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Does shipping to a PO Box create any suspicion?


Active member
I've thought about getting one at the Post Office or UPS store and just wonder if doing so increases or decreases security. From what I can tell I can have more than one name delivered to the box and even a business name at that box but I only need to show my ID- At least that's how I understood it.

I do not grow at my house and my location is a couple hours away so not a real issue receiving seeds, I just would rather not. I could afford a PO box for a few months so it's no problem, just wondering if everyone agrees it's still much safer than a home address?

Does having an envelope shipped to a business name create any more or less suspicion than to a "regular" person's name?

Just curious.



Waste of time and money from a security perspective if you're worried about law enforcement. Any cop could get your information in 5 minutes without a warrant if so desired. Thankfully, there have been no known busts resulting from seed purchases that I'm aware of. Equipment is another story, for a variety of reasons.

The only time this option makes sense is if you're attempting to acquire seeds from a private individual, and you're not crazy about some random internet personality knowing your name and address.


Yep, iirc it was the patriot act made PO boxes useless. It was bound to happen sometime. It's not really a big deal, if the US raided every confiscated package they'd be broke, so they go after the big guys. Worst that should happen is you'll get a letter from US Borders and Customs saying you had a package confiscated and you can forfeit rights to it by signing the enclosed letter. I just ignored it. :p
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Active member
Waste of time and money from a security perspective if you're worried about law enforcement. Any cop could get your information in 5 minutes without a warrant if so desired. Thankfully, there have been no known busts resulting from seed purchases that I'm aware of. Equipment is another story, for a variety of reasons.

The only time this option makes sense is if you're attempting to acquire seeds from a private individual, and you're not crazy and some random internet personality knowing your name and address.
sorry i don't mean to jump on you but you are completely wrong here. try not to spread mis-information around please! because BUSTS HAVE RESULTED FROM SEED PURCHASES! The number of busts from seed purchases may be low but its not worth the risk. laziness like that will inevitably be your downfall.


sorry i don't mean to jump on you but you are completely wrong here. try not to spread mis-information around please! because BUSTS HAVE RESULTED FROM SEED PURCHASES! The number of busts from seed purchases may be low but its not worth the risk. laziness like that will inevitably be your downfall.

I've heard a nutcase or two on OG who was selling weed to kids to try to claim his shit was tracked from customs to the locals, who subsequently waited until harvest before busting him.

I'm certainly not saying that you're incorrect, though. I pay pretty close attention to the online canna communities, and while paranoia has been spread in abundance, I've never heard a legit story of a grow bust via seed order. If you don't mind, can you justify this claim for us? Thanks in advance. I'm always hoping to hop on new information.

Guest 18340

Well, i wouldnt want an envelope with my name on it and seeds in it sitting in a post office box. The quicker it leaves the post office and gets put in my mailbox, the easier i can see if theirs po-po camped out watching.
I just got a po box for my biz and you have to bring a photo i d and something that has your real address on it.:2cents:


Yea everybody is pretty much right P.O Boxes are a waist you need alot to open one up. We live in peculiar times...


Active member
I guess I would rather receive in a place other than my house but not put my friends on the spot receiving packages for me.

So, having a USPS PO box or even one of those "mailboxes R us" doesn't create any extra suspicion, right? That is, having it shipped to your home doesn't make it less likely to be intercepted, sniffed, whatever... Is that right? If it is a package that's going to be intercepted it won't be because it went into a PO Box but that because something happened to it on the way to the PO Box that created suspicion.



I've heard a nutcase or two on OG who was selling weed to kids to try to claim his shit was tracked from customs to the locals, who subsequently waited until harvest before busting him.

I'm certainly not saying that you're incorrect, though. I pay pretty close attention to the online canna communities, and while paranoia has been spread in abundance, I've never heard a legit story of a grow bust via seed order. If you don't mind, can you justify this claim for us? Thanks in advance. I'm always hoping to hop on new information.

There are a couple cases that I read where people were busted for getting seeds in the mail. Both of them happened in Indiana, seems that someone got the iggy that seeds were coming in and they went to the peoples houses. The one particular story was a doctor and his wife got busted for receiving seeds in the mail and they got a warrant for their home and found their whole grow op. The seeds weren't even sent to their house if I remember right, wish I could find the story. It wasn't DEA either it was local law enforcement that had a bug up their ass. I'll see if I can find it


Why has nobody suggested a UPS box?

