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Does your emotional state symbiotic with the feeling people get using your product?

Does your emotional state symbiotic with the feeling people get using your product?

  • Total voters


The very question shows how stupid and supersticious pot heads are. A hype person would choose to grow hype weed same with a chill people choosing chill weed. A plant changing chemical profile over a growers mood? Really? What if many people tend to a grow does that make the weed bipolar? These supersticious growers with 1600's witchcraft thinking make normal stoners look bad.


Well-known member
Someone needs to serve this guy a temporary ban^^

We are allowed to disagree with you, that's not trolling. If you expect people to blindly accept what you say as gospel start a religion, forums are places for debates and questioning!


3rd-Eye Jedi
Someone needs to serve this guy a temporary ban^^

We are allowed to disagree with you, that's not trolling. If you expect people to blindly accept what you say as gospel start a religion, forums are places for debates and questioning!

disagreeing doesn't require descriptive adjectives or attacks on my person it requires you state your disagreement and or an argument for it, rep is a tool the admins give us to use in lieu of infighting or arguments

be civil or act out and pay the price


Well-known member
dang weird, you making friends left right and center ;)

just chill dude! cool to agree to disagree, but trying to force folks to see the pixies you are seeing is getting out of hand...

slowly you start wasting serverspace in the almighty ways of the nokuy... only difference, the plethora of bs you spamming the server space with, ain't even funny/entertaining, sort of reading your back n forth half monologues makes one wonder, how sad and attention deprived the weird dude must be :/



Well-known member
disagreeing doesn't require descriptive adjectives
So you get to dictate how many adjectives I require to disagree with you? I notice you ignored my question about how I "attacked your person", isn't that convenient?:dance013:
rep is a tool the admins give us to use in lieu of infighting or arguments
Thank you for that entirely unnecessary explanation. I find it interesting that you perceive this to be infighting/argument and I consider this to be a debate, possibly the reason you are perceiving personal attacks and I'm seeing only logical discrepancies.:tiphat:

This is getting off topic, I'll happily continue to run circles around you in this poor excuse for a debate via PM if you'd like, or you could stop flogging a dead horse:deadhorse (It's odd, I've had to use that metaphor twice in the last few days) and let others share their opinions on the topic rather than jumping down the throat of the masses who are unwilling to accept yours:tumbleweed:


3rd-Eye Jedi
dang weird, you making friends left right and center ;)

just chill dude! cool to agree to disagree, but trying to force folks to see the pixies you are seeing is getting out of hand...

slowly you start wasting serverspace in the almighty ways of the nokuy... only difference, the plethora of bs you spamming the server space with, ain't even funny/entertaining, sort of reading your back n forth half monologues makes one wonder, how sad and attention deprived the weird dude must be :/


sweet now bitch about the neg rep i gave you stop trolling be based on other threads


Well-known member
nah man, thx for the neg rep, once in a while a little bit of change does well :)

pixiedust it is...


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
I think it's more like people who feel love for their plants are more likely to take extra steps to ensure they live the best possible life (spending more time with them, buying expensive additives, etc), followed by the best possible death, will end up with an end product that those who consume it will love. The same will be true of the inverse (think commercial weed grown with no care only desire for profit).

I find it quite amusing that, in the above quoted post, you are in ENTIRE AGREEMENT with what Weird is saying then trying to defend your disapproval / alleged disagreement with him. Also keep in mind, Weird only dropped his opinion here in the thread which was the original intention of the OP.

There is no witchcraft, hippy bullshit or anything else you guys want to call it going on. If you have had your horizons expanded by being BLESSED to be around other growers and be allowed in as many grow rooms as some others here have been, you might take ego out of the equation and add back FACTS in it's place.

Now I won't go so far to call it stupid, but it is ignorance to try to quantify any metrics when a person has no other comparison for their arguments.

