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Doomsday Prepping for Economic Catastrophy

Doomsday Prepping for Economic Catastrophy

  • Everything will be just fine you old worry wart...

    Votes: 31 23.3%
  • War is the most likely doomsday...I want a bunker.

    Votes: 25 18.8%
  • Big darned asteroid is coming making a tsunami...get a surf board

    Votes: 6 4.5%
  • You are right Bog. It's the economy stupid...

    Votes: 71 53.4%

  • Total voters


Your not challenging what I think, your giving me reason to reinforce my current belief system.

Every time I have to post FACTS, I reinforce my arguments.

Every time you post ATTACKS, you work your way back to the mud you crawled out of...


Bubblegum Specialist
All BOG Seeds are Heritage Seeds that will reproduce indefinitely.

I agree that we are probably at peak oil and peak population and it may end up to be for the same reason. As we continue to raise demand less oil is being found and this huge population is fed on oil. You can't ignore the scope of our long term problems that already show how hard they are to deal with.

Where do you put all the garbage? The movie Idiocracy shows how poor planning can lead to disaster and are we really so smart? The ocean is our sewer and our farmlands are mineral depleted which requires mineral supplementation to grow effectively.

Many small farms won't be enough so there will need to be megacities. Even if managed well why would anyone want fifty billion people on the planet?

Too many people just cheapens the value of life and the value we place on one individual. Do you like overcrowded classrooms? That makes learning harder and an over crowded highway means a traffic jam which I am sure you hate as much as I do.

Why not gradually reduce our population to make this a better and more easily manageable world. We could pollute less and waste less while the quality of our lives goes up. It is a luxury to have a double suite so if you think we should keep on making more people then you can live in a small shoebox in a row of shoeboxes.

Maybe we could all just fit in feedlots with cages and computers where we get fed and we shit and it all goes in the garden then back to the kitchen...

A crowded planet sucks.


The human being strives for more then just something to eat. Overpopulation makes it so the human strives for merely anything to eat.


Active member
Oil is not going away. I spoke with a bio engenier at a non-profit lunch. Look at the pattons cal tech has purchased in the last few years. We are engeniring dna of cels to create self reprodusing single cel organisums that secreate petrolium at a higher grade than what comes from mother earth. With the ability to play god with dna many imposibilities are now soon possible.

Now if they could only cure my spelling...


Bubblegum Specialist
The blind faith that science will solve our problems is a fallacy. I guess this way of avoiding facing the truth helps people dismiss stuff they don't want to happen.

The Octomom is a big mama and she pumps out rug rats eight at a time. An only child is normally spoiled while big families really learn trickle down sharing.

The coming economic failure isn't caused by one thing but by several things. Our govts should save tax monies to do work on roads but they always borrow the money and it costs so much more. We are far from efficient and our infrastructures are in bad shape. More people cost us all more really. The higher traffic on roads for example is just like anything over used.

I would advocate biofuels but hydrogen seems cleanest. It's the damage to the environment caused by over population that makes growing so much food difficult. We are ruining the planets health and to save ourselves we need to save the planet.

A reasonable effort to reduce population would be part of any sensible solution but we need a strategy to manage the future and a way to keep our economic system functioning.


Active member
Redefining results at a genetic level is the new fronteer. Cal Teck has purchased 100 mill in genetic pattons. As long as funding holds out the pase that advanements are made are exponetial now.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Sadly people see genetically engineered bugs that excrete petroleum as progress.

Petroleum is an outdated dirty business.

You want advancement instead of working backwards?



sun(100 terawatts a day, 6 times annual global demand), wind, geo thermal(everywhere), thorium reactors(clean nuclear), bio fuels(algae farms), efficiency increases( ie led lighting).

i could keep going too....

one of the biggest problems is a debt money system.....

it is slavery.


Bubblegum Specialist
So in reality the man made threat of economic trouble could have been avoided but we aren't working to solve the problems. The long term just keeps looking worse so we often look at the short term instead.

