What's new

down, but not quite out...



So my efforts this season (guerilla, harsh non-med state) ended badly with a security incident and a scary situation afield... glad I had PF flyers on, know what I mean? I skated untouched but have been laying low, very low, in case of being watched. Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more.

Anyway there has been brutal drought with a record for over-90F days, high humidity and NO rain. Except for TS Lee, nada, and all that did was light mist for 2 days. Even if I had anything going it would have been rough with a lot of water hauling.

So in a certain spot the bastards missed, abandoned since mid-June, was recently found 3 very smelly SSSDH S1's grown from seed since April. Dry, stressed, bent over sideways, deer damage and broken branches, but good structure and buds popping everywhere. Some stakes, twine, and a few buckets of EJ nute mix + cal/mag was applied, briars were pruned and vines clipped. Low down and sneaky but not afraid. There will be an 11 crop after all if I can water enough...

Fuck the cannabis enforcement. What a waste of time. Those dickheads actually think they are "protecting" the public when they fly around busting folks, paramilitary thugs at war with the very people they have sworn to protect.

Anyway, I am looking and planning ahead, and enjoying reading about the fine grows you all have going on. Don't feel sorry for me, I only do this for stash, and I have way more than I can smoke from last season even with being generous with true friends. I'm looking forward to some SSSDH for a change of pace. I ran some of the uncured wet baby buds I had to clip thru the vape with spiffy results, if lacking flavor. I reckon if I can keep up the EJ regimen and lots of water, and be careful, I'll have a few jars of sssdh out of it in about 8-10 weeks. Shhhhh. We're hunting wabbits... Peace, love, and big buds to all! :D


Update, even if no one is actually hanging on the edge of their seat at this point LOL:
Plants have been watered/fed twice, and they have sprung back to life with good vigor. I swear the buds visibly grew and the color came back to the leaves. Hard to say when flowering began, I guess 3-4 weeks ago at most. I reckon still 7 weeks to go.
I'm watering with the EJ flower schedule: grow-bloom-catalyst-micro-metaK, plus I added some FloraBlend to help the leaves color back up. I may hit them once with Koolbloom, but I'm all organic to this point and since things are looking and smelling OK considering conditions of abandonment in a drought for 2 months+, so I might not. I am curious, so maybe I'll try KB on just the smallest one of the trio. They are about 4-5 ft tall and should yield some fine herb, just not a lot. I'm grateful for it. Thanks for reading. Good vibes to all.

Forgot to mention: no sign of leaf spot, septoria, or blight on these in spite of it being visible on nearly all surrounding vegetation. Must be the high sativa genetics because sativas have (so far) proven resistant to the disease in my area of experience. Thats my theory.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Glad to hear your season won't be a total loss, good luck with the rest of your grow.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Just glad you're free to tell the story. Great news that there's still a harvest to come. Better yet, when you tell the same story years from now, you'll be able to laugh it off.


I'm laughing already, mostly at my own paranoia... Can't be too careful. I got responsibilities, ya know? Can't fuck that up. I gotta move somewhere cooler, though. I have a job opportunity in the coming year near a very cool city on the front range in CO if I play my cards right, and I have a good job here while I cherry-pick another. Like I said, don't feel sorry for me - its all good right now.

Its nice to have a grow going, even if its just a couple scrawny (but getting fatter daily) fems. I hate that feeling when the season is slipping by with nothing. I also hate paying 3-4 hund for a zip of unflushed popcorn with god-knows-what systemic bug killer in it, so I choose to grow my own meds. No other reasonable choice, really.


Harvested my SSSDH and all is well. Got more than enough for the year and still have plenty of last year's so I'm in good shape after all. The stink of it drying is incredible; had to run out and buy a filter and fan for the drying shed. A good problem to have. Best wishes and sweet pipe dreams to all. Peace! :D



its good that you wound up with something to show for your efforts this season despite what happened!


Thanks Friend!

I twisted up a fat one of the barely dried popcorn last evening with a friend, after being straight for a few days, and that shit kicked my ass! We couldn't finish it, and I was so high my face was numb, and I was sweating. Then we were jabbering about all kinds of stuff for hours. I was listening to the new Tedesci Trucks Band CD and it was so beautiful I was almost crying. Incredible buzz, and legs, too. It was a couple hours before I could drive home. Yeah, I'm a lightweight! :D