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Don't let me down...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
continuing to rock this mate :)

can I ask are you supplementing cal/mag or using tap water? I see some "canoeing" (aka praying for mag) but nothing huge, just tweaks :)

I see a little bleaching too so maybe they're just getting used to the light being a little closer, which would also make em 'canoe"... move it closer lately?

looking great anyway man... :)
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Pics taken on 9-7-10

Pics taken on 9-7-10

Third Coast-Yoooo, do the DTW man, its harder to setup I think but it works better....Sounds like you got a nice setup too! My temps have been decent, I my light at night. I think my highest temp has been like 87, but normally its around 77.

-Thanks for the comment, and stop by anytime!

OCkushKing-I've had some dank ass BD before from clubs. This cut I have is like the haze version, its not very good me thinks :( But it can yield, smells ok, not very dense though. I want a better BD, that's for sure.

fred b-Yea they definitely stretched a good amount, but they filled in nice! Thanks for the kind words :tiphat:

InducedSerenity-Sup buddy! I vegged for like 3 weeks, maybe 4? They were moms given to me by a buddy, and they were nice but I wanted to top and super crop the shit outta em to get bushes. And so they are. :wave:

TRA1NWRECK-In veg it was like 800ppm/1.2EC Now in flower I had them at 1.3 for the first two weeks and now 1.5EC/1050ppm in the third week. I think I need more cal mag but not sure. I use RO water and been using it at recommended dosages. Thanks for any help!

Silky Johnson-What uuup. I'm actually using House and Garden not GH. And yes I have used canna, it was decent but I think I got better results with H&G. I have used the air pots and I hear they are making a big hit in the market now. They worked well for me that's for sure! Just use the concept big plants and small pot, more frequent watering and feeding.

Phedrosbenny-Thanks!!! Lets hope they stay that way!

eyyo-Coco Fo Sho sho!

sci-fi-Right on thanks dude!

Murderapolis-You a new member? If so you probably gotta have a certain amount of posts before you can upload pics? Maybe? Anyways I just go to make a comment in a thread and then I select "forum Albums" above the comment box. Good luck!

-Sup bro, yea I am using RO so I use cal mag, been using it for years. They were stretching and getting close to the light so from time to time I am moving it up. Got about 6 more inches to spare, should be enough. Thanks for stopping by, what would you say about fan leaves on only certain plants getting yellow from the inside out, not nitrogen since they arent yellowing from the bottom up. In fact its mostly on the tops of the plants and only on the fans...Cal mag??

Gotta go, I'll make it quick, the pictures explain themselves! Thanks for everyone following along!!!:ying:













Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
if you're using the old CalMag (with experiance too) then it's more likely just a little light bleaching as they grow towards your light mate... it's probably nothing to worry about at all :)

if it does seem to become a problem, consider (upping) the calmag again :)


Active member
Don't let me down...

Cali, keep up the good work. I've always enjoyed ur show's and I'm still stuck on the Dtw method but the recirc in coco is catching my eyes more n more.. Healthy looking girls :joint:


Active member
oh shit i see flowers !! woo woo ! nice thread homeboi.. just found it. anyway, lets burn.. i'll holler this evening.


Silky Johnson-Nah mang maybe you just high! lol

buddin_904-Thnks for the kind words dude! The Bubba is one of my fav for sure, she lookin dank!

JamieShoes-Yo I was talking with my local hydro store guy and the only thing he could think of was light bleaching too so i raised my lights which helped but there is still a cal mag issue on a couple for sure. I think it was a combo of cal mag and bleaching that was making them look bad quick but it was easily solved. Girls lookin ok now but I still think a couple need more cal mag. What you think brudda?

asher1er-Don't let me fool you sometimes I have to hand water a couple of thirsty bitches while the others sit wet. But then there are days when I just get to plug in and let em get watered which is nice. I think DTW sounds pretty good, just gotta know what your doing and I don't think I'm confident enough at this point.

praisehim.-You hollered, but never came by :tumbleweed:

gaiusmarius-Yo mang here you go!

Taken last night, soooo, that would put em at 29 days I believe...Got some good news and bad news. Good news is, they are looking ok and I will most likely at the least pull some dank GI and possibly bubba.