Actually I am an optimist but I sound like I am looking for problems. We are smart and whatever happens we will find a way to survive but why should this mess happen?

It's greed for power and money that over rules common sense solutions. Capitalism mandated continual growth and this makes us over consume and over populate with the blessings of the Pope.

Make sure you at least have enough stored food and water to last a month. That would only be long enough to make some plans and possibly bug out.

My friends down in Los Angelos need to be prepared for earthquake of course and you already know this but we are all in danger if earth changes occur in a rapid succession.

Make sure you know your neighbors and cooperate with them in any emergence. The way we network in an emergency could be vital to our survival by working together.

We will need to share...not fight. Some peole ar bad guys but most people are moral and upstanding. Make friends and form a cooperative neighborhood association.

Keep your vehicle fueled and your guns oiled. I know it sounds scary and it is but you will be given e strength to save your family if you have faith in yourself.

Don't expect God to protect you though. Use your eyes and ears and brain every day. You are very intelligent. People find a way and we will work together so hard to achieve a goal when it really matters.

Preparedness for life matters so don't waste your time or money on wasteful pursuits when you could be saving for the future. prepping for the most likely emergency you face.

It doesn't take doomsday to have problems.


Active member
The blind faith that science will solve our problems is a fallacy.

You sure about that? Science will soon show us some amazing things.

Look at it like this..... Technology has been growing at an exponential rate. This means phase one technology is at 1, stage two at 2, stage three at 4 ext..... This equates to the old wives tale:

In this fable a man tells another man that he wants one grain of rice, doubled every day, over a 64 square chess board. Once the man is half way through the chess board, he realizes that the final square will be enormous. The amount of rice in the last square is, 18,446,744,070,000,000,000.
Or, to quote that link I posted, "A grain of rice is approximately .2 inches long. Converting .2 inches to feet (divide by 12 inches to a foot) and then dividing that number by 5,280 feet in one mile, we get the length of the grains of rice, placed end-to-end, to be approximately 60,000,000,000,000 miles. How far is that? Alpha Centauri, the nearest star, is located 25,000,000,000,000 miles from Earth. Placed end to end, these grains of rice would reach farther than from the Earth, across space to the nearest star, Alpha Centauri, and back to Earth again!"

Now the scary part, technology runs at the same speed. Most top minds think we are at about the middle of the chess board. In the next 32 squares of the chess board, the sky's are the limit. Machines that print food, that's right, print food. Machines that can turn paint (or any liquid) into drinking water that can be installed in any third world country. And those last two examples already exist.

So people that think technology can't save us, I say your wrong. Now will human nature allow technology to save us, that's a story for another day.


Bubblegum Specialist
Easy to say but it's not likely. It's Idiocracy right now...

I don't deny the possibilities but without a plan the world will plunge into darkness again and all that science won't happen.

People have always thought science would improve our health and provide all the food we would ever need but too many rats in a box won't benefit from science. What solutions do you see science offering? Making the statement that we should have faith in science isn't very scientific really..

Respect to your post however I don't think so.

lost in a sea

if man becomes unhuman then technology will solve his problems, the fifth stage of man will be a robot.. cold, rational, selfish, left brained and apathetic,, i think we are half way there..

the problem with science is it is supposed to be unbiased and it simply is not, so it is a religion now.. its what it has been turned into.. a shame but it was inevitable..

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

Humans love technology.

We work diligently on energy production and sustainable nonpolluting solutions.

Too bad those programs don't get the funding that weapons technology does.


Active member
People always have this negative attitude like the world is the worst it has ever been and things are getting worse. The facts, humans have never been better. We have been able to fight thousands of diseases, have you come down with the plaque recently? The world is heating up.....However the most productive times in human history were during warm global temperatures.

