one of those bad boys holy shit, I can't imagine a more discreet way to check on things.
ya thats my thinking but im to poor at the moment..if i get by with all 5 my delahaze this year i will get one for sure..i live out in the country so it would save me alot of rugged terrain climbing..hell yea nite time fly bys nice and silent would be ideal for sure
Yes sir.but like most i lack the funds . I've also thought about game games with sms updates.again lack the funds.
Drones would be sweet but again the lack of fundage prohibits it.but 2016 will be the year of the high tec GG.stress free baybay.thats one of my main stress ' s . Did they set up a camera.thats why i wear a mosquito mask.harvest at night.scarry shit when your by yourself.danm snakes and b8gfoot be active at n8ght. ;)
me to brother me to!

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Hello KygiaComo I have been an absolute fanatic all of my adult life, when it comes to flying machines, though I hasten to add that I never did become a pilot. To feed my airliner fascination, I have set up in my home a simple desk-top simulator with a realistic flight yoke, throttle quadrant, and rudder pedals, based on Microsoft FS9 and FSX, on which I learn the fine detail of operating Boeings jets, and now Airbus birds, using addon products from Level D, PMDG and Aerosoft.

On a smaller scale, I own a cheap RC coax helicopter that takes fairly decent pictures from as high as 500 feet up, and I am currently putting together a powered Bixler 2 glider that should be capable of staying aloft and filming FPV footage for up to a half-hour, while I pilot it from a ground control station in my home.

For purposes of scoping out potential grow spots, however, Google Earth is a great way to obtain free aerial photographs of any area of interest, with resolution that is pretty amazing, and certainly good enough for deciding on the location of grow spots.

If you are looking to get into RC flying as a hobby and not necessarily as a means of spotting suitable grow area, then by far the most heavily visited website on this subject is RC Groups, where the level of technical know-how available is truly mind-boggling.

Whichever route takes you to RC flying, I assure you that your initial crashes and frustrations will eventually be replaced by some of the most exhilarating times of your life, as you finally begin to amass enough knowledge to keep your aircraft flying for progressively longer periods of time.


  • Land Rover By Catfish Pond.jpg
    Land Rover By Catfish Pond.jpg
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  • Horizon Beyond Catfish Ponds.jpg
    Horizon Beyond Catfish Ponds.jpg
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Active member
With kids, growers, rippers and the law the skies are going to be very crowded come harvest time.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Ha ha I hear ya 4Tokin. They'll need traffic lights up there to control the mad swarm of flying machinery, both large and small, now that the prices of UAVs are dropping down to where mere mortals like me can afford one.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Hello KygiaComo I have been an absolute fanatic all of my adult life, when it comes to flying machines, though I hasten to add that I never did become a pilot. To feed my airliner fascination, I have set up in my home a simple desk-top simulator with a realistic flight yoke, throttle quadrant, and rudder pedals, based on Microsoft FS9 and FSX, on which I learn the fine detail of operating Boeings jets, and now Airbus birds, using addon products from Level D, PMDG and Aerosoft.

On a smaller scale, I own a cheap RC coax helicopter that takes fairly decent pictures from as high as 500 feet up, and I am currently putting together a powered Bixler 2 glider that should be capable of staying aloft and filming FPV footage for up to a half-hour, while I pilot it from a ground control station in my home.

For purposes of scoping out potential grow spots, however, Google Earth is a great way to obtain free aerial photographs of any area of interest, with resolution that is pretty amazing, and certainly good enough for deciding on the location of grow spots.

If you are looking to get into RC flying as a hobby and not necessarily as a means of spotting suitable grow area, then by far the most heavily visited website on this subject is RC Groups, where the level of technical know-how available is truly mind-boggling.

Whichever route takes you to RC flying, I assure you that your initial crashes and frustrations will eventually be replaced by some of the most exhilarating times of your life, as you finally begin to amass enough knowledge to keep your aircraft flying for progressively longer periods of time.

great info bro..im gonna check that out for sure..ya i just like the ideal of being able to fly a few these things for a hobby..after i got some experience on it then i can just use it to fly around over growing spots here in my area..im not to worried about the skies being heavy here..i live way out in the country and rarely ever see choppers,aircraft little lone other drone flyers here..i would know if anyone had a drone here in my area..my town is only got a little over 500 ppl lol :laughing: i only thought about the drone as i was researching it for fun and hobby flying that it may be something i could use to my advantage..so i can work smart and not as hard :laughing:
thats awesome man 500 feet is prefect to do survellience with especially here where im from..is those pics from ur heli?

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
KygiaComo you definitely live in the IDEAL location for RC flying. I live in a comparatively remote area as well, BUT, I happen to be right under the descent path of airliners heading to an airport about 50 miles away.

The airliners don't have their landing gear down when they rumble in overhead, so I know they are well over 3,000 feet up, meaning that when I eventually get my FPV Bixler airborne, I will need to be very careful to stay under 1,000 feet altitude.

Luckily you have no such concerns you where you live, and the sky is the limit, so to speak. Enjoy the RC hobby when you get going, for sure, because it is ALMOST as addictive as our gardening hobby ha ha.
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Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
Another cool thing would be if you have a grow partner when one person is taking care of the plants the other could be flying it in circles around the perimeter to make sure the person in the plot doesn't get caught.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
That is a cool idea, Midwest - the weed meister's version of a combat air patrol, using a small and virtually silent "eye in the sky" to scan for bogeys ha ha.

The technological advances in RC aircraft, just over the past five years, have been truly amazing, with such capabilities as autopilots featuring programmable automatic "Return to Home", at the touch of a button, or in the event of signal fade, all at affordable prices that even casual hobbyists can manage.


The technological advances in RC aircraft, just over the past five years, have been truly amazing, with such capabilities as autopilots featuring programmable automatic "Return to Home", at the touch of a button, or in the event of signal fade, all at affordable prices that even casual hobbyists can manage.

I went to a demonstration 2 weeks ago and drones that can do this(hang at the same spot/height with GPS, land and return home, easier to control because they balance themselves) cost a lot of money, easily 1000+ euro. If you want to take good quality pictures with a gopro(rubbish pics at night though) I wouldn't want such expensive equipment hanging on a cheaper drone that can crash in a few seconds if you're not careful.
Where I live they are working on laws concerning these drones, which will basically make them illegal to use besides on your own property.
Kind of bummer because it's awesome tech, but I rather have it this way than dozens of drones in the air all the time. Both for privacy and safety, if one falls on your head from 50 meters it's most likely lights out permanently...
As someone noted it wouldn't even be legal to use it to follow you while rock climbing or mountainbiking or whatever, and as an older gent noted they have been known to send cattle fleeing through barbed wire so it can have very costly implications even when used carefully.


^ Yes Defo and the rest! ...Fresh in My Mind Still,the Other day a news Channel Showed a "Drone,taking Pics" being shot down by Police at some Demostration! .LOL ..Sound eFFects were awesome!! ..or Imaginary Sound efx!!!,LOL,dunno :smoke:

Drones will cut LOADS of Jobs! .. Probably not a good thing for Humanity (Concerning that)
(^As well as make quite a few!)
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AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Interesting, use the drone as your eye to check before you enter a plot.

exactly and also to check if it needs water etc so we wouldnt have to make the long trek out in the woods if its not mandatory..less chance of getting seen,less paths to the patch as well:woohoo:

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