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Doomsday Prepping for Economic Catastrophy

Doomsday Prepping for Economic Catastrophy

  • Everything will be just fine you old worry wart...

    Votes: 31 23.3%
  • War is the most likely doomsday...I want a bunker.

    Votes: 25 18.8%
  • Big darned asteroid is coming making a tsunami...get a surf board

    Votes: 6 4.5%
  • You are right Bog. It's the economy stupid...

    Votes: 71 53.4%

  • Total voters
You and your thug companions would be dispatched quickly with extreme prejudice in a vigilante world...

Me and my "thug" companions are some of America's finest soldiers and special operators. I've been on this planet for a while, what do you think I don't know anybody? That I have no friends or relatives in the military. How do you know I wasn't in the military or have no paramilitary training? Now while I do have a few unsavory characters in my circle, they are far from "thugs." I can tell you're one of those people that think that every black person is going to be coming with their gun sideways and their pants around their ass. Sorry, that's not the case, and I really hope you subscribe to that school of thought, because it is one of the things we will be using to get the drop on people who think the way you do.

Extreme prejudice? ok Charles Bronson. You don't even know what it is, and have never used it. In a vigilante world, you'd be eaten a hell of a lot faster than I would.

And here I was just gonna laugh n' call the kid a joke...well done, what with those fancy words. :tiphat:

What do you cosign his car note as well? Again.....You civilians think you are such badasses.


Bubblegum Specialist
Remember when dealing with zombies to take no prisoners. They require a good shot in the head or decapitation to stop them.

The funny thing is that oreppers seem to have rubbed off on Hollywood. They can't make anything but zombie flicks of late.

There are no zombies. However you may encounter unfriendly folk wanting what you have.

I don't look forward to fighting but I have some large black dogs who do. They aren't afraid of zombies either. BushyOG


Active member
What do you cosign his car note as well? Again.....You civilians think you are such badasses.

I dunno what a car note is....but buying a camo hat isn't going to make you a S.E.A.L./FFL member, tough guy.

See alot of soldiers, (not all obviously) will suffer from "mommy syndrome".
"Mommy syndrome" is when you ask for, and get everything handed to you. Like your weapons, ammo, clothes, food, water, shelter, transportation, medicine, etc. So you can shit-can the G.I. Joe thing right now.
You think the government is going to show up at your door? Give you a care package because your military/ex-military?

People join the military for things other then the fact they might make a good soldier. A job, place to live, and a free education comes to mind. These people have my respect for doing something productive with themselves aswell as serve their country...I just wouldn't want them with me in a fire fight is all.

If your idea of "prepping" is to steal from others who had the fore sight to prepare for their loved ones...you will get exactly whats coming to you my friend. :tiphat:


Me and my "thug" companions are some of America's finest soldiers and special operators. I've been on this planet for a while, what do you think I don't know anybody? That I have no friends or relatives in the military. How do you know I wasn't in the military or have no paramilitary training? Now while I do have a few unsavory characters in my circle, they are far from "thugs." I can tell you're one of those people that think that every black person is going to be coming with their gun sideways and their pants around their ass. Sorry, that's not the case, and I really hope you subscribe to that school of thought, because it is one of the things we will be using to get the drop on people who think the way you do.

Extreme prejudice? ok Charles Bronson. You don't even know what it is, and have never used it. In a vigilante world, you'd be eaten a hell of a lot faster than I would.

What do you cosign his car note as well? Again.....You civilians think you are such badasses.

Sure, you'll rob a few people, maybe kill them, but live by the gun and die by it.

One of those times you'll run into folks prepared to defend their resources.

You must be the baddest Rambo out there, the only guy that knows about op-sec, or defensive tactics.

Lol, black guys, nice try projecting your racism on me.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Economic collapse of the euro will start in Holland.At last they will be the first again with something new.



Keep on growing :)


Active member
Darwin got it right.
A reporter paraphrasing him got it wrong but since more people read the reporter than those who read Darwin, the 'survival of the fittest' entered the vernacular.

The fittest will be the most adaptable to change.

That's why if the SHTF, I'm going Motel Hell* and putting up a Free Food sign.
Why hunt when you can get the meat to come to you?

*Sweeney Todd for you youngsters. Same thing.


OverGrow Refugee
Economic collapse of the euro will start in Holland.At last they will be the first again with something new.

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Keep on growing :)

and i know why....if you have ever been to Holland...not just Amsterdam..but the rest of the country, it's beautiful and the people are so kind and open and warm..i loved it when i was there..BUT with the Euro..everything has become way more money. The cost of every day life has doubled..maybe more..and the Dutch have a certain lifestyle they are accustomed to and the social net there is one of the best...the gov't pays for all essential services..

In Spain and Portugal 1/4 of the population are out of work...Europe will ditch the Euro very soon and go back to all the old currency of the individual countries



Bubblegum Specialist
Fear is the mind killer...

Darwin was pretty much right. Intelligence is really the ability to adapt and solve problems. This is survival after all.

Those with courage, intelligence and good health will do the best. The young and the old are both more fragile so protect the kids. Old fuks like me have already had good lifes.