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Doobie Needs Advice!


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I'm not ready to call this a blunder..maybe even worse..not yet.
Well..how do I start? You help me make the call and I'll be forever indebted.
These were started indoors 18/6 in Febuary. Moved to the greenhouse on April second..doing great, very healthy. They immidiately went into flower as the days were a shorter time period then the 18/6 they were used to. I culled the males, kept one for pollen, they continued to flower.

The issue is.. they seemed to have stopped flowering now and I think are trying to re-veg. I should have slung one of my MH lights out there and added a few hours every night until the June soltice and shorter daylight hours, but I didn't!
I am considering yanking them all in the next day or so unleess one of you more experianced growers can convince me not to...

I hate to loose such and early start of fine Rez strains and many of my own crosses.
Talk to me!
Thanks DD

If you need more pix, close ups, anything, just ask..I think I know a photographer that can get us those..
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Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I would , if possible of course, force flower them.
Grab yourself a few meters of heavy duty black plastic and build some kind of cages around your girls. That way you can covered them as soon as they get the desired 12hrs of light.
At the moment i´m smoking some hermie Blueberry that i chucked out of the Budbox because i didn´t had any other chance i´ve done my first force flowering :)
Went quite well and it´s easy as they say.
I always grow sad when comes the time to kill a healthy plant so i try to avoid that at all costs.
This is just my opinion and you better wait for better educated ones.
ATB for you


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Paulo I could cover the entire greenhouse..but I'll wait for more help, thank you. PS the smaller plants in the mounds are vegging back ups started a few weeks ago when I first noticed the problem..DD

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
+1 with paulo.

I would build some sort of shield for each plant, or find some big opaque containers to put over them.

Good Luck either way DD!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
wish i had something useful to add,i think the extra hours of light are a good idea but even in the best case it will take time for them to reveg..


Active member
Hey bro. Got your msg. Sorry for your troubles. The advice so far has been pretty pot-on. Sounds like your plants are revegging... The supplemental light would have saved you from this and adding it now would speed up the process of revegging... if that is the way you want to go.

If you let them reveg, it will cost you a month, and since they are already in reveg, they will not just flip back into flower immediately if you start running a light deprivation on your whole greenhouse.

Best case would be to fill the space with new fresh plants that will just explode on June 1st. I don't like to run anything full season that has transitioned off schedule and then transitioned back. You lose time, vigor and, in a worst case scenario that I experienced my first year out, mutant leaves sprouted to cover the early buds during reveg and these "pods" molded at the end of flower. The plant was a total loss.

If you really don't want to lose the special strains, you might consider transplanting them (If possible) to some smart pots and make them into a smaller light dep outside or in a corner of the greenhouse. This will require pulling a tarp over it at 8 pm and taking it off every morning.

If you decide to cover the entire greenhouse as was suggested earlier, I would fill in the empty spaces between existing plants with some fresh plants because i don't think the ones you have will get a whole lot bigger.

Hope I've been of some help. Good luck.

Grass Lands

If it were me I would pinch off all the flowering tops and throw in some artificial lighting to get them back on track until the days are long enuff to support veg mode.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The plants look small to me and need more veg time. I like the Idea of letting them get bigger now that there back in veg they should grow larger right. Did you do any type of training to keep them low to the ground?


Well-known member
high bro!

to be honest i would leave them... especially if they start revegging, especially if you have 2+ months left for them to grow before the flowering season comes... on the negative side, they might need a month to "reveg" and some might hermie due to "reveging", and worst case, they might need to long to reveg, and won't be becomming monsters (not growing alot due to the reveg). BUT if you are lucky, you might end up with some REALLY BUSHY monsters...

ps.: hope this helps :)


seeker of greater knowledge
well brother doobie i'd suggest either 1 of 2 things...
First... you could construct small cages for the plants that are/were flowering and resume flowering ..
Second...since their already revegging you could add a flouesent light to bring up the total daylight hours but as nomadd mentioned you will lose about 1 month before flowering BUT your plants will be bigger and healthier and of course more buds..
hope everything works out the best old friend


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ICMag Donor
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The Best Growers are Here at IC!

Thanks everyone for the advice, brothers it is appreciated.

Sounds like your plants are revegging... If you let them reveg, it will cost you a month, and since they are already in reveg, they will not just flip back into flower immediately... Best case would be to fill the space with new fresh plants that will just explode on June 1st. I don't like to run anything full season that has transitioned off schedule and then transitioned back. You lose time, vigor.... .

Nomaad you hit it on the nose with this...^ ^ ..exactly what I've experienced and was thinking.

I know I can pop some seed and go in the ground in a week, about July they will explode. That, I think, is fact VS all the other scenarios that could happen or the things that might happen if I do try anything else.

I have a ample seed of my crosses, I will loose all the Rez Chem SD genetics but I have others by him I could pop. I have 3 ChemHaze x Chemdog in the ground at 4" now... so I'll still have some pix for Rez come fall.
I'll be a little behind with the years grow Vs way ahead like I thought I'd be, but your "go with fresh plants" is almost guaranteed.

I have a comrad comming out in the morning to take a look and if I trash all these girls I'll lop um off and leave the soil un-disturbed because a few of the mounds have my back-ups going in them now. Thanks again everyone..I'll keep you in the loop..DD

Gotta go with the Nomaad after seeing him and his starts below earlier this year:
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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I say they are weeds and in their genes that are MILLIONS of years old they know what to do.

If you have any fears of losing anything I would take some cuts and start to cloning. I'm guessing you are committed now so I say let the girls do what they know how to do and thats make men crazy.

My Penny


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Since you have already planted some backups and have time to fill in I'd pluck em and start anew.

However I have topped flowering plants shortly after they begin budding and they kick ass. Since you don't want to risk doing something that you don't already know will work, (and I don't blame ya) maybe you'd be open to saving 1 patch and topping it.
Next time you will have the "know" about what to expect.


I lived and died with reveg for many years so my infro is biased. I would cut buds off, force veg then have a huge mother type plant. I live 45n so my growin season has some added challenges. With all of your choices I would do like Stresstest reccomeded. LEARN so I can ask u next time . Love your pics BTW. I hired a pro an used your work as the norm!!
Stay Frosty
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Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Hey my friends..many thanks again for your attention to my issue, I made a decision and yanked everything except one Cocoa Kush x Jolly Bud. That girl I severly manicured, cut off over half the plant and am watching closely to see if she goes veg or flower. I re-potted a couple for breeding and made some home made smart pots around the rest of the back-up plants I had.. All the info on my transition from not knowing what to do here-to where I'm at now- is in my new 2011 Grow Diary thread. I hated to loose these big healthy starts..but the tears have dried and I've moved on..Cheers..DD

This image was a day ago..they all have smart pots now, all the larger plants have been yanked, except the one I mentioned which is closest to the bottom of this pic...DD



seeker of greater knowledge
glad to hear you found a solution to your problem doob....its also good to hear your in a positive mind state about the situation.....best of luck this season...:abduct: