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Does this look like root rot? I think it is.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Here is the Questionaire.

HYDROPONICS/Aero Ponics/Coco/Soiless/

How long has this problem been going on?

2-3 weeks
Are you growing in a PVC grow tent? (example: Hydrohut or any other non brand tents)

No. Basement.
What system are you running? (DWC? Ebb flow? Aero? Water Farm? Flood Tables? and so on...)

Ebb and Flow (homemade, no liner bucket just one bucket/plant), Central Res.
What STRAIN are you growing?

Too many for a first run on new medium. Sage, Strawberry Cough, Blueberry, Skunk, Sweet Sweet, NL.
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?)

Clones from Hydroton mom, 6" net pots on ebb and flow table.
What is the age of your plants?

5th week of flower. Vegetative was month and half longer than normal.
How long have they been in there mixture they are in now?(coco,soiless etc..)

Went into 2gal black buckets w/ Hydroton last week of Nov 09. Spent three weeks on veg under 1k lights before light flip.
Were in 6" net pots before that for 3 weeks too long. Got light stretch and the Borg bad.
How tall are the plants?

Affected plants are 5'-6', ones still kicking are about 4'-5'.
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?

Flower 5th week.
What Technique are you using?

Ebb and flow, 2gal black buckets.
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.)

r/w cloning cubes set in Hydroton 6" net pots that were later put in 2gal buckets full of Hydroton.
What is the Water temperature?

? Room temp is roughly 64f-74f. Water comes pretty cold from tap.
What color are your roots? White? Brown? Are your roots slimy?

Per picture, solid as a rock and white until the last inch or two. Black/white and barely slimey...Hydroton readily falls from this area with little agitation.
What Nutrient's are you using?(If growing soiless)

GH Flora (3 part, currently on 0-1-4)...just last few days started using sm-90 and H2O2.
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*

GH 5ml/gal for 1, 20ml/gal for 4. SM-90 and H2O2 is 3ml/gal each.
How often are you feeding? (If using soiless)

Was watering five times a day, every 4 hours on day and once on night. Effectively became 3 day and 2 nights b/c timer got off a little and last day water ended up being 30min after lights out.
How often are you giving nutrients? (If using soiless)

Weekly changes. Topping off with tap water.
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?

Since going into 2 gal been in 2-2-2, then 1-2-3 on second wk flower, then 0-1-4 on fourth wk.
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)

Tap water (non-filtered), then Micro, then veg, then bloom, then additives and pH adjust.
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using?

Need to recalibrate my meter, but ppm seems to be over 2k. I now know I need to keep track of shit daily EC and PPM, will do next time.
What is the pH of the "Tank"?

Starts at 5.2-5.5 then raises about .2-.5 a day. Ex: 5.2d1, 5.6d2, 6.1d3. Usually adjust on a daily basis to 5.2-5.5
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment?

I have pH tested with ref solution [email protected] and [email protected]
When was your last watering?

What is your water temps?

RT 64-74f
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional)

Went to half-strength nutes and 3ml/ea H2O2, SM-90.
How often do you clean your system: example: Flush out water replace with clean water and nutrients?

Usually every week. When I first had noticed a pond smell, it was 10 days since last change. Flush with Kleen and fresh tap water, one watering.
What size bulb are you using?

1kw light bulbs.
What is the distance to the canopy?

18" center, 12" sides. Did light burn them over a few days, wk 3-4 of flower. They were way too low 6-12".
What is your RH Factor(Relative Humidity)?

Was very low, 20-. Winter, with furnace working in an already dry-ass state with CO2 gen burning constant on day. Just closed the loop on the lighting so as not to exhaust humidity, and so as to not have burner running all the time. See I came from Grodan so it always added so much humidity that it wasn't such a problem.
What is the canopy temperature?

???Don't know how to measure that. Temp probe is out of direct light, within canopy.
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range)

Was 66f - 84f. Now is 64f-74.
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)

Was exhausting 1,024 cfm 10" Max fan, from two 8" inlets with Can 50's into a 10" outlet. Now closed the loop.
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?

No intake at the moment. Intake was passive when drawing 1000 cfm out of a 20ftx10ftx10ft room. Have a 6" to use for either intake or exhaust. Currently idle.
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?

Have 3 Lasko fans (square fans from Lowes), blowing from different directions. One on, one under, one over.
Is your water HARD or SOFT?

Need to check that, but I believe soft. On a metropolitan system.
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled?

Mineral Water?
Tap, non-filtered. Will be attaching Chlorine and Sediment filter today.
Are you using water from a water softener?

Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched

Normal pruning, three weeks ago. Probably a little too much since I was taken back by the fast vegetative growth.
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When?

