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Down Time-30 Minute Warning

Hey whoopdy doo, that sucked......Ive been sitting here for two hours watching thumb/medium pics being rebuilt. Firgured Id open the forums back up.

It will take several hours for all the thumbnails and medium pics to be rebuilt. So if you see a broken link or your gallery looks empty dont worry, your pics will show up with the script gets to em.


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Ive been going mad at my little sisters blaming them for the pictures not showing up on the computer, i thought they had messed up some setting or something.


Basement Garden Gnome


What time?
Was it down or it will go down?
How far?
Oh never mind.
What? :biglaugh: and :confused:

Oh I get it..

Oh crap!

Why.... What....

Glub Glub Glub
Naw sin that was last night. However the server is full of pics right now. I had to take away everyones upload privledges. Still rebuilding thumbnails, might have to wait till the bigger hard drive is installed. Will know more shortly.


Active member
Hey GL, I'm hoping this is the reason my gallery pics are all black. And half my pics in my grow thread are blank boxes or they've even downsized. Can you confirm this is the reason for my picture problems?

Thanks, KBB
Hey!!!!! I cant see most of the pictures don't tell me I'm going to have to go look at my own ugly amaturish garden...damn, this site is like porn for me......hurry up, I'm losing my erection.

But seriously...I NEED MY PICTURES!
All pics are still on the server. I have to rebuild the thumbnails and the medium images. I was doing this last night after the gallery upgrade and kachunk server full. Not kinda full but 100+% full. I had to delete error logs and old backups and such to keep it running. Also had to turn everyones upload permissions off.

Our host will install a dual hardrive Monday. So till then some broken pic links and no uploads.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
would it help to unload some of the gallerys of pics we dont need? could make an annocement that house cleaning would help. i have some that are of really no use to me ... i dont mind cleaning house ... I format my puter pretty regular just to keep the corners free of lint and dust :)