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Does mold go away during bubble or qwiso process?


I have a quite a bit of dried bud that had botrytis, I culled them off the plants to prevent further infection. Will the process of making hash, bubble or qwiso, get rid of the dried mold spores? Trying to make use of the buds, lots of trichomes, but I don't want to smoke it if its not healthy. Seems like the iso would kill it but.....thanks
Butane Honey Oil extraction is the best way to salvage it. Please be careful if you have not done this before...do it outside...and have someone watch from a safe distance, in case of an emergency. Hard to pick up a cell phone without hands and you'll need help gathering the bits of your face....It's not that dangerous really, but make sure to read as much about BHO on ICmag as possible, you will find alot of people who can help and give great advice, but also some retards who just want a post count and they just haven't blown themselves up yet.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Bothrytis does not produce know aflatoxins, so except for taste, you have some lattitude.

We have found that extracting the oil and filtering to 0.2 microns using a syringe filter, removes all the spores and plant material, as well as the smell and flavor.

It produces pristine tasting material, so you might give it a try.

PS: Don't fuck with aspergellis, the grey black mold, it does produce pernicious aflatoxins.


Bothrytis does not produce know aflatoxins, so except for taste, you have some lattitude.

We have found that extracting the oil and filtering to 0.2 microns using a syringe filter, removes all the spores and plant material, as well as the smell and flavor.

It produces pristine tasting material, so you might give it a try.

PS: Don't fuck with aspergellis, the grey black mold, it does produce pernicious aflatoxins.

Where do you get a 0.2 micron filter?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Where do you get a 0.2 micron filter?

I use syringe filters, which I got on e-bay, along with syringes.

Start with a coarser filter like a 45 micron and work your way down to the 0.2 filter.

Be sure and filter your alcohol before usng it for this application, because it is not filtered to 0.2 micron at the distillery.

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