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DR Hornbys BIG BUD


New member

First time using this stuff, anyone ever used it??
The directions are shite, i've checked up there site and from what I can make out I should only be using it for the first three weeks of 12/12. Problem Is i'm using a ten pot system and the ladies are all at different stages, not a problem with normal nutes as I don't put them in to the ten pot until there at full strength 12/12 nutes. I don't usually flush and i've never had a problem i'm worried about this stuff. If read that certain nutes when not properly flushed can cause joints not to light due, too much carbon if my memory serves me correctly.....any thoughts, nice to see a bit of activity on the forum again"!!!
You're right about the directions... they're shite.
But the product itself (especially if you know how to properly use it) is F A N T A S T I C !!!
So here's the deal
Mix it as close to 300 ppm as you can get, and use it anywhere from once a week to every single watering (your choice)... if you use it in nearly every watering it's basically manditory that you flush once a week. You'll get the best results using it all the time along with that 1 a week flush.
Begin using about 1-2 weeks into 12/12... and continue to use it until the last couple weeks of 12/12 or as soon as you cut off other ferts... and make sure you do a nice 2-3 days worth (or even more, if you like - everyone's different) of flushing to get it all out at the end.
You won't see more than 1/2 of what BB can do for you unless you combine it with Carbo Load OR some other nice organic source of sugars/carbs such as molasses.

There was a time when I would swear Ad. nutes sucked, but I've now learned from others a lot more about how their gear works and how important certain combinations/quantities are... so just in case anyone's seen an old post where I said I thought it wasn't any good, there's my explanation lol.



New member
Thanks man...i used it for two weeks and the difference was outstanding..used overdrive for the last two weeks and i sweat i can watch them swell infront of my eyes


Another tip to ensure your plants are flushed completely and taste great, is to use a squirt of Ecover washing up liquid in your water when yer flushing. It cleans the salts and minerals off yer plants roots, for better flushing. You dont have to go mad with the stuff, although it doesn't matter if you do, cause its all natural. You can get it at any healthfood shop, and tescos.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Captain Hook said:
There was a time when I would swear Ad. nutes sucked, but I've now learned from others a lot more about how their gear works and how important certain combinations/quantities are...

Advanced Nutrients' products do not suck, it's their marketing scam that sucks. More or less every product in their line is overpriced, and they fool gullible growers into buying the whole range of products, since they all "connect" with eachother in the AN feeding formula. You end up paying five times as much as what you pay for equivalent all-in-one nutes. I've worked with Big Bud, Overdrive and Carboload, and although I concider it an excellent flower booster combo, among the best there is, I fail to see any significant superiority to other top-of-the-line flower boosters. The only radical difference is in the price.