Bad news is the Blue Dreams and Chems will probably not be very good, the BD I knew from last grow that it wasnt the real Blue Dream I want, its more of a "Haze". Maybe I just didnt grow her right and I'll admit that could have been it. But also the Chem is looking late, like small buds but frosty....Also the REAL BAD NEWS is some chems hermied and I got a few balls but I can see where pollen has landed on some other buds. Some tops of Bubbas have been totally pollinated, the hairs had been burned and I couldnt figure out what was happening. Some GI was hit, and some Chem got hit too. So I should have a good amount of seeds....Yay...My question, since it was hermie pollen am I gonna have hermie-ish seeds or will they all be female? Or regular...Thanks








:wave: :ying:


Looks like Blue Dream to me Cali! Over the next week you should be able to tell for sure. BD seems to grow kinda chunky, not so much long fat buds like trainwreck, but like bubba on steroids!

One Love 731

Senior Member
Why did it take me so long to find this one, Ill chill for the end and learn somthin. Thanks for all ya do caligreen, always a great show. Karma, One Love


Cali, sorry to heal about the pollen man. I like your style, nice bushes, clean grow, very bushy and I can tell they are gettiin lots of TLC.

Third time is a charm, and I'm sure you'll get some real nice smoke off these ladies, and who know's maybe the next real deal from the pollen chuck.

I gotta stay to see how it all works out.


JamieShoes-Thanks man I think this run will be much better!

OCkushKing-Still can't tell if it is or isn't....What I find in the shops smells different than the cut I have for sure, guess I gotta wait til shes done to see.

One Love 731-Right on bro I appreciate the sweet comments! I don't know if you'll learn much, as I am still in the learning process myself it seems haha. Stick around it is getting sticky!

lokes-Yea the hermies suck but hopefully I won't have to deal with too many beans....TLC is the name of the game, the ladies know when your paying attention to them! 3rd time...? In this tent I suppose you are correct sir! I've been growing for a few years now, seems that I should already have this stuff down but sometimes we get lazy!

Bummer I should have taken a picture, guess what's fucking my plants up and possibly ruined them last run too.....ROOT APHIDS!!! These little shit fuckers, GRRR. I hand watered the other day and started seeing all these little white crawling bugs, unlike fungas gnats....They almost looked like spider mites to me, but instead of dominating on the flowers they were getting stuck on the sugar leaves resin so I didn't think it was spider mites. Well anyways now I know, live and learn. So far from what I've researched I should just let these ladies finish, they are doing a lot better than last run I know it wasn't just the root aphids that could have fucked em it was my laziness as well.

So this run is about 2 weeks from harvest, the Chems look like they will need an extra week for sure but will yield very nicely. Also this is the first time the Chems have actually smelled like anything, and they smell pretty good! Not strong, but they look like a dense diesel now and might turn out to be some awesome smoke! I knew it was just my fucked up growing that was holding her back! The GI's are yellowing at the tops, have been for a while and I'm not sure why. I think it's partly light bleaching of some sort because I have colas on the same plant that are green and some are yellow....Could be root aphids attacking a portion of the roots I suppose....But the GI's are also the only ones that could be done in a week. I just mixed in some MOAB this week, starting it off at a little less than half strength and next week will raise to half strength. I will most likely harvest at least one GI next weekend on the 10th, so I will have smoke when I harvest more the following weekend.

Anyways, things at least are looking a lot better than last run, and I know what I need to do next run in order to achieve perfection(or at least another better run!)








:dance013: :ying:


Cali, me too. I had never had root aphids and I was pulling my hair out trying to correct everything under the sun but everything was correct. Calibrating my pen, flushing, you name it. It was so frustrating. My leaves were curling up, turning black spotting you name it.

I thought I just had fungus gnats but apparently they were another kind of gnat and something was attacking my roots. Applied a little Bayer tree and shrub and walla, things started greening up over night.

Thank God I just had a few mums and some clones. Definitely going to use preventative for now on with neem, and Bayer tree and shrub cause that shit is no joke. Never seen anything hit my babies so fast.

Glad you got it figured out.

Silky Johnson

Hey Cali how many times did you top? And do you use bushmaster at all?