IE: Have you ever grown a clone and then had someone pass you VERIFIED bud from the same clone and it was better or worse than your flowers?


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
That goofy thread speaks of some goofy dimwit with no education.

There's no "synergy" or "symbiotic" relationship on a metaphysical level.

Sorry to kill the magic but much more brilliant minds have better explanations, and none of it would you find "mystical".

People find you "weird" because you're lost and believe in illogical crap with no foundation. The "weirdness" comes from normal peoples loss of an explanation for the neurotic.

I took the right pill a LONG time ago. Please don't remember that the imaginary places you go when THC blocks energy connections between your synapses are nothing but an experience......perhaps one with no meaning and not to be applied to situations that people with all synapses firing comprehend. No hate.....just a defender of truth.....cuz that's all that matters.

If you are so convinced of these beliefs, why even put up this thread which is asking for people's opinion on the subject matter?


Well-known member
No we're saying different things, I'm saying that people will like to smoke good marijuana, Weird is saying he can tell things about the grower by looking at the marijuana.
Whilst I agree that one can certain make certain assumptions based on final product, I do not feel as if these assumptions are definitive.
For example, the concept of ascertaining (from a mere glance at a dried bud) that a grower grows a low odour strain is being governed by fear and the importance of stress management in his/her life is preposterous. That is too much assumption for me to go along with, sorry.

Have you ever grown a clone and then had someone pass you VERIFIED bud from the same clone and it was better or worse than your flowers?
This just proves that they grew it better or worse than you, there is zero chance all environmental factors were the same for both grows, you feel me?

I'm just trying to encourage analytical, logical thinking here...


3rd-Eye Jedi
who said mere glance, i said sample. im not some custy scoring nickles in a back alley

you have any idea how many decades I been doing this and how many growers ive met, taught or known?


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
MildeStoner: Actually, you are saying very similar things, just in a different way which is why I quoted you to show the disparity in your other arguments.


Well-known member
innotcrazy, I'm aware of the similarity, but I think they are similar like a shotgun and an iron rod are, they share a few characteristics but are vastly different. Read my above post, I think it demonstrates them (the differences) adequately.
For clarity's sake: I was saying people enjoy well grown herb, this involves someone enjoying something because it's pleasant.
Weird's concept is something akin to psychic detective work in my humble opinion, as much as he may call it analysis or anything else respectable sounding, which involves presuming assumptions to be factual, something my brain will not allow me to do.

Weird, I said that for effect.;)
I don't care if you smoke it, caress it, hold it between you toes, eat it or anything else for that matter. I'm presenting it that you cannot tell anything for sure about the grower of any particular sample, regardless of how many years you think you've been able to.
You can tell me you can as many times as you want but no part of my intellect (I forgot how to spell that for a second, oh the irony!) believes you could prove it a manner considered acceptable by the scientific community at large.
no you got it backwards....my plants health affect my emotional state.

I grow pissed off, and happy too, they all grow the same. I am thinking of the Will Feral SNL bit on how to dis your dog.


You know when I used to eat at McDonalds I would pass one on the way to the one I was willing to eat at. Same greasy pile of potatoes, but the fry-maker at this 2nd one was a pro, his craft, his art, his skill, whatever. When you ate his fries, he was reflected in them. Difference in habit and foundation.

Whether the guy wants to tell me its the technique or its his zen waxonwax off skills... it's physical, metaphysical, spiritual, social... all the way. You simply have the physical embodiment of his 'work'.


If you are so convinced of these beliefs, why even put up this thread which is asking for people's opinion on the subject matter?

That's a fair question so I will respond.

I know people in real life who are as delusional as WEIRD and believe in this witchcraft mysticism bs.

Just put this out as a thermometer on how many crazies we have around here....thus the poll. :)


3rd-Eye Jedi
judging people by the fruits of ones labor is philosophic not witch craft

you obviously haven't been around long enough to be able to tell a difference between a growers work or make assumptions based on it