The problems you stated like, how will we feed all these people, how will we clean the oceans and land from human garbage, where will more water come from, ext. My personal opinion is science will not only take care of those problems, but it will be quite easy to do so in a hundred or so years. Human nature is what we should fear. When humans can control science to it's full potential, anything is possible. Think about it, everything you watched on star treck/wars is coming true. What was once science fiction, in now reality. If I were to of told you 15 years ago that EVERYBODY would carry around a device that could call others, surf the internet, hold all your songs and movies, you would have called me crazy then too. Behold the current day cell phone.

Great conversation BOG, thanks for bringing a reasonable mind set to the table. Enjoy your weekend.

lost in a sea

the plague was just a result of the dark ages and how retarded the church made everyone.. i mean they were pouring shit into the street and drinking from wells that were feet from sewage wells.. people knew not to do that before they cleansed the place of sanity and replaced it with fear and ignorance.. at least that is the black death, the spanish flu took a few and was pretty much a result of war time poor health.. monks and missionaries of the church spread disease all around the world and caused most of the problem as well.. dont know what point im making here though.. maybe that certain sadistic religions, cities and modern poor health is worse for spreading disease than what we had before..

honestly before we so badly over populated the earth with cities plagues were rare things, peoples health, nomadic living and geographic divides made it almost impossible for anything to spread fast enough.. its just nature's way trying to balance out anyone parasite that overruns the system, we twisted that law of nature as well,, but the branch can snap back within one generation so we arent safe, just running from destiny..

i dont have faith in science anymore, i believe what i know to be true not what they weave into a grand scheme for those that dont have the time to look behind the curtain....
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Bubblegum Specialist
Science is amazing and we really don't know how fast it will progress but our educational systems seem to be failing too. Not that we don't have many incredibly smart people working hard on many things.

I won't give up hope but take medicine for an example. Sure science has taught us much and many treatments exist that help us live longer and fuller lives. But will science tell us how to afford a good standard of health care world wide? How will science answer the over population problem? With super viruses or nukes?

Making people live longer actually compounds our problem. Lots of us old fuks to care for but science could give an over populated world solutions like in the movie, Soylent Green.

So science could solve the over population problem in a jiffy but what about the economic collapse? Science isn't likely to come up with a solution in time.

I think it's reasonable to put your faith in the brainiacs but don't stop thinking for yourselves. Nobody has a plan that I can see yet. Most people don't even see population as a problem so why would science work on it?


Active member
Great points you guys. Maybe I can sum my personal point of view up at least. Science if allowed will allow humans to do amazing things. I wouldn't call it "faith," but my belief in science is it could be a great thing that cures most of the worlds problem. This won't happen over night, but if you take the 10's of thousands of years that humans have been cultured, it will "seem" like overnight.

The great IF comes from MAN. Do I have any hope or belief in the common day man? Hell no. Most people are too afraid to get sued or need to pull out a cell phone and start video recording something before they would even think of helping. This is the case in large cities, not so much in rural areas. So when BOG talks of the quality of life being better when populations are lower, I think this is evidence to him being correct. However, we live in a vast universe. Who says the universe can only handle 50 billion people? I believe its man kinds destiny to travel the cosmos, and have trillions of lives living at the same time. I can only hope by then we all have common decency for one another.

Those are just my beliefs, I have always been called an optimist. =)

The funny thing is I say all the above, yet I have a 6 month food supply for two people(foodinsurance.com), bug out bags, rifle carry bags that will carry most of my guns, lots of ammo, SUV with Thule on top, a bug out cabin. I go to the range bi-weekly on average, and try to learn renewable practices as much as I can. I guess it's hope for the best, plan for the worst. And to bring this whole post back to the reason this thread started, the reason I prep so much is for an economic collapse, that I believe has a higher chance of happening than not.
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The International Bankers, Corporations Never Had.....

any intentions of letting such a rich land as America and such hard working serfs go "free".

