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DR60 Pl-l tent


Well been MIA for a minute, just enjoying one of the nicest summers I can remember. Hope the rest of you are also.

Wanted to do a smoke report while I'm vaping here and things are fresh in my head now that the buds have had a good while to cure. I will fill in the rest of the smoke reports (and bud pics) in the coming weeks as I individually taste test and get geared up to start the next run.

All the plants have been tasted multiple times now and while they are all distinct and enjoyable in their own way the all-around favorite of the bunch to me is the Kali China (kali mist x Chinese yunnan) x Orient Express (chinese yunnan x vietnam black). Sensual is a word that comes to mind when attempting to capture what it is about. I thought the zamaldelica, nepjam or the destroyer would hold the title of favorite since this was the beginning of a sativa hunt but the KCxOE wins. Now I really wish I had done her right and am strongly considering running her again so I can have more of this winner in the stash.


The smoke is very tasty and interesting. The smell is somewhat of a soft tropical fruit combined with an almost meaty/pungent tone. If it were stronger I could see it being somewhat unpleasant but it melds together very well and has the effect of being just on the verge of being a little weird but ultimately very pleasing like a good cheese. The taste is similar to the smell with a lot going on to the point where I am having trouble pointing things out. Best quick descriptor would be a "savory lemon dish" of some sort. Really good and to be experienced. The Ace seeds website describes the Kali China hybrid as such:

Like in 'haute cuisine', Kali China stimulates very different organoleptic areas, making this strain a delightful experience of the highest gastronomic level.

A portrayal I had not read before formulating mine but nice to see how apt a description it was (although pretty much useless until experienced in its vagueness). While many strain's terpene profile tends to lean heavily in one direction and get dominated by a specific flavor this one really does hit a bunch of different areas. I'm not exactly sure what notes the Orient Express is lending in this one but it was all good to me.


The onset of the high is pretty quick and continues to build with each hit of the vape. It doesn't take more than a few before the eyes start to soften up and a pleasant body buzz comes on. Music sounds good, things look good, touch feels good. I'm down to chat and hang out with friends with this one but not sure it would be my choice for a big party.


Visually, things take a vibrant, warm character somewhat like a old-school filter on photo processing software. I feel relaxed but not bogged down. Its not hard to get up off the couch to grab something but it certainly wouldn't be my first choice before a hike. Also, when I want/need I can focus the eyes and really hone in on something with almost tunnel-like vision. I've noticed this more than once but it it good for concentrating on what is right in front of you as it seems to really fade out the peripheral and bring the primary gaze into focus. Very good hybrid effects that doesn't destroy you unless you go after it heavy. You can get pretty ripped on this one if you try and it does finish off with a nice relaxing comedown where I am ready to hit the sack.

A great early evening strain.
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And to follow up on the little clone and various other seeded buds I did end up getting some happening. None of the c99 buds did anything, that pollen is toast.

Got about 2 packs worth :biglaugh: out of the destroyer x destroyer cross. The nepjam x zamaldelica only made a couple of seeds for whatever reason. The tiny clone from above, destroyer x zamaldelica male actually popped out a tenpack amazingly enough so I am excited that the male managed to pass on something after all. The destroyer x zamaldelica should have a lot going on in there.


K+ vibes
Wow man... I'm proud of you. Definitely one of the best micro grows on here... The setup is clean, and intelligent. Also your producing good stuff... Wish you kept all the keeper females you had... The Nepal, zamaldelica, and everything looks amazing dude

wish I had something to give you to try. I would believe me...

hmmmmm :)


Thanks for the kind words Dr.Young. Definitely wish I had the room to keep some moms too but I'm not too sad about it as there are new discoveries to be made!


New member
Hello 2000pm first let me start your grow and VG's quarters have inspired me to build my mod scrog cab using PLL lamps just like you but I have 6, anyways it doesn't say in this thread the penetration of your PLL bulbs and that's something I really want to know. Thanks in advance man


Hey Strogan glad to hear you're making a go at it. I don't know the hard numbers on the penetration, I think knna has done a lot of work in that sense with them in the past and I would suggest trying to find some of those posts on the subject.

I personally try to keep them around 4" from the top but a lot of it is dictated by the dispersion of the AH Supply reflectors as well as the bulbs themselves. As you can see in my second run with the C99 you can start them quite a bit lower than that and still achieve good results as long as you account for how tall they will finish.

edit: to update this old-ass post I feel like with my light I get useable buds down to maybe around 2' below the light max as long as the canopy above isn't blocking out all the light. This is also very pheno dependent.
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What's up everyone?

Will do the rest of the smoke report/pics I promise :D. I am stressing as I need to find a new job and all that so things haven't been moving as I would like.