They offer mailboxes at their UPS stores at a price comparable to a P.O. box.


^^^^^^^^Yup^^^^^^^ I feel like "Mr. Wolf" from Pulp Fiction. O.K. here goes a quick tutorial on "how to do it right". 1st and foremost, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GET A U.S.P.S. P.O. BOX. Any infractions occuring in a USPS is a FEDERAL OFFENSE, COMPRENDE? Those same infractions occuring @ a UPS store results in basically nothing. Find a P.O. Box place in a cool neighborhood. Get a decent lookin "J" cleaned up to look presentable and have them open up an account for the p.o. box. Create a company name and make up 2 names that can operate the account and pick up mail and packages. Get a fake I.D. from another state with one of the optional names on it. Don't worry after they verify your id the first time they won't ask about it ever again and will give you your packages without a problem. You can even pay the bill to keep the account active and everything!!LOL P.O.Box places are very useful because it puts a layer of protection between you and a package. Even if it were to go "bad" you never personally signed and accepted anything, Ya dig? It gives yer lawyer that "reasonable doubt" that's needed. Also those places rarely have more than a few employees so even if they wanted to do a sting, if you are on top of your game you should be able to spot a cop across the counter thats tryin to act like a regular employee, ya feel me? Plus if its just seeds they're really not gonna use that type of man power, ya dig? But, if you follow those steps you'll surely be in much better shape. If you don't have a "J" handy, you can always find a gullible, square ass chick, but damn Dopefiends, crack heads, Meth Heads, are everywhere introduce yerself!!!LOL, Shhit I have some homeboys that keep crack heads on deck like maids and butlers!!LOL Get them to do just about any chore for under 20!!LOL


This is a paraphrased version of the original story. I cant find the original on the news website anymore.

Columbus, IN - Police say an intercepted order of marijuana seeds prompted investigators to arrest a Columbus doctor and his wife on drug possession charges, RTV6 reported Friday.

Investigators found more than 30 marijuana plants in the home of Dr. Arnaldo Trabucco and Pamela Trabucco, police said.

Authorities searched the home after customs agents in Chicago intercepted a package of marijuana seeds from England. Police said they believe the Trabuccos had ordered the seeds on the Internet.

The case will be examined by the Bartholomew County prosecutor's office, RTV6 reported.

Source: TheIndyChannel.com
Copyright: 2005 WRTV TheIndyChannel.com


This is a paraphrased version of the original story. I cant find the original on the news website anymore.

Columbus, IN - Police say an intercepted order of marijuana seeds prompted investigators to arrest a Columbus doctor and his wife on drug possession charges, RTV6 reported Friday.

Investigators found more than 30 marijuana plants in the home of Dr. Arnaldo Trabucco and Pamela Trabucco, police said.

Authorities searched the home after customs agents in Chicago intercepted a package of marijuana seeds from England. Police said they believe the Trabuccos had ordered the seeds on the Internet.

The case will be examined by the Bartholomew County prosecutor's office, RTV6 reported.

Source: TheIndyChannel.com
Copyright: 2005 WRTV TheIndyChannel.com

Sounds like it was just an unfortunate case of someone ordering the wrong thing at the wrong time. Take rudeboi's advice, that's almost exactly how I'd do it if I ordered.


been using a po box for years now, its just in a family members name that does not grow or even smoke weed. i just take care of the bill every 6 months and i haven't had a problem yet, but then again i don't order seeds that often maybe 2 orders a year and i order after i have harvested and broken down.


If i remember right the Doctor who got in trouble over seeds had numerous shipments of seeds seized, and kept right on ordering.



It is not against the law to order grow equipment. Lots of people grow herbs and vegetables...some commercially for local restaurants..etc. (I'm trying to get some miracle berry bushes growing) It IS against the law to order seeds. The latter is more likely to get you caught than ordering general gardening supplies.

It is rare, but it happens. I know of at least 3 incidents all of which resulted in local authorities following up. The seeds were purchased overseas and came in through the Chicago hub.

Good luck and Be safe...and use Common Sense!


I simply posted that story to prove to the guy that said "show me where someone has been arrested for ordering seeds" that's all. I'm not scared of ordering seeds but he wanted proof.