The Original Constitution For The United States Of America was essentially dictated by the bankers and King George. If you look at article six in The Treaty of Paris 1783 you will see that all of the King's contracts in America were reaffirmed and put back in force after "the war".
The bankers contracts were also reaffirmed.
When the States did not pay the banks or The Crown the European money power threatened to resume open hostilities.
So Washington D.C. was created as a concession to delay the inevitable War On America by the banksters and European powers.
The problem is that it was created with a split allegiance. On the one hand it was supposed to protect the newly Independent American States, on the other hand it was supposed to collect taxes and tribute for The British Crown and The Vatican. Very hard to serve two masters.
Eventually the bankers won out over the People of the States. Since 1871 the United States has not served the little people or even the landowners (people) anymore but has simply been helping itself to ever increasing portions of their labor and land.

So the Vatican, The Crown, and all of it's affiliated banks and corporations have a stranglehold on America today.

There are no more "electors" choosing a de jure government (republic). There are only "voters" voting for their union representative to "the corporation". All voters can do is beg The Crown Bankers for better "working" conditions and feudal (federal) employee benefits on this giant Plantation.
Have you read the book They Own it All? On paper the bankers have securitized everything, land, cars, houses, factories, water, air, minerals, wildlife, men, women, and children. They are collecting interest on the bonds they have put on all of us. In other words you are being held in bondage by the bankers. They promise your labor in the form of newly printed federal reserve notes that they print and pass out! Then they give this promises of your labor to someone who then give them back to you thus ordering you to give your masters a days "work". You are a debt slave. On Paper the bankers hold title to your lifetime labor. So they issue shares of your labor to pay THEIR debts and then you are "ordered" to work off their debts.

Of course the bankers never had any intention of leaving alone the newly formed United States of America. It is and was just too big of a goldmine to let alone. They won't withdraw their feeding tubes from us until we are completely sucked dry like Argentinia, Greece, etc. and all of us and our children have been worked to the bone and are dead and cremated.

lost in a sea

they operate on maritime law as well so courts, which are run by the crown anyway through the bar attorneys association,, cant and dont recognise any challenge to their authority..


Ecclesiastic Commonwealth Community (ECC)
Submitted by Gary Reil
July 15, 2003

The Templars of the Crown
The governmental and judicial systems within the United States of America, at both federal and local state levels, is owned by the "Crown," which is a private foreign power. Before jumping to conclusions about the Queen of England or the Royal Families of Britain owning the U.S.A., this is a different "Crown" and is fully exposed and explained below. We are specifically referencing the established Templar Church, known for centuries by the world as the "Crown." From this point on, we will also refer to the Crown as the Crown Temple or Crown Templar, all three being synonymous.

First, a little historical background. The Temple Church was built by the Knights Templar in two parts: the Round and the Chancel. The Round Church was consecrated in 1185 and modeled after the circular Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The Chancel was built in 1240. The Temple Church serves both the Inner and Middle Temples (see below) and is located between Fleet Street and Victoria Embankment at the Thames River. Its grounds also house the Crown Offices at Crown Office Row. This Temple "Church" is outside any Canonical jurisdiction. The Master of the Temple is appointed and takes his place by sealed (non-public) patent, without induction or institution.

All licensed Bar Attorneys - Attorners (see definitions below) – in the U.S. owe their allegiance and give their solemn oath in pledge to the Crown Temple, realizing this or not. This is simply due to the fact that all Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the international Bar Association located at the Inns of Court at Crown Temple, which are physically located at Chancery Lane behind Fleet Street in London. Although they vehemently deny it, all Bar Associations in the U.S., such as the American Bar Association, the Florida Bar, or California Bar Association, are franchises to the Crown.

The Inns of Court (see below, The Four Inns of Court) to the Crown Temple use the Banking and Judicial system of the City of London - a sovereign and independent territory which is not a part of Great Britain (just as Washington City, as DC was called in the 1800’s, is not a part of the north American states, nor is it a state) to defraud, coerce, and manipulate the American people. These Fleet Street bankers and lawyers are committing crimes in America under the guise and color of law (see definitions for legal and lawful below). They are known collectively as the "Crown." Their lawyers are actually Templar Bar Attornies, not lawyers.