Just wanted to do a small update as it is just about time to start up again. I put in 4x old Angolese x PCK into cups hoping for better results this time. They went into 100ppm GA3 for 24 hours before planting but after a week+ they still have not popped so I am moving on. I have a few of these left which I will try a higher GA3 ppm on later.

I am going back to the small square pots I ran for the C99 runs. Attempting to torture myself with a variety run again so brace yourselves for some un-dialed plants in the future lol!

16 seeds planted but there will certainly be males and such to cull out to reduce the total number. These just got put into coco cups:

2x Reeferman HB#4 (Viet Hau-bac #4 x (Hau-bac x chem D)) x (Hau-bac #4))
2x Top Dawg Stardawg (Chem4 x Tres Dawg) (late 2012/early 2013 drop)
2x CBG Mextiza (Oaxacan '79 x Nepjam (jamaican x Nepalese Highland))
2x ACE Banghi Haze (Congo x Nepalese Highland)
2x Tom Hill X18 (Pakistani IBL)
1x Cannaventure Triple Nova (Triangle Kush x Blackberry Kush BX)
1x Mosca C99 x C99 (my cross)
1x Mosca C99 x Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit (my cross)
1x CBG Peyote Purple (S1/"fem") (Bubba Kush selection)
1x Original Delicatessen Alice (Congo x Queen Mother) (fem)
1x Original Delicatessen Queen Mother (Zamal x Congo) (fem)

As I understand it none of these should run past 11-13 weeks of flowering this time around. After the last run I feel a bit more comfortable with these sativa/landraceish-based plants as far as requirements and training so I will try to approach them with a little less caution this go.

Crossing my fingers for a X18 and another C99 male for pollen chucking purposes.
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Thanks for stopping by timmur!

Update time. We are still in veg status so nothing much to see overall.

All seeds germinated. Had one X18 that came out as a mutant and never recovered, as seen here. Had an extra cotyledon and everything. Kept it alive until now but never managed to pop any real leaves and is on its way out.


Here's an early veg shot while they were still in the small solo cups.


One of the stardawgs came out as a weird little mutant/runt looking thing but eventually made it unlike the X18. As you can see in this pic, the small one was quite a bit behind. Today however it has made a pretty big comeback and while still low, has taken over the other stardawg in terms of vigor and leaf size. Runt L normal R.

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Here they are today, transplanted to their final square pots recently. You can see the peyote purple on the lower R side which is lagging way behind but is bouncing back.


I found the peyote purple along with the X18 (lower L) to be very nute sensitive compared to the rest of the crew. I have since flushed and been feeding them at half strength and they have made a good comeback. The triple nova also had a hiccup but a flush fixed it and it is back to full str nutes.

I have one other problem plant in the tent which is the C99. It started out looking fairly normal but has since grown out twisted mottled leaves and has since looked very odd. I feared that perhaps it was a broad mite type damage or something but no other plants have any sort of insect damage. They have also had a shot of azamax as a preventative. The coco is also mixed with diatomaceous earth to aid in pest control. Any ideas? Maybe Ph?


Other than that everything is going pretty well. I am trying out the Hydroponic Research Veg+Bloom for vegging purposes and planning on swapping to maxi/koolbloom during flower to cut the nitrogen down and out. I am liking it so far, slowly upped the ppms weekly.

Several of the plants are showing sex now, the taller stardawg is a male. Both mextizas appear to be female as is the C99xSDG. Others will still need more time. The plan here is to veg them out a little bit taller and when they get another node or two, I will chop them back to about 4 nodes and get a decent number of branches growing up for multiple tops. With this tight of spacing my usual attack of supercropping will not cut it. I'll then take some clones if needed and flower them once the have sufficiently grown in size.
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Good of you to come by KungEdvard!

Here they are a chopped topped and a week later. Very soon I will take the spindly bottom-most branches off and do a little selective defoliation as it is starting to get real packed in there.


The peyote purple and X18 were not topped but rather supercropped. The peyote is super slow to veg compared to the rest and I think supercropping will be less stressful while encouraging a bit more branching than topping for this one.
The C99 I heavily defoliated to see how the leaves would grow back and it is a weird little plant. Can't figure it out quite yet.


Wattup OakyJoe! You have a link to your grow? I love seeing what other people do with the little spaces.

DonDump and Hush both also have really cool DR/S60 grows here that I know of. It can be a bit of a pain but I do like stuffing it full to the gills.


Here they are today. Still being hand-watered with veg+bloom at about 1.2~1.3 ec. Swapped all bulbs to fresh ones, now 2x 6500k and 2x 4100k. Did a little defol but they will need more for some better airflow. I tried to label it best I could but its a real cluster in there so plants like the male stardawg and the weird stunted c99 are buried below.

This is one of the Viet x Chems.

