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dont get super high when foods in the oven


dont get high before going shopping at costco, because you will easily run a 150 dollar billl.

$150?? I spend that sober. My last Costco trip was well over $400 (mostly drinks, but some food)

I live with a pack of wild grizzly bears (not literally), and they eat like it's going out of style. I go to Costco at least 1 time a month, mostly for drinks- Grizzly mamma does the food shopping, and she spends more than me..


I hate the feeling of dread when ur stoned as fuck and u hear that fire alarm going off and u know there prolly nothing left of your delicious meal other than some smouldering piles of soot
I had this happen to me once. Then i went to the local dollar store and bought a digital kitchen timer. Glad i did too because it's saved me from burning countless things. Not to mention it helps in not forgetting your wet laundry in the washer when your all baked too.


Big D


Remember kids, only you can prevent,...uhhhh....mmm.... what were we talking about?

Do you smell something?


thats why i always set the timer and then i turn down the volume on the tv so i can hear it.

thats some funny shite though