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Dried Trim----Bubble Hash Question


Well-known member
Hello All
I was going to order 5 gal bubble bags and decided to downloaded the directions. According to the directions I made a big mistake. The trim is suppose to be fresh and wet so you will not get any veg matter in the hash.

I have dried all my trim out. It is crunchy. :wallbash: :wallbash:

Can I still use the bubble bag method with very dry trim?

If not what would be the prefered method to make hash from dried trim?


Active member
as Bubba put it so well.. you can... the bags are designed to filter at different sizes to pickup different sized "bits" in your mix.... so they will get a lotta the junk out anyways...

even so... you are no doubt gonna refine your technique over time anyway until you get what works best for you....

hope you get lotsa nice bubble for your trouble :woohoo: