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Doomsday Prepping for Economic Catastrophy

Doomsday Prepping for Economic Catastrophy

  • Everything will be just fine you old worry wart...

    Votes: 31 23.3%
  • War is the most likely doomsday...I want a bunker.

    Votes: 25 18.8%
  • Big darned asteroid is coming making a tsunami...get a surf board

    Votes: 6 4.5%
  • You are right Bog. It's the economy stupid...

    Votes: 71 53.4%

  • Total voters


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
You need GUNS, and lots of them. With guns, I can take your supplies, or easily barter for more. You have freeze dried food, I have lots of guns.....who is going to be eating good that night?

are we brothers from a different mother? i think so :tiphat:


if history has shown us anything its the success of group of humans banding together for their mutual aid. That is how we evolved from the i'll just take yours because i'm bigger, stronger, better armed or whatever. The Americas were settled by people banding together to farm and raise families. Never underestimate the strength of a peaceful family man defending what he would die for. Most takers are to selfish to form a cohesive group.

You mean genocide of the natives.


Active member
that's not my point i'm not advocating genocide, I'm making the point that my forefathers wanted a peaceful place to raise their family's. In my opinion it is very unfortunate that peace could not be found.


Actually been watching and waiting for all my half century of life. It is accelerating that is true but a crash I am not so sure about. Even if there is a crash...rest assured it will be part of a bigger plan, just like the depression.

The thing about those in power is... they ARE in power and in absolutely no rush. I think very little is out of their control. The changes that have occurred have been extremely slow and deliberate unless an adjustment was needed and then it has been done decisively and to the point..... ie.... fall of the wall, end of WW2, 9/11, start of austerity in the US (change of economy) etc.

I think they are rotating their crops myself. We in the US have maxed out and become lazy and contentious slaves.... China, India, and later Africa are ripe and fertile soil. We are needed in the US to fund their industrialization...... the consumers to fund the growth.... nothing more. We have not produced shit in this country besides arms for a very long time. They will use us to finance the building and have used us to finance the renovations until the wealth produced in those countries causes them to be their own consumers.... then we will not be needed at all but all this has begun and will continue.
The big calamities do not unfold.... it is all very insidious and multi generational so that we accept it over time. Deep down we know this.... we wish something would happen so we could fix it or put our finger on it but everything is done to prevent that from happening.

They live like Gods compared to the average slave. They are in no hurry or crisis to do anything. They make the decisions as deliberately and systematically as a farmer who decides which crops for which field or a rancher decides to move this heard or that for the season. Yes, the cows get excited and stressed but all and all.....life on the farms and ranches goes on even when slaughter day comes for some of the many herds.... the rest just return to eating as soon as the trucks taking the others to slaughter pull away.
If the bull shit of 9/11 didn't cause a response... nothing is going to. There are people that spend their whole lives dedicated to calculating just what we will accept or not. Even if citizens were to rise up, that would have been calculated in and used long before it would ever actually occur. Face it.... we are livestock...if it were not so..... you would be a rancher or farmer and living like a God too. You may be up the scale or down the scale but if you do not keep all you produce and that of others.... you are being farmed/ranched and just a slave that has become aware and is bitching.

I hate to be so dismal about it but really we all know it is the truth. The only reason we think something is happening is because how it affects us....we don't see the big picture and even when we do it does not mean we can affect a single thing even if we knew what we would affect anyway.

I just read this thread.... even the content is absurd..... "in this country we pick our leaders", stuff like that...... storing food...... the big picture is over all it will affect your life.....maybe! But in the end... people with billions of dollars or whatever it may change to will still in all reality OWN your grandchildren and their grandchildren and so on and so on...... and will indirectly and directly make all the real decisions that are to be made for them.......

I totally agree with most of it and then some but in the long...long term........ the fix has been in since way before your great, great, great, great, great grandfathers were born. Think about it. If everything that happened in the last 45 years would have happened in like 5 years, my father and grandfather would have already started a revolution but because it is done the way it is done...... we do nothing and will do nothing. Honestly, the best I have come up with is to take advantage of the knowledge I have and use it to my own personal advantage and try to teach my kids the same. The reason it is accelerating and they take less pains to hide it is because they know you can't do a damn thing about it and you are not important and we are not important enough for them to care. They divide us on shit that matters to us but in the big picture means nothing to them and theirs.... "The object of power, is power"--George Orwell.

Unfortunately, taking the red pill doesn't change a damn thing except your own personal reality.

It is all an illusion but we get to choose the delusion......

Oh, and please at least look some shit up....... Neuro Science = catch phrase......... please!


Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Not going to happen.

There are too many people, with way too much money invested, to see the economy/US economy collapse.

China comes to mind.


Bubblegum Specialist
China is a huge bubble that is about to burst.

Have you seen the empty cities of empty buildings there?

Good post, Sacred and I wonder who they are? The Masons or the Illuminati or just the ultra rich elite class?

Some think lizard like aliens are behind the secret rulers but even I doubt that. However we always elect people of the same kind from the richest ivy league schools and the skull and bonded and such but they just don't care about America anymore? Don't need a huge military power base anymore?

The truth is that robots are coming and they are ours. They will replace the need for so many workers and then the brave new world will really screw the average guy.

They say you will want the robots and I would like one that can do all my chores. Trimming would be nice and cleaning and security but I like driving my own car with my own hands. There are other things I don't want a robot to do.

I don't know what the future will bring but it seems likely that the dollar will eventually lose it's world reserve currency status. If that happens we won't be able so sell us dilate to the whole world to keep running our huge deficits.

The big crash is yet to come IMHO and it will be far worse than the great depression. ECM in the midst of this you will need to do whatever to survive. I hope you make it and for my part I have made a resolution.

No matter what I will not steal from another person in need. I will defend my property and family and we will aid our neighbors. Under the circumstances it might seem justifiable to do almost anything but some things are wrong.

Never do what you know is wrong. You inflict your own karma on yourself when you break your own principles. Remember that we are together as one. When you harm another you harm yourself because you don't forget or forgive yourself the misdeeds done.

Prepare for any emergency and have some plans is all I'm saying. Don't lose your humanity even when you find yourself in trouble because what you sow, so shall you reap.

No fear...fear is the mind killer. See the reality for what it is and face it like a man when it comes.


All of the above.....

All of the above.....

Don't think there is one "they" so I use that non-descriptive term to group "them" together. Of course at the very top are those that have been in power since people grouped together and looked to someone else (leaders) to provide the parent figure in their lives. It goes so far back only they really know. IMHO

Illuminati is also a good label but not inclusive by any means. I think that that like in the book 1984 the specifics and faces do not really matter, it is what they represent. The faces and names change with the centuries and even to some extent the institutions or associations they are members of change too but the concepts do not change much..... elitism and the shearing of the masses for their own gain do not change.

The differences we are seeing today is the tools of their trade.... ie of farming and ranching are improving at a rate never seen in history and they are applying those tools. I try to stay aware and override the programming but it is so pervasive and effective it is impossible.

Even our thoughts are "double speak"! We know for a fact that Iraq had nothing to do with our freedom or anyone else's but I myself still catch thoughts in my own head that do not take this into account in an emotional sense which is where propaganda works its magic. No matter how realistic and objective we try to be, the effects can not be over looked. If you look closely enough and objectively enough deep down inside you will see it, our most "awake and enlightened" are still living inside the Matrix and as such are governed by its artificial and contrived influences.

As good as whatever each of you is and does in real life there are people that have been gifted with certain talents and some of these have been selected and educated by a system that wants these talents. Some of those have chosen to go into psychology, sociology, communications (propaganda) etc. They are the best of the best at what they do and are as at least as dedicated to their professions as most of you were at the most obsessive point you were with your plants.... they manipulate us at levels most are not even aware and they are as good at it as Einstein was at his gifts and talents.

Even the most "awake" and aware of our brothers have but little to vague ideas of what to do about it. Unfortunately, the cables that drain our lives and energies are not physical and can't just be "unplugged" like in the the Matrix movies. We are herd animals by nature and as such built to be influenced at the most basic levels.

Hate it.... love it... doesn't matter! These are the natures of the beast we find ourselves in. Best I have come up with is to disconnect as much as I can. To utilize my knowledge to optimize my section of the "Matrix" I am in. To stay informed, educated, and aware of the true nature of our societies and to use that as best I can for me and mine.

I am always open to new ideas and options (the reason I read this thread) as they present themselves but investigate all to an infinite degree because most are just differences of opinion and lead to the same end result as every thing else>>>>>>> slavery of some form from the same owners. I keep hope there is something I missed or will learn or a factor will change but it really has not for thousands of years of recorded history.... if even some of history is true.

