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Double Vertical 6k, Closed System With Asian Kush, Urkulan and Sweet Pink Grapefruit


I don't know if its just your camera but the width shots of your room look very small, doesn't look like an 8 foot span, but like I said could be the camera.

I have read over this thread 3 times already and am serious thinking of making the switch over to vertical setup.

Only part about the setup I don't understand is where you posted about the shelving being 8"x9"x12"... there is definitely is a typo somewhere in those dimensions.

Can you go over the dimensions of your room. In my head I picture pretty much 2 8x8 room setups joined making the total size 8x16. When you are taking your pics your standing in the middle of the room. Behind you I have to assume is the door to the room and doesn't have any plant sites in front of. I assume the area where you are snapping pics from is the location of your co2 burner and carbon scrubber? This is just one big open space correct? You don't have a partition in the center of the room with plants?

What size scrubber are you running with this size room and what size fan?

I'm hoping after this harvest/cleanup you can snap some pics of the room without plants to give a better look at how the shelving is constructed as well as your drippers and lines.

thanks again... good read.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
hey everyone! :eggnog:

today is chopping day for the urkulan and sweet pink grapefruit. plants look and smell great, flushed for 3 days, till runoff was at o ppm's. the asian kush will be cut in about 3 days, after i cut the brainwreck from my open bulb grow in my signature.

mrdizzle - interesting! i would give anything for a budrot cure....

moses224, Green&Gold, Norrath and b9junkee - welcome!

Harvest - its a great grapefruit phenom, will run this till the wheels fall off! there are some good pics in one of my albums from a previous vert system.

karynne - i have not a clue. im thinking around 6 lb's off the urkulan and spg side and 7-8 lb's off the asian kush side. the urkulan side has been with only 2k watts for a few weeks.

mrwags - lmao! all good brother!

ResinGoat - feel me? the budrot sucks! the urkulan has 0 but the sweet pink has some, i need a solution pronto!

L-Immortal - really? ive been looking into it, and it says nill and budrot.....

Sleepy - thanks again brother.....

Abja Roots - thanks! it is an amazing strain and im sure it will yield well. this ones a keeper! now if i could only hit her with some pollen......

mikeross - what up player? the shelves are 9" high in the front. 8" wide and 12" tall in the back. i dont remember why i did it like that, but it works. its 1 big room, i didnt partition it in the middle with plants like i said i would, next time. im running a can fan max 14" with the 12" airbox for a carbon filter, this is for this room and my other 8 by 8 vertical room. i will take better pics when everything is cut and out.

mrdizzle - lets hope!


:party: Harvest day always puts a huge smile on my face right before the chop but about 1 hour in I'm already sick of clipping. I need to invest in one of those grim reapers. Are you trimming by hand or did you invest in one of those trimming machines. Any opinions on which ones trim the best. I saw some buds last night that were trimmed with the spinpro. I must admit I was really surprised at how nice the buds looked... just wondering if you had any opinion on which trimmer you would go with.

I am really looking forward to your final numbers. I'm still trying to piece together my next show which will be a vertical setup 100% inspired by your 6k setup.

Thanks for sharing bud, Truly is going to change the way I grow from now on.


Whats your opinion on running bare bulbs? With your current 6k/cooltube setup is your a/c overworking to try and keep the temps in check. Would a bare bulb setup require a huge a/c system? think a 16k btu mini split handle 6k worth of bare bulbs + large co2 generator?

What is the rule of thumb as far as BTU to Watt ratio for a bare bulb setup? I am doing a lot of searching regarding vertical grows but the information on this site is lacking... Do you frequent any other forums that have more vertical growers.

Enjoy the harvest buddy, great show.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
250wscrogger - welcome!

mikeross - its all trimmed by hand, not by me though cant stand rimming, done enough in my life. im partial to cooltubes, dont have to worry about heat. my ac is only on when i turn the lights off, right now, its cold enough outside to keep my room cool, under 80.

L-Immortal - ya, i looked at that stuff a while back. think im going to pick some up.

here are some pre harvest pics.


-sweet pink grapefruit-


Active member
krunch, i appologize if you have mentioned it already but how are your cool tubes connected to one another? looks like some kind of band but it is hard to tell.

your grow has given me all kind of new thoughts for my next op. really dig what you have going on there man. peace.


Active member
I will be attempting to replicate the asian kush side with pre 98' bubba for my next room (3k with 2k hps and 1k mh in the middle)instead of 48 3 gallons standard horizontal sog. I'd really like to hit 5lb+ from the 3k and I don't see that happening for me with pre 98' on flat ground. I love sog but it seems like the penetration is just so much better with vertical, especially when running the spindly sativa leaning hybrids that love to stretch for almost 3 weeks.

How long long did you veg these for and how many plants per 8x8x8?

"smithsutton - fuck, your right! i am waisting my time, i have no clue what im doing at all! thanks for bringing it up, your my new best friend! can i swing on your balls?"
It seems to me like you've had your shit super dialed in for years.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
whew! sorry about not posting in a while, trimming has been taking forever! the urkulan and sweet pink grapefruit side yielded a tad over 5 1/2 lb's. its ok, but it needed more plants to fill gaps, kinda hating that i didnt get 2 a light, my fault.
the asian kush was cut down close to 9 days ago, still drying. lots and lots of bud, was a real pain to trim.....
some done harvest pics soon, waiting for the kush to dry.....:eggnog:


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Okiedope - i use some super duct tape with a neoprene collar used to mate a fan and silencer together.

250wscrogger - i vegged till the kush was 16-18" tall i think. i knew they were going to stretch 4-5 times. plant amount ranges, there different in every grow i do. i got my best weight so far with 14 plants in one room.

MrBananaSlug - appreciate it brother!


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
nice KB
diggin the walls of green!
cant wait to see some harvest shots and read the pure kush numbers also.
love the grows
thanks for sharing so much round here!
i use H&G as well, but i flush for 2 weeks n i use drip clean also. i like it. all my fan leaves will die b4 i chop... were yours after only a 3 day flush? curious cause i know the drip clean doesnt allow much build up in medium.
i am about to chop next week also, n aim for 3+ off of 2k horizontaly though. those big numbers of vert make a guy rethink his whole gameplan ya know! of course you do. u grow walls of weed lol
Props though on all the work!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
SirSmokalot - the ppm's of the runoff went from 1700 down to under 100 in three days, good enough flush i think.

still trimming the asian kush off the stem, looks like i will be hitting the 1+ gpw for the first time, very excited! 7+ lb's for 3k!


Active member
nice work, krunch!!

is it difficult to run multiple strains vertically, or are you used to it?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
it is very difficult and wish that i wouldn't. but i supply lots of patients with clones and i tend to not have alot of one kind for myself. oh well, they need there meds as well.......
this next round will most likely be aliendog, alien formaggio and some purplebublegum or sweet pink grapefruit......:eggnog:


Talk about showing up late. Great grow and congrats on another round of beautiful buds. I will be on board for your next one. Do you have any probs with thrips in the coco? If so what are you using?
