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Dog comes back to life after being euthanized....


ICMag Donor
This would get you thinking........


As any pet owner can attest to, it was no easy task for Matt Olivarez to end the life of his 10-year-old family dog, Mia. But with spinal problems that left her barely able to walk, the veterinarian told Olivarez that there were no better options to ease her pain.

Olivarez watched as Mia was given two shots and declared deceased. He wrapped her in a blanket and took her home so the family could give her a burial. But the next day, Olivarez found Mia sitting in front of her food bowl, wide awake and obviously alive.

In this video from WXYZ News (via CNN), Olivarez expresses his frustration with the baffling situation: "What if I would have buried my dog alive? What if I had her cremated? She would've got burnt alive."

Now he is faced with the tough choice of if he should try to have her put down again, and witness the death of his beloved companion once more. "How do I explain to my kids I have to kill Mia twice?"
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ICMag Donor
Here's another article

REDFORD TOWNSHIP, Mich. — A suburban Detroit man whose Rottweiler was given a new leash on life after surviving a botched euthanasia said he has neither the heart nor the money to try the procedure again.

Redford Township resident Matt Olivarez, 27, said he's in a tough spot: facing possible home foreclosure while at the same time trying to do right by Mia, an 11-year-old pooch that he feeds by hand, partly because of her spinal problem that makes walking difficult.

Olivarez said he took Mia to the Westcott Veterinary Care Center in Detroit on Saturday to alleviate her suffering. He said Westcott officials speculated afterward that the drug dosage wasn't strong enough or had been watered down.

..He now shudders at the thought of almost burying his beloved pet alive.

"I don't know if I could do it a second time," Olivarez told The Detroit News for a story published Wednesday.

Olivarez said he returned to his garage Sunday morning and noticed Mia missing from where he'd placed her on a pile of hay the day before. He'd planned to bury her in his grandfather's backyard.

Instead, he turned to find her standing on all fours, staring at him.

"Are you still my dog?" he said, saying he felt like he was living a scene from one of the scary movies he enjoys. "It was like a scene from 'Pet Sematary.'"

Olivarez purchased Mia, the only member of her litter to survive, around the time his first child was born. She was intended to be a companion for his sons, now 8 and 9. Olivarez tried to explain Mia's resurrection to them Tuesday night.

"It's crazy," he said. "It's not something I planned for."

Meanwhile, Olivarez is seeking a new owner who can give Mia proper care.

"I'll keep her until I figure something out," he said.

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


Thats insane . Wow I hope that doesnt happen very freakin often what a nightmare. I feel kinda sick just thinking about it buddies right wtf if he had of buried her alive or cremated her. jesus christ thats messed up.

Sometimes I wonder about vets.



Parker Schnobel
Remember that these people took their pets home to bury them.Imagine all the people who have the vets "take care"of the remains.I have had to put three cats down in the last 14 months.I was sure they were all deceased.Or was I?We all have to trust someone when that time comes,and we trust that we did the "right thing".Now my guilty conscience is getting the better of me.


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
wow, that is just freaky...plain out freaky. I can't imagine putting my dog to sleep and then she be sitting there the next day. :yoinks: pet cemetery, right out of a steven king novel.


A foot without a sock...
Remember that these people took their pets home to bury them.Imagine all the people who have the vets "take care"of the remains.I have had to put three cats down in the last 14 months.I was sure they were all deceased.Or was I?We all have to trust someone when that time comes,and we trust that we did the "right thing".Now my guilty conscience is getting the better of me.

I feel for ya' homie, but don't beat yourself up too bad...people have a reasonable expectation that what is said is being done is being done.

No one's fault but the vet.

I have a 16 1/2 year old pitty that is not far off from that last ride and this story disturbs me greatly.

I have a spot picked out, her favorite place on the property,where she'll stay.

I wonder what's behind these 'reawakenings'? Cutting corners?Meds not up to snuff?

Either way, scary shit.
Hard stuff to put down a pet. If I was the owner of this dog, I wouldn't be able to put it down again. I would keep it around until the very end. It's like a sign from god or something.

But, I would eat this one in attempt to gain immortality.
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Yeah you wanna talk about how hard it is to put down a pet?

Watch this video, walls and barriers down and i guarantee anybody with a conscious or emotion WILL shed at least 1 tear.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
ya putting down my Chesapeake bay retriever was the hardest thing i have ever had to do. he was a very good dog, but he had brain tumors, and had a bad doggy stroke, so basically I had to save him from dying from a massive Aneurysm. now i just hope out vet did right by us and gave him a proper dose, so he was not cremated alive. jesus christ....


this sounds exactly like the story of the buddist monk who came back to life
i call bs, its probably christian propaganda

whats a dog got to do with passing over and Christians?
should it not be Buddhist propoganda?

blueberry dank

Hard stuff to put down a pet. If I was the owner of this dog, I wouldn't be able to put it down again. I would keep it around until the very end. It's like a sign from god or something.

But, I would eat this one in attempt to gain immorality.

Its spelled IMMORTALITY genius...:laughing:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
That dog kicks ass if you ask me, sitting by the food bowl? Oh hell yeah man :rtfo:


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
i would immediately faint in this situation ......

and to tell you guys the truth, i have heard stories about pet owners who selfishly put their animals down when in all actuality, the pets do not need to be put down. Lower class, poorer people who do not have the funds to perform expensive surgeries, would much rather just end the life of the animals then to put them through costly surgery.

with that being said, i guarantee there are some extremely compassionate vets who may make it seem as if they euthanized the pet and they just knock it out temporarily until the undeserving owners leave, and then revive it, and perform surgery on it at their own expense and give the animal away to a deserving family, or possibly keep the animal for themselves! YOU CANNOT TELL ME THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN! If a vet clearly knows that an animal has much more life left in them, i highly doubt they would feel good about euthanizing them simply because the previous owner did not have the funds to keep it alive. If I were a vet, i would feel bad that my pricing tier was the reason why a living organism was eliminated off the face of the planet... its kinda comparable to a car mechanic - they will tell you your car is done for and you are better off junking it, then you agree to jjunk it, and they go ahead and repair the vehicle for pennies on the dollar and "bring it back to life".... a vet would easily be able to do surgery for free using their own knowledge and all of the medical instruments they have on hand... right?

What makes me believe it even more is i had a neighbor once who told me about the previous owners of my home, and they were telling me about how the lady was such a bitch and had her 2 year old cat euthanized when they were moving out because they just were unable to take care of it in their future life, and figured it would be easiest just to euthanize the cat so it would not be sad for having to live with a different family. When i heard that story i COULD NOT believe that there are actually people out there who posses brains that think like that...

...and for every person like that, i believe that there is another person out there who has the abillity to make everything equal....




ICMag Donor
I've had a few animals put down over the years and each time the vet checked with a stethoscope for a heartbeat. I'd have to guess that it was a large dog and the vet didn't use enough trying to skimp a few dollars.

Or........ Maybe the dude had two of them from the same litter and both genetically had the same problem. So he puts one down and then tells this story, along with letting everyone know he can't afford the surgery so people would flood him with money....

It's a shame to think that way but people do some strange shit for money......