I know there are those that will disagree...... to those I say.... If you give even a little of what you produce away involuntarily or even in lots of instances....voluntarily....... why? Because someone is enslaving you.....period. Mind, body, or spirit you are being used up.... one minute, hour, thought, effort at a time for nothing that has anything to do with you. That my friends is slavery no matter what the sugar coating is..... saddest of all, most would not leave their kennel any more than my dog does his and if they did..... all but a tiny amount would return........ That is the nature of our enslavement, all else is bullshit you have been taught to make you like it and to make you more productive for your owners.



Active member
If the U.S. fly's another mission near North Korea I'd like to change my vote to war instead of the economy. :tiphat:


Bubblegum Specialist
We are wage slaves powerless to change this world and I agree that a huge war is near.

I doubt however that it really is so organized at the top. The world is a ball of confusion IMHO but there are elite classes who control and exploit the poor. We are all poor compared to them and their greed is connected to their power.

Money is the root of all evil.


I love my life
Money is the root of all evil.

1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

- King James Bible "Authorized Version", Pure Cambridge Edition

Money isn't evil, it is the love of money or the corruption immoral greed causes which is evil.



Active member
I just came across this on zero hedge. when is enough, enough for these people. they don't even care about keeping appearances up anymore . i mean flying bombers over north korea was a great idea i'm sure they will just turn the other cheek.

TwitterSteve Herman @W7VOA
To put things in perspective the #DPRK declaration of war was not even mentioned in tonight's main TV newscast in Pyongyang.

The "war declaration" special statement was, however, repeated at 1500 KST today on #DPRK radio.

here is the statement ...




We warned a little more than a week ago that Congress was poised to pass a bill that would make it more likely that genetically modified food ends up on your plate … and destroys the separation of powers.

Congress has – in fact – passed the bill … and Obama has signed it into law.

People are understandably furious that Congress and Obama have sold us out … and the congress critters responsible for passing the bill are scrambling to make excuses.

The International Business Times notes:

1.) The “Monsanto Protection Act” effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of controversial genetically modified (aka GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) seeds, no matter what health issues may arise concerning GMOs in the future.


[GMO food has never been subjected to any real government or private safety studies.] Now it appears that even if those studies are completed and they end up revealing severe adverse health effects related to the consumption of genetically modified foods, the courts will have no ability to stop the spread of the seeds and the crops they bear. [Genetically engineered foods have, in fact, already been linked to obesity, cancer, liver failure, infertility and all sorts of other diseases (brief, must-watch videos here and here).]

2.) The provision’s language was apparently written in collusion with Monsanto. Lawmakers and companies working together to craft legislation is by no means a rare occurrence in this day and age. But the fact that Sen. Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri, actually worked with Monsanto on a provision that in effect allows them to keep selling seeds, which can then go on to be planted, even if it is found to be harmful to consumers, is stunning. It’s just another example of corporations bending Congress to their will, and it’s one that could have dire risks for public health in America.

3.) Many members of Congress were apparently unaware that the “Monsanto Protection Act” even existed within the bill they were voting on. HR 933 was a spending bill aimed at averting a government shutdown and ensuring that the federal government would continue to be able to pay its bills. But the Center for Food Safety maintains that many Democrats in Congress were not even aware that the provision was in the legislation:

“In this hidden backroom deal, Sen. [Barbara] Mikulski turned her back on consumer, environmental and farmer protection in favor of corporate welfare for biotech companies such as Monsanto,” Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of the Center for Food Safety, said in a statement. “This abuse of power is not the kind of leadership the public has come to expect from Sen. Mikulski or the Democrat Majority in the Senate.”

4.) The President did nothing to stop it, either. On Tuesday, Obama signed HR 933 while the rest of the nation was fixated on gay marriage, as the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument concerning California’s Proposition 8. But just because most of the nation and the media were paying attention to gay marriage doesn’t mean that others were not doing their best to express their opposition to the “Monsanto Protection Act.” In fact, more than 250,000 voters signed a petition opposing the provision. And Food Democracy Now protesters even took their fight straight to Obama, protesting in front of the White House against Section 735 of the bill. He signed it anyway.

5.) It sets a terrible precedent. Though it will only remain in effect for six months until the government finds another way to fund its operations, the message it sends is that corporations can get around consumer safety protections if they get Congress on their side. Furthermore, it sets a precedent that suggests that court challenges are a privilege, not a right.

“I think any time you tweak with the ability of the public to seek redress from the courts, you create a huge risk,” Seattle attorney Bill Marler — who has represented victims of foodborne illness in successful lawsuits against corporations [said.]

New York Daily News asks:

Who’s more powerful, the world’s largest producer of genetically modified crops or the U.S. government?

But that's not the right question.

The right question is how destructive will the malignant, symbiotic relationship between big government and big corporations be to we the people?

Given the way that things are playing out with regard to the the Cyprus grab of bank deposits, the horse meat (and now dog meat) scandals, Fukushima and the BP oil spill, and various other scandals, the answer is very far indeed.
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Active member
BOG, i thought like this.

Bitcoin May Be the Global Economy's Last Safe Haven By Paul Ford March 28, 2013 6:00 AM EDT

One of the oddest bits of news to emerge from the economic collapse of Cyprus is a corresponding rise in the value of Bitcoin, the Internet’s favorite, media-friendly, anarchist crypto-currency. In Spain, Google searches for “Bitcoin” and downloads of Bitcoin apps soared. The value of a Bitcoin went up to $78. Someone put out a press release promising a Bitcoin ATM in Cyprus. Far away, in Canada, a man said he’d sell his house for BTC5,362.

Bitcoin was created in 2009 by a pseudonymous hacker who calls him or herself Satoshi Nakamoto (and who might be several people). It’s a form of virtual cash used to buy goods and services online. Even by Web standards, it’s a strange and supergeeky phenomenon. This is what happens when software and networks meet the concept of currency, when you take peer-to-peer networks and advanced cryptography and ask, “How can I make a new economy?”

There are 10,952,975 Bitcoins in circulation. (With a digital currency you can be specific.) Bitcoin isn’t about to replace hard currency—with a market cap of $864 million, all of it is worth less than what Facebook paid for Instagram—but it’s bigger than anyone expected. And many people will tell you that the emergence of a virtual global money supply beyond the reach and control of any government is very real and that it’s time we take it seriously. As long as the Internet remains turned on, Bitcoin will be there—to its adherents, it’s the Platonic currency.

A dollar bill has a serial number and travels from buyer to seller. A Bitcoin’s not so much a thing as an understanding, a balance in a decentralized general ledger, or “account log.” Bitcoins are created as the side effect of a great deal of meaningless computational work. That is, the computer could be working on protein-folding, or processing images, or doing something else with its time, but instead it’s being used to “mine” Bitcoins—searching for mathematical needles in a networked haystack. Once the needle is found, a “block” of Bitcoins is born. Bitcoins live in a bit of software known as your “wallet.”

How did they get there? Perhaps you minted them by mining, or bought them on an exchange, or received them as part of a barter transaction. Now those Bitcoins are burning a bithole in your bitpocket, and you want to buy something. How do you spend them? Clicking around your wallet app, you set up a payment and put in the Bitcoin address of the recipient—something memorable and fun, like 1Ns17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L. A few minutes later, after the peer-to-peer network has authorized the transaction as legitimate, the recipient’s wallet, wherever it is, will show that you’ve paid up.

How is this different from PayPal? In theory anyone could run his own version of PayPal on a server and use that to transfer funds between parties. But he’d also need to handle world currencies, deal with security, and handle regulations. Similarly, physical banks promise protections above and beyond stuffing cash in a mattress or dropping it off in paper bags. Financial institutions commodify trust—it’s not their money, after all. It’s yours. Yet you trust them more than you trust yourself.

Bitcoin shrugs all this off. It’s not pegged to anything, and there are no regulations. It’s a supercomputer-size chore to counterfeit. The key thing to understand is that there’s no bank, no Federal Reserve, in the middle. It’s not unlike an exchange-traded fund (for example, FORX, from Pimco)—a mix of non-U.S. currencies—designed as a hedge against the dollar. Bitcoin is a hedge against the entire global currency system. And no exchange is needed, unless you want to convert your Bitcoin into an actual hard currency.

Bitcoin is no more arbitrary than derivatives or credit default swaps. Given that regular folks, if they’re nerdy and interested in Bitcoins, can use the currency for all manner of things, including illegal things, it’s arguably a far less arbitrary instrument.

Maybe Bitcoin’s devotees are right, and it’s the currency of the future. Or perhaps it’s a ridiculous joke—a speculative, hilarious enterprise taken to its most insane conclusion. Given that the founder is nowhere to be found, it feels like a hoax, a parody of the global economy. That the technology used to implement it has, so far, shown itself to be impeccable and completely functional, and that it’s actually being exchanged, just makes it a better joke. The truth is, it doesn’t much matter if it’s a joke or not. It works.

The Internet is a big fan of the worst-possible-thing. Many people thought Twitter was the worst possible way for people to communicate, little more than discourse abbreviated into tiny little chunks; Facebook was a horrible way to experience human relationships, commodifying them into a list of friends whom one pokes. The Arab Spring changed the story somewhat. (BuzzFeed is another example—let them eat cat pictures.) One recipe for Internet success seems to be this: Start at the bottom, at the most awful, ridiculous, essential idea, and own it. Promote it breathlessly, until you’re acquired or you take over the world. Bitcoin is playing out in a similar way. It asks its users to forget about central banking in the same way Steve Jobs asked iPhone users to forget about the mouse.

I have an intense memory from the early 1990s, when I was just out of college. I was seated alone in a diner. Suddenly a loud man behind me pronounced, “Internet time is like regular time but seven times faster.” I turned around to see a well-dressed adult, a serious person. I was mystified. How could he believe something so facile and arbitrary? On and on he went, expounding on the magical number seven.

Having been through one or two bubbles, I’ve learned that people can believe exactly what they want to believe. That’s one of the privileges of being a human with money to spend. When you compound utopian wishfulness with the anxiety of being left behind, you’ll have a bubble. Then again, we may be at the forefront of the coming Bitcoin revolution. There’s no way to be sure. I’ll admit to having run the Bitcoin mining software a few years ago for a week until I became convinced it was a poor use of limited computer resources. I had work to do. I expected Bitcoins to remain in the background with all of the other anarchist crypto-chatter that makes up an essential substratum of modern network thinking.

But Bitcoins didn’t go away. And I’m increasingly convinced there’s one thing that Bitcoins do that’s genuinely interesting. They decentralize trust. Trust is hard to earn; verifying transactions is a brutal problem, which is why PayPal locks down your account when there’s too much money flowing into it. Creating trust is traditionally the work of federal governments and branding agencies. Trust is also an easy thing to squander. Just close a beloved service, à la Google Reader. Or allow your banks to fail, causing an entire country to suddenly realize that the value of their deposits, the fundamental integrity of their financial selves, was arbitrary all along.

Along comes Bitcoin, a currency in which every transaction is stored by the entire network and every coin has its own story. There’s nothing to trust but math. Suddenly an idea that sounded terrible—a totally decentralized currency without a central authority, where semi-anonymous parties exchange meaningless tokens—becomes almost comforting, a source of power and authority.

That’s where Bitcoin thrives: where people would prefer to throw in their lot with anonymous strangers instead of the world economy. It’s gold-bug thinking reinvented for an age of fluid transparency and instantaneous transactions. And as such it’s an excellent indicator of anxiety. Where you see Bitcoins in action you find a weird and heady mix of speculative angst, a fear of being left behind, and people who appear to have lost faith in institutions, who feel most left behind. These are people who’ll trade in purely arbitrary tokens, willing to forgo the comfort of banking systems for the weight of mathematics and the Internet behind it.

Bitcoin isn’t tied to any commodity—besides trust. As a statement on the global economy, Bitcoin is hilarious. As a currency for the disenfranchised and distrustful, it’s as serious as can be.


Bubblegum Specialist
I was asked if I wanted to use bit coin to seek my seeds and get paid that way. I declined after investigating a little but it is possible.

Bit coin is a symptom of a police state where borders and cops provide barriers to business that are really about govt stealing our hard earned money. They steal our money and spend it on war. Especially the USA. We try to control other countless borders...

Our police state mentality is evidenced by the war on drugs. To think that a non poisonous herb in it's raw form can be classified a class one narcotic that is dangerous when so many other more dangerous truly drugs aren't classified as such. They kill people all the time with pharmaceuticals.

I look forward to a day when our planet is free of the corrupt govts that ruin our lives and hopes for the future and our children. We have no influence on our govts and a college professor once put it this way to me. The elections are just a ruse to make people think they have influence over their govt. They march to the voting booths and check a box or a few or pull a lever and think they have done their civic duty. That they chose a leader or two. What a fallacy.

The world is a police state now so just wait until the war starts and martial law is declared. I doubt you will even be allowed to travel to other areas in your own country. Areas will seal themselves off into defensible boundaries. The future looks very bad but I am happy.

Perhaps this is all the normal flow of progress and evolution and it's a wild ride that never stops but we do keep changing and the kids are always new. Let them create the world they want because we sure fucked up. Bog

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