The present Queen of England is not the "Crown," as we have all been led to believe. Rather, it is the Bankers and Attornies (Attorneys) who are the actual Crown or Crown Temple. The Monarch aristocrats of England have not been ruling sovereigns since the reign of King John, circa 1215. All royal sovereignty of the old British Crown since that time has passed to the Crown Temple in Chancery.

The U.S.A. is not the free and sovereign nation that our federal government tells us it is. If this were true, we would not be dictated to by the Crown Temple through its bankers and attornies. The U.S.A. is controlled and manipulated by this private foreign power and our unlawful Federal U.S. Government is their pawn broker. The bankers and Bar Attorneys in the U.S.A. are a franchise in oath and allegiance to the Crown at Chancery - the Crown Temple Church and its Chancel located at Chancery Lane - a manipulative body of elite bankers and attorners from the independent City of London who violate the law in America by imposing fraudulent "legal" - but totally unlawful - contracts on the American people. The banks Rule the Temple Church and the Attorners carry out their Orders by controlling their victim’s judiciary.

Since the first Chancel of the Temple Church was built by the Knights Templar, this is not a new ruling system by any means. The Chancel, or Chancery, of the Crown Inner Temple Court was where King John was, in January 1215, when the English barons demanded that he confirm the rights enshrined in the Magna Carta. This City of London Temple was the headquarters of the Templar Knights in Great Britain where Order and Rule were first made, which became known as Code. Remember all these terms, such as Crown, Temple, Templar, Knight, Chancel, Chancery, Court, Code, Order and Rule as we tie together their origins with the present American Temple Bar system of thievery by equity (chancery) contracts.

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness."
-Matthew 23:27

By what authority has the "Crown" usurped the natural sovereignty of the American people? Is it acceptable that the U.S. Supreme Court decides constitutional issues in the U.S.A? How can it be considered in any manner as being "constitutional" when this same Supreme Court is appointed by (not elected) and paid by the Federal U.S. Government? As you will soon see, the land called North America belongs to the Crown Temple.

The legal system (judiciary) of the U.S.A. is controlled by the Crown Temple from the independent and sovereign City of London. The private Federal Reserve System, which issues fiat U.S. Federal Reserve Notes, is financially owned and controlled by the Crown from Switzerland, the home and legal origin for the charters of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and most importantly, the Bank of International Settlements. Even Hitler respected his Crown bankers by not bombing Switzerland. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland controls all the central banks of the G7 nations. He who controls the gold rules the world.

The Four Inns of Court to the unholy Temple

Globally, all the legalistic scams promoted by the exclusive monopoly of the Temple Bar and their Bar Association franchises come from four Inns or Temples of Court: the Inner Temple, the Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn, and Gray's Inn. These Inns/Temples are exclusive and private country clubs; secret societies of world power in commerce. They are well established, some having been founded in the early 1200’s. The Queen and Queen Mother of England are current members of both the Inner Temple and Middle Temple. Gray’s Inn specializes in Taxation legalities by Rule and Code for the Crown. Lincoln’s Inn received its name from the Third Earl of Lincoln (circa 1300).

Just like all U.S. based franchise Bar Associations, none of the Four Inns of the Temple are incorporated - for a definite and purposeful reason: You can’t make claim against a non-entity and a non-being. They are private societies without charters or statutes, and their so-called constitutions are based solely on custom and self-regulation. In other words, they exist as secret societies without a public “front door” unless you’re a private member called to their Bar.

While the Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise by license to steal from Canada and Great Britain, it is the Middle Temple that has legal license to steal from America. This comes about directly via their Bar Association franchises to the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple through the Crown Temple.

From THE HISTORY OF THE INN, Later Centuries, [p.6], written by the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, we can see a direct tie to the Bar Association franchises and its Crown signatories in America:

“Call to the Bar or keeping terms in one of the four Inns a pre-requisite to Call at King's Inns until late in the 19th century. In the 17th and 18th centuries, students came from the American colonies and from many of the West Indian islands. The Inn's records would lead one to suppose that for a time there was hardly a young gentleman in Charleston who had not studied here. Five of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence were Middle Templars, and notwithstanding it and its consequences, Americans continued to come here until the War of 1812”.

