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dreaming and grumbling to make me feel better


Active member
(dear mods, if you feel this is better suited elswhere, please move)

i dream of the cannabis liberation front.

reason seems to fail those promoting prohibition and punishment, so i sit here, dreaming of the cannabis liberation front.

the cannabis liberation front are a, well organised, militarised arm of the legalisation/decriminalisation/normalisation of cannabis movement.

the cannabis liberation front are a more direct response to the "war on drugs".

the cannabis liberation front are world-wide, numerous, and largely anonymous.

the cannabis liberation front liberate non-violent prisoners, convicted for mere cannabis related corporate policy statute breaches.

the cannabis liberation front are peaceful and non-violent as much as they can be, and achieve their goals through force of outnumbering, rather than outgunning.

much like in mexico, where a druglord (whom are themselves products of the "war on drugs") can send in an army to liberate their convicted gang members, so too can the cannabis liberation front send in their army to liberate all the patients who simply wanted to theraputically supplement their endogenous cannabinoid system with natural exogenous phyto-cannabinoids. ... except of course the cannabis liberation front are a compassionate force, with no one getting killed.

the cannabis liberation front has secret members in all professions, such that they can say: "Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on: we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances, we guard you while you sleep. Do not fuck with us." just like project mayhem from the film fight club, except the cannabis liberation front are not interested in causing mayhem, only justice and peace.

the cannabis liberation front are you and me and everyone you meet. not everyone has become a member yet, but they will.

someday everyone will no longer put up with the intollerable injustice of criminalising and punishing those who utilise the most beneficial of plants, or those who help cultivate and distribute and provide it.

some day, we'll be so organised, and some day, we'll no longer need to be.

this is just a dream.

why do i dream of this?

so that i might be able to once again grow my own, and cease this suffering, without fear of persecution and re-experiencing the source of my ptsd, of being stormtroopered by those who are supposed to serve and protect us, but instead took away my medication all those years ago, forcing me back to the black-market.

i am once again sans-cannabis supply (cant even get through dealers), and all my conditions just keep getting worse. i am long past those initial couple days where the insomnia is from depending on cannabis to help get me to sleep, like nearly all chronic tokers who suddenly stop are familiar with. now my sleep is prevented or interupted by the spasms and itching. my endocrine system has gone completely out of wack again, unable to cope with the stresses of life, and i came too close to death again for comfort. the depression and anxiety are twin peaks too high to ascend without cannabinoids. the pharmaceuticals road didnt work, and only made things increasingly worse with mounting side-effects.

all those years ago, my day in court, i said i was going to try to deal with my medical conditions with stuff besides cannabis, and true that was, and it is such an endless education and exploration trying to find all the other things that work, and to go to the great lengths and expenses to get what's needed, and to keep up the time-consuming practices needed... it is a full time job in itself, just trying to be well without cannabis, and a futile job at that.

granted, ayurveda is amazing, and takes me farther than anything else, but it still seems like such an absurd convoluted conflaburation, looking up dozens of techniques and herbs, compared to the ease and simplicity of simply "supplement your endocannabinoid system with phytocannabinoids". still, ayurveda's way simpler, and way, way, WAY more effective than the solutions from "big pharma", who are obviously just a protection racket. (did you know that big pharma/medica are now the leading cause of death?! more than heart disease! they're around double the deaths of tobacco, anually!)

so yeah...

i dream of the CLF... and have a little ramble and grumble online to help me feel better.

it seems more positive than just wallowing in the despair at the horror of the drug war, punishing the innocent, torturing the sick, crippling the justice system, and generalling sending us all barrelling into degeneration and collective doom.

things are looking up though right? i mean, on the whole... progress is being made... we've such great examples to show the prohibitionists now. holland, portugal, colorado, washington, north korea. ... wait, what? north korea??? lol, yup, that one surprised me too. aparently the herb is no big thing there. they never signed up to anslinger-and-friends' drug war. ^_^ it's just treated and respected like a healing herb. clever way to take the pressure off the health care system. :) no protection racket "health care" system over there. :)

*sigh* ... well, i needed that. writing this helped take my mind off the discomfort while waiting for the b-vits to kick in n hopefully help me get back to sleep now.


feel free to share your own dreams and grumbles here if it helps :)

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