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DoobieDuck Strawberry Cough Kush..The Macros


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,,,,dude i am going to start sending u samples just to take my pics for me is that acceptable lol,,,i mean i wouldn't have to twist ur arm would i? lol,,,,peace
Ido..big thanks..samples you say..better keep those in a PM..
Great pics bro :)
thanks Chronic..
Doobie, always impressing the community what else is new...
I hope that is a complement Herb..thanks...
dd beautiful shots as always my friend!!! :rasta:
teddy thank you as well..
Doobie.....These have got to be the best shots I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing!
VTA that my friend is a big thing to live up to..comming from you a huge complement..many thanks..I work hard at it.
Awesome pics!
Thanks Barnt...
killer pics im lovein the keyboards 2 DD

Bigscoot..I was wondering if anybody would notice the other things in my studio..thank you..I'm going to shoot some more so stay tuned and thanks for the views..DD

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Is it wrong that I like your pic of the camera and herb with studio in background the most on this page?! I think it is a nice glimpse into your world and is intimate to me in that regard. Thanks for the pics Doobie!


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Retardo and Asdfasf..thank you two for stoping in..I will have some more dry bud shots and macros soon, she is all hanging now..DD


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
wait,you're a wood carver,a photographer,a grower and you apparently play several instruments,and judging by the quality of the instruments a fair hand at those as well...It seems your only disability is lack of time!! If I were half as talented at any of the many things you do so well i would be a happy man,thank you doobie!!


Hell yea DD those shots are so legit! I recently got myself an extension tube for my eos rebel, I'm still trying to get the hang of it.....

Today I shot 284 images and loaded about a dozen to the macro album

I think that pretty much explains my problem, I've never shot that many in one sitting haha. Well done DD, you are indeed setting the standard!

Laughing Jim

Active member
Hey Doobieduck... you don't know me either, but i recognize excellent photography when i see it.

Really nice girls... superfine!

I can almost smell that strawberry...


???? ???????:?9-THC
:hijacked: hope you don't mind!! just got a 60mm lens and now I can take some pretty cool picts...I love macro
and since yours picts are gorgeous... can you take a look and tell me what you think of mine!... love to ear some tips



Well-known member
Hey doobie :)

It's been a while just wanted to stop by and give you probs... always love your pics!

keep up the good work and see you around my friend :)


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Powerball thanks for reviving my thread...yes it does taste and smell just like strawberry. Cork thank you, Pearlmae you as well, nice comments. Justin #1 fan! Bob always good to see you stop in as your appreciation of my work is special...thanks..DD


Powerball thanks for reviving my thread...yes it does taste and smell just like strawberry. Cork thank you, Pearlmae you as well, nice comments. Justin #1 fan! Bob always good to see you stop in as your appreciation of my work is special...thanks..DD
Thanks DD, i got some femd strawcough from attitude otw. dont know if its the same as that stuff... but i sure do hope so!