All Bar Association licensed Attorneys must keep the terms of their oath to the Crown Temple in order to be accepted or “called to Bar” at any of the King’s Inns. Their oath, pledge, and terms of allegiance are made to the Crown Temple.

It’s a real eye opener to know that the Middle Inn of the Crown Temple has publicly acknowledged there were at least five Templar Bar Attornies, under solemn oath only to the Crown, who signed what was alleged to be an American Declaration of Independence. This simply means that both parties to the Declaration agreement were of the same origin, the Crown Temple. In case you don’t understand the importance of this, there is no international agreement or treaty that will ever be honored, or will ever have lawful effect, when the same party signs as both the first and second parties. It’s merely a worthless piece of paper with no lawful authority when both sides to any agreement are actually the same. In reality, the American Declaration of Independence was nothing more than an internal memo of the Crown Temple made among its private members.

By example, Alexander Hamilton was one of those numerous Crown Templars who was called to their Bar. In 1774, he entered King's College in New York City, which was funded by members of the London King’s Inns, now named Columbia University. In 1777, he became a personal aide and private secretary to George Washington during the American Revolution.

In May of 1782, Hamilton began studying law in Albany, New York, and within six months had completed a three year course of studies, passed his examinations, and was admitted to the New York Bar. Of course, the New York Bar Association was/is a franchise of the Crown Temple through the Middle Inn. After a year's service in Congress during the 1782-1783 session, he settled down to legal practice in New York City as Alexander Hamilton, Esqr. In February of 1784, he wrote the charter for, and became a founding member of, the Bank of New York, the State's first bank.

He secured a place on the New York delegation to the Federal Convention of 1787 at Philadelphia. In a five hour speech on June 18th, he stated “an Executive for life will be an elective Monarch”. When all his anti-Federalist New York colleagues withdrew from the Convention in protest, he alone signed the Constitution for the United States of America representing New York State, one of the legal Crown States (Colonies).

One should particularly notice that a lawful state is made up of the people, but a State is a legal entity of the Crown - a Crown Colony. This is an example of the deceptive ways the Crown Temple - Middle Templars - have taken control of America since the beginning of our settlements.

Later, as President Washington’s U.S. Treasury Secretary, Hamilton alone laid the foundation of the first Federal U.S. Central Bank, secured credit loans through Crown banks in France and the Netherlands, and increased the power of the Federal Government over the hoodwinked nation-states of the Union. Hamilton had never made a secret of the fact that he admired the government and fiscal policies of Great Britain.

Americans were fooled into believing that the legal Crown Colonies comprising New England were independent nation states, but they never were nor are today. They were and still are Colonies of the Crown Temple, through letters patent and charters, who have no legal authority to be independent from the Rule and Order of the Crown Temple. A legal State is a Crown Temple Colony.

Neither the American people nor the Queen of Britain own America. The Crown Temple owns America through the deception of those who have sworn their allegiance by oath to the Middle Templar Bar. The Crown Bankers and their Middle Templar Attornies Rule America through unlawful contracts, unlawful taxes, and contract documents of false equity through debt deceit, all strictly enforced by their completely unlawful, but “legal”, Orders, Rules and Codes of the Crown Temple Courts, our so-called “judiciary” in America. This is because the Crown Temple holds the land titles and estate deeds to all of North America.

The biggest lie is what the Crown and its agents refer to as “the rule of law”. In reality, it is not about law at all, but solely about the Crown Rule of all nations. For example, just read what President Bush stated on November 13, 2001, regarding the “rule of law:”

“Our countries are embarked on a new relationship for the 21st century, founded on a commitment to the values of democracy, the free market, and the rule of law.” - Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and President Vladimir V. Putin on 11/13/01, spoken from the White House, Washington D.C.