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Does marjiuana instill patriotism



You know I was looking at the transformation i have undergone using marijuana as a medicine

I have found it increase my level of catharasism and social conscience

In fact this is the first year i voted ever, but i felt moved to by this community and the hightened social senses ive apparentley cultivated

then i wondered, is that hte problem, does pot help us become "free" thinkers and does this pose a prolem for a govenment that deisres greater control over it citizen?



does pot help us become "free" thinkers and does this pose a prolem for a govenment that deisres greater control over it citizen?

i think LSD is in this catagory


bagseed77 said:
does pot help us become "free" thinkers and does this pose a prolem for a govenment that deisres greater control over it citizen?

i think LSD is in this catagory

i dont know ive imbided grams over my lifetime and embracing the government never came to mind :)


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
I have thought about it many times.

And i think cannabis does two things. First it makes you feel good and is a mild psychedelic (compared to shrooms or acid). I think this feeling creates a wonderful atmosphere for objective deeper thinking. When we are sober it is much harder to see yourself as a part of the problem. You are dependent of so many material things and so many social issues to be happy in life. This makes you biased. It is very hard to see that the way you think could actually be morally very wrong. Get rich or die trying is the most mainstream ideology today i believe. Who does not want to be rich ? Who does not mind doing a few dirty deeds for all that fame and glory ? My point is people who are sober or maybe just scared shitless are never comfortable enough to take a honest look at the things and see the ugly truth for what it really is!

The second thing is the fact that it is illegal. Now we on these internet forums are a bit different than most smokers i think. We actually want to seek out information on our beloved plant. Or maybe we just want to make a profit ? Does not matter..you are more curious than the average smoker that just wants to get high! He wants to take a beer from the fridge and not be bothered thinking about the brewing process.

Now we smoke this fine plant and see all the good it can do. And it does not change you in any significant way. Certainly does not destroy your life like alcohol can do. So you wonder why is this illegal. You start searching..and the more you search the more you find out about other thing that are wrong..

But patriotism ? Who knows what any country was meant to be ? When only profit calls the shots i don't know if i want to be patriotic..I might say im a patriot of my own little country..in my head :D


weed doesnt make people lazy , it just helps them to realize that most things arent woth the effort !!


Well-known member
well i for me think it is a matter of everithing ...
pott only ?? would it realy free your mind ?? look around in this forum is everibody free in mind ??
sure it takes you a step ...but i think to bee realy free in mind you just must hawe a clear free mind and that happens a soon as you realise that the only thing you need to get there is to cleare your self from everithing ....and keep the balance


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Well yeah ''free'' is relative..let's not say it frees your mind..it opens it up for debate. And debate can lead to something positive from time to time..I must add that i do believe the majority of people are simple zombie like beings that could not care less of the bigger picture.

Modern they men are so invested in things that you barely have time to breathe..the world never stops!
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Active member
when you say patriotism

it is not about a country

but to me the leaf connects me to the world

1 world
1 people
1 love

peace ?

but most of the time im not thinking of that, im asking myself

did we come here to experience hell?
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Active member
whiterabbit9 said:
when you say patriotism

it is not about a country

but to me the leaf connects me to the world

1 world 1 people
1 love

but friends, most of the time im asking myself

if we came here to experience hell..

I agree, i dont think it has given me a more patriotic view towards the USA, but i think it has given me more of a ideal of the things the states stand for as in personal liberties and freedoms.

Herb is about being oppressed and joining together to continue the things we love


maybe its nurtured an intrest in humanity and this country seemed to need to hear my opinion on who represented it best


stoned agin ...
maybe when reading news on the net while smokin a joint you got fed up with the abuse the governments been layin on you for some time and decided that you were gonna use your constitutional right to let em know what you think, like a concerned citizen of the democracy. :joint:


Active member
but then you think about it..has nothing to do with your goverment..it's about the people...and i've seen some stuff lately...that say's NOPE....


stoned agin ...
^that is a very interestin reply, and it would be ejumicatin to hear some more, please expunjulate, or whatever :smoker:


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Drugs effect individual in different ways. The odds are an unpatriotic person is prone to unpatriotic ideas. I think the days of judging people based on patriotism are over. Just because I sometimes slam government and it's ideas doesn't mean I am not a patriot. Slamming a government that is in error itself can be seen as patriotic.


Active member
ICMag Donor
ureap, I would love to smoke some fat ones with ya sometime and have one of these discussions, although I would have you voting republican...(wait, scratch that for conservative) before it was all said and done... :confused:

The most patriotic of our nations founders were clandestine law breakers.
They knew the laws that were being placed on them were unfair, and placed big burdens on them. Burdens they were certain the Creator never intended for truly free men to have to endure.
(ok so sue me...religion and politics in the same breath)

I feel certain that our founders would find comfort in the herb, as we do.
And maybe they did? (shrug)
I know for sure there wouldn't have been the stigma and taboos placed on weed as it has today. Hell, it was nearly 200 years after the US founding that weed was all of a sudden an evil thing. All spun by over zealous men with an agenda, as well as a lack of understanding and insight.
And the controls that these men place on other free men, are exactly what our most patriotic hero's fought and died for. Their blood was spilled in the pursuit of true happiness. Quite admirable of them to think of us, instead of themselves. Where have they gone? Are we them? Is history waiting on us to write the pages to be talked about, as we are talking about our former patriots?


^^^ I dont know if im turning repbulican anytime soon but I think all politcal dicussion would be more productive if we all sat down and smoked a fatty before it began :)


Active member
ICMag Donor
I think we are what we is. I think the only thing we manage to turn, is our perspective.

I agree that herb definitely opens our mind up a bit more, and allows a shift of our perceptions. A bit too much at times.


Well-known member
so what to say ...i see it like this ...everyone is a part of everything ...and ererything is somewhere the earth is just a point in this universe ...borders are manskind construktions egoconstruktions if you whant to be patriotistik be it fror all be it for everithing or atleest for the world your living on ...what dose it mean to be patriotistik ??? keep it worth and wondefull for the next ...keep it worth and wonderfull for your self ...keep it worth and wonderfull for everything

I n I
I n I
...whatever...and ever...and ever
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