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Dreams you can remember and what you took.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I can be in deep dreams, force myself to wakeup, go right back to bed and be in same dream. I remember vividly. It is far better then my actual life.

Last night had 3 dreams my mother could get out of bed, one where someone gave me coke, but could not do, and 2 beautiful women wanting me to fondle them.

People wonder why I try to sleep so much.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Similar. But it has faded. There is a type of plant called the Dreamers Herb that can be made into a concentrate.

Last night a giant cat from years ago bit my fucking knuckle off.

It was painless but damn, we use to ride together, dog. Cat. I rode him. Like a horsey.

Makes me wonder what happened to his companion.

The desire to escape to another reality is strongly linked to depression, concious or unconcious. Whether internal or external is another matter.


Well-known member
I rarely seem to remember my dreams these days.... I blame too little sleep and plenty of weed.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Similar. But it has faded. There is a type of plant called the Dreamers Herb that can be made into a concentrate.

Last night a giant cat from years ago bit my fucking knuckle off.

It was painless but damn, we use to ride together, dog. Cat. I rode him. Like a horsey.

Makes me wonder what happened to his companion.

The desire to escape to another reality is strongly linked to depression, concious or unconcious. Whether internal or external is another matter.

I have been on anti-depressants for 16 years, and the do not do the job. Forgot to mention the vivid dreams are after taking melatonin and many beers.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Interesting. Alcohol and cannabis have both been lightly linked to reducing the type of sleep that produces dreams. Perhaps the melatonin plays a role.

I don't dream until the second or third time I nod off during the night.

Never taken the pills but have heard similar. Saw friends and family try and wasn't impressed with the result. Seemed like an emotional leveler. Gone were the lows but also the highs.


Personally. Everyone picks their own path.

There are some interesting accounts on Erowid about using herbal concentrations to enhance control while sleeping, if you poke around.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Interesting. Alcohol and cannabis have both been lightly linked to reducing the type of sleep that produces dreams. Perhaps the melatonin plays a role.

I don't dream until the second or third time I nod off during the night.

Never taken the pills but have heard similar. Saw friends and family try and wasn't impressed with the result. Seemed like an emotional leveler. Gone were the lows but also the highs.


Personally. Everyone picks their own path.

There are some interesting accounts on Erowid about using herbal concentrations to enhance control while sleeping, if you poke around.

I do not know why, but last couple of months I have been remembering in detail. The one I first posted about I remember feeling off balance in a trailer parked on a slope, and many being exhausted walking up stairs, although in real life am very fit. I wonder if concentrates might also add to it. Yesterday, was up for 21 hours, drinking and smoking, but no melatonin, and had two long detailed dreams. Not recently, but sometimes can realize I am in dream, and wake up out of it, close eyes, and go back into same dream.

Learned a trick once, that if you turn around in a dream, it will never be the same. Sometimes I have dreams about being in large office buildings, and can never find my way out. Occasionally get out, but can never find car.

Like I mentioned earlier, my life is so lame, it is most enjoyment I get.

Thanks, and Happy Holidays!!



Well-known member
I'm rarely aware of having dreams at all let alone remembering them.

But last night I took a Melatonin before bed and woke up in the middle of the night with a really great dream - I'm in a non-legal state but my 'doctor' in this dream had just prescribed that I smoke 1 oz of pot per week and my gov. was going to fill this prescription for free!:tiphat:


Active member
melatonin and LESS alcohol make me sleep and dream deeper. edibles have me sleeping half the next day haha

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The best bit about dreams is that when they get terrifying you usually just wake up......sigh, and say: 'Phew...it was only a dream'...and instantly you have removed yourself from certain death or destruction.

...and I'm damn glad that much of what I have dreamed about has not become reality, because sure as beans I wouldn't be sitting here typing about it.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
The best bit about dreams is that when they get terrifying you usually just wake up......sigh, and say: 'Phew...it was only a dream'...and instantly you have removed yourself from certain death or destruction.

...and I'm damn glad that much of what I have dreamed about has not become reality, because sure as beans I wouldn't be sitting here typing about it.

I don't dream anymore, between cannabis & other meds I just don't hit that rem sleep stage needed, but!!!

The last dream I had & remembered was likely due to the steady use of Ambien sleep aid, it was a sleepwalking nightmare, a wicked one.

I dreamed that my friend Dan (ALWAYS a gr8 attitude) & my sister were trying to break into my home to kill me. They made numerous attempts to bust down my bedroom door but I held it shut & warned them 'bout my gun (my.357) and my intentions to use it.

When I woke up I had my framing hammer in bed w/me & not my gun thank god, my dogs Alice & Kayla were looking at me w/fear in their eyes from within the kennel they rarely used.

