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Does today's music suck or what?


Active member
Turn the radio on in your car and listen to some of these stations.
I'd rather stab my eyeballs with knitting needles, thanks. Haven't done that in years, don't watch tv and am absolutely astounded at how trashy the 'good' magazines have become. Newsweek (although not that 'great' of a rag for years) reads like the enquirer or star now. Wow. I flipped through one in the doctor's office the other day. Can't say anything else there was any better either. Gah!

Somafm.com has some passable stuff. I listen to progressive trance mainly. We sing in the car since it doesn't have a radio. We're a happy family though so ymmv.

Stay Safe! :xmastree:
Really when you think about its only the music in the top two percent that doesn't suck, in any era.. The newest album I have is Ineffable Mysteries from Shpongland released Halloween this year and I think its bitch'n. mainstream music and payola blows totally!


I can't bear to be the one who starts a sh!tstorm about modern music...so I'll just sit on the sidelines and fume....:mad:



Garden Nymph
I'm just saying thank goodness that T-Pain is generally off the radio. And so is auto-tune, for the most part. But what I'm noticing now is all the repetitiveness of the chorus throughout the whole song. :smokeit:


Andinismo Hierbatero
I'm just saying thank goodness that T-Pain is generally off the radio. And so is auto-tune, for the most part. But what I'm noticing now is all the repetitiveness of the chorus throughout the whole song. :smokeit:

repetitiveness is probably the most common sin in music.
once you start to notice that, most music gets boring pretty quick.

and you start to miss the good old days when all music sounded great hehehe...


New member
Actually, I like to listen to the radio, I just switch the station until I find something worth jamming to

beats listening to cds, cause it's always new and unpredictable
cds i get tired of
sometimes I stumble on some super hits


Yea but the radio plays the same songs over and over


not sure about anyone else here but I am getting mighty sick of the synthesized voices all over the radio. I want to crash the car everytime I hear one of the songs, which is every other one
Seems to me like a lot of todays music is nuthin more than just folk-rock fusion and that is being kind by all standards.The older musicians could play before they rocked instead of attempting to rock before they can play.Theres my 2 cents....ol briar


not sure about anyone else here but I am getting mighty sick of the synthesized voices all over the radio. I want to crash the car everytime I hear one of the songs, which is every other one
Yes Autotune music sure does suck. Hopefully some day people will find a way to use it tastefully (I want to say "like Cher did," but I don't like where that leaves me)
Until then things like this still amuse me:

Luckily the radio here isn't TOO bad (lots of stoner tunes, reggae, electronica, dubstep) but most new music is pretty horrible regardless.


if your talking todays music, i.e. radio, mtv and mainstream bullshit, then yes music definately sucks bad today. The synthesized voices on todays R&B and rap are godawful. Jesus tapdancing, learn how to sing or better yet dont release albums if you need your voice worked over
but there is a host of good bands out there today that rock, Disco Biscuits come to mind. Gnarls Barkley, Brothers Past, Lotus, George Wesley to name only a few.


Freedom Fighter
I use to argue music with my grandfather....I just couldn't understand why he didn't like the new stuff!! (circa 1971)
I never forgot that, and I try to stay current with today's music--
Going to KMK shows and Smoke Out...those things help keep me young!!:biggrin:
i def. wouldn't say it sucks. i'd say it's just a little harder to find good music now. but when i find stuff i like, it's effing mind-blowwwing.


I'll agree that the mainstream music is heading down a horrible path; *cough*autotune. However there's always real artists out there making good music. It's just really easy for bad music to thrive now. I could never say that "today's" music sucks, it's just most of the songs that hit the airwaves do.

Simple way to enjoy today's music: TURN UP THE GOOD; TURN DOWN THE SUCK

Collie Man

Everything on the radio that is played usually sucks balls and once in a while I will hear a good song. That doesn't mean that today's music sucks, you just got to get your head out of the shitter! Seriously,there there are some crazy ass bands out there that are new and popping up everyday, you just got to be in the scene I guess.

New bands that I found out about: Been playing for a while but are relatively new...Segway, Fear Nuttin Band, Yonder Mtn String Band, and sooo many more!!!! Ask me if you want to know some jammy ass get down music!



today has some great music... its just that the radio/ t.v. SUCKS! i wasnt there, but i imagine it sucked a long time ago, too.


everyone knows that