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Dolomite lime


If all I can find is the pellet type can I not just get some reg lime flour that just has higher magnesium carbonate than calcium carbonate? Or is it the other way around? This is for my soil buffer. Oh and I have some red wigglers that I was just going to throw into my 55 gal drum of soil mixture, so I should mix the lime in well or will it maybe kill them.

Please forgive my typing, I am getting my therapy and the big ass needle in my arm
makes it hard to type with 1 hand.

THX for your help in advance


dude ive been there and i just use the pellets they tell ya to break em up or grind them or some shit.... ace's suppose to have it but all i foudn there was pullverized limestone so i bought it but didnt use it... back to the espoma crap for me if you find it let me know....


Yea, but I think the calcium carbonate in high dosages isn't what I/you/we want or it may be the other way around. I guess I'll just get off my lazy ass and actually do some research.
Thx and late


I get dolomite lime from a nursery (noone carries them except a couple nurseries since the pH is high around here), its powdered and mix a handful with a bunch of promix. Have you checked your local nursery? Mine has more cal than mag.


Not sure about the calcium carbonite though. There is another limestone called calcitic limestone which contains 80+% calcium carbonite. Dolomite lime should contain more Mag, 36%+ I believe.

I do not know on which one you need though because I do not know which would be bad for the plants in high doses.. I know Promix adds Calcitic limestone to their soilless mix though

I believe wood ash has the lowest concentration of calcium carbonite
Don't stress if ya can't find lime, just make sure you ph your water/nutes and you are good to go. I used to use lime all the time until I ran out and for some reason my plants are even healthier without it. I think it's a fine line in regards to how much add as lime tries to keep the soil at around 7. So if you are adding ph water of say 6.5 you can run into small issues.
That's my 2 cents as I will no longer spend the money on it.

tube dude

A lot of places will call dolomite lime garden lime. You should be able to find it anywhere they sell grass seeds. It comes in 50 lb bags and It is cheep.
here they call it agriculture limestone.. has a consistency like sand but quite a bit softer. anyways, i only see it at local nurseries. 50 lbs would last you forever


limeis good as a ph adjuster and maybe to add alittle cal and mag but i never REALLY needed it until i switched to organics....

no ph up or down all in the biology and soil dolomite is neseccary then...


dude ive been there and i just use the pellets they tell ya to break em up or grind them or some shit.... ace's suppose to have it but all i foudn there was pullverized limestone so i bought it but didnt use it... back to the espoma crap for me if you find it let me know....

I bought a 5 lb. bag today at Home Depot ...4.00 bucks.
Should I crush it or use as is?