You can see the kind of structure I'm shooting for with each of these plants in this grow. I'm trying to fill the space and get a decent number of tops per plant but limit the need for training. I grew them up and cut back down to about 4 nodes. On some plants I chopped them back to 4 tops and others 6 tops (peyote, x18, c99 are the exceptions). A couple like the Alice and Mextiza have needed supercropping on some runaway tops but I'm keeping it "evenish" so far.

I am going to have to flower soon with the size there are getting to. Unfortunately both the X18 and the PP are pretty small in comparison since they lack the vigor but I will dedicate a run to them after the sample here if they seem like something I want to have more of. I did end up topping the X18. The c99 still lives and grows but continues its weird small mutated existence. We will see what flower will bring.

The runty stardawg is also relatively small and slow vegging in comparison. It does stink a lot in veg and has the oft-seen stardawg veg leaf trichs.

Confirmed females:
Peyote Purple ("fem")
Alice (fem)
Queen mother (fem)
2x mextiza
1x Viet x Chem
1x Banghi Haze
C99 x SDG
Triple Nova

Confirmed males:
1x stardawg
1x banghi haze
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New member
yeah 2000pm that NepJam is still tripping me out! The variety in that grow was so cool... it's nice to see your dedication and skill. my favourite grow diary, plant wise, so far, I think. setupwise you're pretty damn decent, too! looking forward to updates! peace


Thanks cheese and ogtrails! Glad to hear you're enjoying the grows. A lot of these varieties I was scared to run due to sativa growth/height reputation but it can be controlled for sure.

I might be speaking a bit soon though because this run I let them get taller than I usually like before flipping (Sitting at about day 5 of 12/12 now) and am seeing a decent bit of stretch comparatively. I think it might be a combination of being clustered really tight together (light competition?) and using veg+bloom which is heavier in N than I regularly use.

Finally got my hands on a EC/Ph meter (Bluelab Guardian) to confirm the drops I was using before. It seems my Ph has been pretty good but I have been using a much higher EC than I thought I was. Thought I was in the 1.2-1.3 range but I am hovering closer to 2! They are still more or less healthy so I am hesitant to dial back down too much too fast but I will be tapering it down a bit. They get fed once or twice a day so it isn't like some continual drip or blumat type feed.

Here is the tent from last night:

The peyote purple up front (2nd from front R) is starting to pick it up but has been so far behind everything else that I don't think it is going to yield much of anything. The stems are very thin as well and it never really felt that robust, most likely due to the poor start I gave it. I did take some slips from each plant but poor upkeep in the fridge led to about half of them wilting down to an unusable state in about two weeks. We will see how the ones I did end up planting fare if I decide to use them at all (still got a ton of seeds left to go through...).

Removed the mutant/small C99 from the tent as it was taking up valuable space in such a packed space without keeping up. Also removed one of the banghi haze which has shown itself to be male as well. I don't plan on pollinating anything with that. Leaving the male stardawg (2nd from front L) in there until it gets close and then I will remove it to collect pollen. So far it seems like the only one I am going to chuck with in there.
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Hey yall tent update.

So we're on day 14 of 12/12 now. Plants stretched and are still continuing to do so although they are slowing down finally. Plants got taller than I would like with the lighting I have since the penetration isn't the best, nor do I like having to potentially stake or support top-heavy plants on long stems. We'll see how it turns out.

Here's the Queen Mother which is pretty representative of the plants in there in terms of structure and height.

Mashed together.

Top down.

With some defoliation and supercropping I've managed to keep them pretty happy so far this run. They were fed Veg+Bloom the whole veg and the first week of flower and currently I am adding maxibloom as the main nute and tapering the veg+bloom down.
Right now for females we got in no particular order, 2 mextizas, 2 viet x chems, 1 queen mother, 1 alice, 1 triple nova, 1 banghi haze, 1 stardawg, 1 c99xSDG, 1 peyote purple in the tent (11) and one stardawg male for a total of 12.

Some random growth notes, the X18 stretched like a bitch and was quite annoying to deal with until it slowed down recently. Probably the most nodal distancing on all of them thus far.
The Alice is the plant that is the stretchiest and is still stretching at a good clip. I have been supercropping the shit out of it and it shrugs it off like nothing. It grew into the lights one day and burned many leaf tips but no slowing down still. I finally had to weave the branches somewhat to reduce the height much like the diesel fire I ran a couple back.
Peyote Purple had a rough start and I'm sure contributed to how small it is compared to the rest. Its finally been eating full str nutes with the rest of them and is growing fast but it stalled for enough that its going to just be a taster. Real sensitive at first and not suitable for following the same nute schedule as the rest.
Triple nova was the fastest to get into flowering followed by the viet x chems. x18, peyote purple and alice are showing the least signs of flower formation, probably because of the energy still put into stretching :D.
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There's a burned Alice tip with the X18 in the middle and then Triple Nova.

Triple Nova closeup.



Once I feel like stretch is really slowing down I'll start stripping more of the lower growth and get them prepared to really get into bud formation.
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