Spider mite controls. Azatrol in veg, and then Pyrethium bombs later. Nothing used within a week.
Are plant's infected with pest's

On going spidermite fight. Plants were greatly infected in veg. Then the move fkjled them further. Most of them were taken care of in the nursing back to health before flower.

Before I go try some drastic things to finish out the next few weeks I just want to make sure that this is root rot.

First off these plants have had some multiple problems. Left sitting in veg too long (light stretch/fight), then hurt during a move which took three weeks to recover and fatten out.

Came to ebb and flow from r/w. Using GH flora per label (so it seems I am using more that people would reccomend here, but was just keeping the formula the same as I moved mediums). So salt lockout is possible, but I did flush with changes on a weekly to bi-weekly basis.

This plant was the first to succumb. Looking wilted like overwatering. About week three of flowering. Then the yellowing followed about week four of flowering. Which reminded me of what I read about root rot.

Problems include spidermites, I added a little liquid koolbloom too early (normal for my r/w but adjusting to the new medium I learn things are fed faster...I should've known that, since that is why I moved), I left the lights too close for a few days, ect (not my finest hour).

Important, I built my own ebb and flow bucket system (2 gal), but didn't use a liner bucket (going to next time)...so the roots at the bottom you see are pretty much submerged 24/7 in that half inch of water that is residual.

I have done ebb and flow on a table with res underneath, 6" net pots for veg for this...worked like a fkljing charm. So I didn't think about drainage as much on the flower. Thinking this is my problem and just need to fight it with weekly to twice weekly water changes and H2O2 and sm90.

So don't really want to burden with too many questions. Since I have more problems going into this grow than can be listed. I just remember the change in smell in the res, and the way these roots look...I think before I add more stuff I would just isolate the goners and focus on saving the ones still alive, with minimal damage and try to get through this last 2-4 weeks (maybe earlier cause that KB is starting the finish sooner).

So...sorry...do you think it is root rot or not? Just trying to salvage what's left.
Next time I will fully fill out the questionaire, or even have a daily chart for everyone to inspect...but this was done kinda impulsively...and I was counting on it not being much different than r/w except for a few more pH changes...but now learning there is more to it. Growth was sweet until the problem.

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One day you will have to answer to the children of
Here are a few picks of the survivors bad leaves. Most leaves are good.
Not drooping like the the others, but having a yellowing going on.



Active member
that bottom does look a little rotten. Did you smell it while you had it out?
I hear sm90s good for that.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Yeah, it didn't smell like rotten eggs, but it did smell like stagnant pond water. Which is different than my res normally smells.
Removed all plants that had the same symptoms and looked to far gone to be saved.
Flushed system with H202.
Currently running 1/2 strength nutes, h2o2 and SM-90.

Also, I think these may be a little root-bound since they were in veg sooo long and the first effected have been the taller, bigger plants. As the smaller ones are not as effected.
I have read that people recommend using a 'zyme' to break down the dying roots...
But if they are getting root bound, shouldn't I just grow'em smaller or get bigger pots?



Yeah, it didn't smell like rotten eggs, but it did smell like stagnant pond water. Which is different than my res normally smells.
Removed all plants that had the same symptoms and looked to far gone to be saved.
Flushed system with H202.
Currently running 1/2 strength nutes, h2o2 and SM-90.

Also, I think these may be a little root-bound since they were in veg sooo long and the first effected have been the taller, bigger plants. As the smaller ones are not as effected.
I have read that people recommend using a 'zyme' to break down the dying roots...
But if they are getting root bound, shouldn't I just grow'em smaller or get bigger pots?


As far as root rot I agree with the others, it does look like you got a bad deal. Hygrozyme is not cheap but in my experience works great but you really need to use it from day one til the last couple weeks before you harvest.

Info about it http://www.gchydro.com/Hygrozyme+Enzymatic+formula.html

Also you mentioned you problems with the "Borg" spider mites. Go get some "Avid" and hit em with that. With 1-2 applications they should be nothing more than a bad memory.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Thanks for the input.

The borg is easily handlled by Azatrol (Azadiractin) when I keep up on them in veg. Unfortunately, moving made that a problem. I don't spray once buds start appearing. It is just Pyretheum aresol after that, which doesn't always do the trick.

So I guess there really isn't a root bound problem if I use a enzyme to break down the dying roots?

This root rot came from all of my brilliance in designing a new setup and being lazy about changing my timer.

Just making sure that I don't need to use 5 gal buckets next time, which will save more money.

So it is official. This is not just like r/w. I think I have a grip on the problems, and they probably extend from rot, mostly. Uping the humidity sure did make things happy, also. I didn't realize how dry it really was in there, under 20% RH.

Thanks again for everyone's help.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
How do I close a thread?

I think I am done with my questions.

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