As mentioned above I recalled holding my door shut, except the object I was leaning into was a 6 ft X 3 ft DVD shelf system, it holds over 350 DVD in their cases, most were scattered all over the floor, the shelves knocked from their perches as well.

After settling down my sweet dogs I caught a buzz and contemplated what went on in that dream, do you ever remember sleepwalking??? I don't recall getting out of bed & doing everything I did, however I do know why the shelves were ko'd & why I had the hammer, it had the same black soft rubber handle as the grips on my pistol.

It was in '08 or so as I recall calling my mom to give her a good laugh 'bout it, mom was always very cool, if she found weed in my jeans she'd always give it back to me; my mom was a drinker, so she understood my 'vice' and respected it.......

I miss you mom


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
I find that alcohol hinders me from dreaming, whereas cannabis does not most of the time.
I started practicing traditional zazen four years ago, and for some reason this is directly linked to me having lucid dreams all the time !
If I don't meditate for a few days it goes away, when I'm meditating regularly they're back again.
This is awesome by the way... "waking up" inside a dream, realising that you're actually sound asleep, and nothing's really real... there's few things that beat that feeling. It feels like the sun rising over your brain on a blue sky, glorious morning.
The great part is, after becoming lucid, you can do whatever you want inside your dream. Flying around and creating landscapes are obvious ones, and , ahem, sex too,.... but after a while that's not cutting it any more (as these things are pretty superficial yeah I know). I'm trying meditating in a dream now, but no success so far, as I seem to switch off gravity in my dreams everytime I try to kneel down to meditate (??).
Interestingly the clarity of my perception in a dream varies greatly if under the influence. After a couple beers, I wake up in dreams with a buzz that makes everything very dull and blunt and slow... too much heavy dope has a similar effect...

"Reality is wrong- dreams are for real" (Tupac Shakur)


Well-known member
Hi,hi. Last night i was dreaming about my house and my neigboer wich is current defense minister in my country.
I re!ember some thinks from thet dream with all my mind,colors and feeling.
Freaky nevil and few bears,some domestic weed and good fish was consulmeted before early sleeptime around 21h.

Dog Star

Active member
Freddie Mercury cutted mine head in one of a mine dreams,huge axe and after that i wake up horrified.. shit was look real..

but i also haved beautifull dream where i was a white pidgeon flying thru a sky
and making all kind of acrobat flying moves.. like a real flight simulation..

i love that dream a lot..

When i was little boy haved dreams that was coming in series,like TV serie..
you dream some stuff one night and few days or week later you dream new serie..
it was scary as dream was about nuclear holocaust.. no body on a World
except me and few survivors that killed self infront me to made stuff more
dramatic..no light inside house as electric company dont works any more..
cant found mother and waiting she comes from work but nothing happends..
silence that breaking ears.. true harsh feeling of lonliness..

maybe i dreamed a real future..


Well-known member
One of my craziest and funniest dreams I had. I was fighting a war like Alexander The Great I got a shield, spear and uniform everything. Lol, some war in India or some shit, we all start charging into battle shield to shield and I yelled "Greeks are strong!!" woke myself up and my wife's like " what the fuck did you say?" LMAO, my adrenaline was raging craziest fucking dream.

Been in shootouts a lot too, I must have hundreds of kills in the dream world. Lol


I very rarely remember my dreams and read this has something to do with cannabis.
If I go a day without smoke I have some messed up dreams, normally about loved ones being killed by monsters. Last one was the Mrs being killed by zombies.
I remember waking up pissed off with her because she was stupid to stand in front of a window. That's how the zombies got her lol.

The last dream I remember while having access to cannabis was about opening my tent and all my plants were laying on the floor smashed up. I was on a mission to find who had done it.


Active member
If you smoke herb for a long time then stop, the dreams get very strong. Usually my dreams are just muddled thinking. Nothing to really remember or examine. Other times they are intense. Prone to nightmares and always have been. But those can be revealing. Going to bed hungery increases this activity. Pretty much any discomfort increases the potency.

Dog Star

Active member
Once i falled in some apnea like state,it was hard to breath or i somehow
loosed rythm.. then i have vision or this really happend like some shadow hand wished
to suffocate me for real.. was fight down and was scared,right in a moment i started
to pray to God and event stopped.. i get awake..

man.. like demon comes to me and wished to kill me..demon shaped like
alien but whithouth body,more like black shadow entity..


Well-known member
my dreams used to be terrifying. i would be in a house at night with people outside trying to break in. i would find a shotgun in a closet, but only pistol ammo or vice versa. now, i keep my guns loaded to avoid that scenario in real life...an unloaded firearm is an awkward baseball bat with a fucked up handle.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I keep having this recurring dream where I'm on a game show, and the prize at the end is I don't die.

The issue is the challenges are stupid easy. One I remember in particular was I had to eat a small plate of mashed potatoes before it exploded, and I had 5 minutes to do so.