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Drip Clean question?


I am just starting to give H&G Dip Clean a try and mixed it into my 40 gal. rez after my nutes and ph adjustement. I have an air stone in the bottom with a lid on top of the rez. The rez will usually last about 5 days. When I checked it the other day when it was half full I noticed a white film all along the inside of the rez, which I am guessing was salt build up. Is this normal? Does this mess with the suspension, availability, and amount of nutes in my mix? I did notice that when I mixed a new batch of nutes without cleaning out the rez, that a lot of the white film came off from the sides and were mixed into the solution. It looked like little white flakes floating around. Any experience with this? And how do you like this product?


Active member
It can mess with availability in mediums where it can linger, eg soilless, coco etc. I've also heard it has issues with hard water.


Yes drip clean bring lots of stuff back to my rez. It is better now, but when I first started it looked like beach sand in the bottom of my flush rez. After ten days flush with Final Flush. I hav hard water no RO.


Active member
I have use pretty nasty water @ 280 ppm with Drip Clean and have never had any film build up before. Drip clean is one of those things that is cheap enough and seems to work well to add to any nutrient line you choose.


Active member
Drip Clean and all similar rinsing solutions on the market r simply concentrated magnesium sulphate (epson salts), which can b bought at a fraction of the price


Active member
yeah bigbag, basically most additives are just listed as magnesium sulphate on bottles only to deal with state regulators who don't really give a shit what you put in the product, so long as you can show proof of what you have on the label.

So listing magnesium sulphate is a way of protecting recipes and saving money on testing. next time you're at the hydro shop look around at all the additives, quite a few will say this

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