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Doober's 2024 grow

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA


Well-known member
Hey man how's it going hey buddy the sunflowers need to be tied down I actually have to get steaks for them sunflowers are awesome it's just I'm growing them in pots and stuff. The four cannabis plants are going to be inside I guess or both it's going to be like a gorilla pot bring them in and out all the time
Last summer had a big cherry tomato in a 25gal ctn, when ever a heavy wind came up it would blow it over. I ended up putting some heavy rocks in around the ctn.

Would you be concerned about transporting bugs in and out with your autos?

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
When are you planning on planting them out?
The 4 cannabis plants are fem autos and will get the 6" pots and the peppers I guess can go out anytime but I'll keep them in the seedling trays until they get beefy. Probably. I may put various cups of peppers all around outside. There are rabbits and no planting of fruits or veggies allowed. Guerilla jalapenos . The trainereckxwidow is doing good can't complain. Never grew an auto. I have bad light pollution from the parking lot here so it will be nice not having them Hermie.


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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
You are going to love the WW x Trainwreck mine smell lovely. WW is one of my fav strains
Yes I'm really looking forward to some type of harvest. They are going to have to stay in the bedroom window until an outdoor spot can be found. Mom is moving so can't grow in her yard. Happy memorial day everybody! Me and Mom grilled with propane on Saturday at the park, Mystic Lakes. Shannon Beach State Park. Kobe burgers and old time Weiners. The cupcakes made my poop green. Going for 3 mile walks twice a day, going on about a year I guess maybe 2 almost. Trying to get under 250 again


Well-known member
Yes I'm really looking forward to some type of harvest. They are going to have to stay in the bedroom window until an outdoor spot can be found. Mom is moving so can't grow in her yard. Happy memorial day everybody! Me and Mom grilled with propane on Saturday at the park, Mystic Lakes. Shannon Beach State Park. Kobe burgers and old time Weiners. The cupcakes made my poop green. Going for 3 mile walks twice a day, going on about a year I guess maybe 2 almost. Trying to get under 250 again
I like walking, it's a great exercise, no cost and things to see. Helps keep your joints flexible.

My country doctor use to run 20 miles in the morning I would see him on my drive to work. After a number of years he told me he needed surgery on his feet because of running and he should quit running. He never gave up and needed surgery a second time. He was never able to run again. He gained considerable weight.
You would think a doctor would know better but he is human with all the same short comings as the rest of us.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I like walking, it's a great exercise, no cost and things to see. Helps keep your joints flexible.

My country doctor use to run 20 miles in the morning I would see him on my drive to work. After a number of years he told me he needed surgery on his feet because of running and he should quit running. He never gave up and needed surgery a second time. He was never able to run again. He gained considerable weight.
You would think a doctor would know better but he is human with all the same short comings as the rest of us.
I used to be a runner back in college I ran for a few years it hurts just tremendous it's tremendous strain on the hips and knees and ankles and feet and people get sucked into a routine or like a no a cycle of hurting themselves and then recuperating rehabilitating to be able to run again and just a vicious cycle where they get hurt again and then have to rehabilitate and never ends walking is low impact I really like it and I meet a lot of people

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I accidentally just killed the biggest sunflower there was a weird insect on there and I flicked it with my finger and it like broke the stem in half of the big sunflower well there's three left and then there's two in the other room I love sunflowers these things are great just need some good Sun