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Does it exist (yet) : Electronic Cannabis Stink Meter ?


New member
Hi there,

The Introduction:
One of the problems with an indoor, at home, grow.
Is that you fail to notice, or underestimate, the way cannabis stinks.

The smells that are ever present, somehow become invisible.
I guess it's a bit like the guy that has body odour ... on the train/bus/tram/plane etc.
He either under-estimates the problem, or he has no idea there is a problem.

But for people walking in the vicinity, of the guy with body odour, or in the vicinity
of the (supposedly) secret cannabis grow, the odour is _very_ apparent.

For people with body odour, the worst problem is having a reputation as being the
guy that smells. And consequently being dismissed and rejected socially.

For people running a cannabis grow operation. This can result in time spent
in prison, the loss of employment, or loss of a career, the confiscation of assets,
enormous legal bills, consequential marital and family problems... etc etc.

My Question is:
Is there such a thing, as an electronic cannabis stink meter ?
Is there something similar, like a detector of aromatic compounds ?

Does anyone know of such a thing ?
Or ....do you have some bright ideas for improvising such a device ? If so, please reply to this thread.
Your contribution will be warmly welcomed and gratefully received :)

Thanks... have a nice day

cryptoLab :)
I'm not an expert having only one grow to my name thus far... However, what are the chances all cannabis grows smell the same?

They have devices to detect natural gas but (I assume) the odor would be a constant. Perhaps research how those devices detect odor/gas and go from there.

Still though, if you need to remain stealth or a good neighbor, the idea is to not let the odor leave the grow in the first place.


New member
Hi MellowYellow,

What made you pick that name, i wonder.
Could it be the famous coffee shop in Amsterdam ? :)

Yes, you're right. Keep the odour from leaving the grow room
and alerting the neighbours, the Rozzers (police) and the inquisitive.

I had a bright idea, just a minute or two ago, for reducing the
"odour cost" of curing your harvest. Typically growers complain
that their weed stinks most, not during flowering, but after the harvest
when the buds are drying (curing).

If you ask the question: Why do the buds stink most then, it's because
typically, the buds are left in a warm or heated environment so that they
will dehydrate more quickly. The warm enviornment promotes the evaporation
of the terpenes.... the terpenes are aromatic and volatile... and hence stink.

The way to cure the bud and _retain_ the terpenes (so that they don't evaporate
and hence don't smell... and dont attract the neighours, the rozzers nor the nosey)
is to dry the buds, upside down as normal, but inside a refrigerator, 2 degrees C
should be perfect. The temperature will be too cold to promote a big stink.

Refrigerators are famous for desiccating food, they can do that for bud too.
This will help you to retain the terpenes whilst losing the water content of the
bud.... and no stink!

What do you think ? Is that a good idea ?
Could a practice like that keep people out of prison ?

cryptolab :)

Perhaps.... i've just had a good idea for how to minimise the 'stench' when
curing bud.... whilst simultaneously preserving the terpene content of the bud.

Tell me what you think of this idea:
At curing time, rather than leaving the bud hung upside down in a warm closet.
Instead, hang the bud upside down in a cool refrigerator.
Refrigerators are known for desiccating foods....

...they could just as easily desiccate bud.

The intense smell during curing, is because the aromatic and volatile terpenes
evaporate in the warmth of the ..... airing cupboard / drying room / living room / bed room etc...
If instead, you dry your bud in a refridgerator, it will hugely reduce the evaporation of

the terpenes.

what do you think ? Is that a good idea ?


New member
Can someone please tell me, where is the link that will allow me to edit my own posts.
I'd like to clean up the post above, delete most of the second half of it.
But... how do i edit my posts. ???
Someone please tell me, i'd be very grateful for the help :)


Yes, the police in Amsterdam use flying drones with electronic sniffer noses to smell the air over buildings suspected of cultivation. For a long time now.
Hello @cryptolab:

Well, I have no knowledge of the coffee shop in Amsterdam. I'm in the US. Just picjed the name out of the air. Had to out something down : )

As to your theory of cold drying, yes, I supposed that would work. Worth a try with a branch or two as a comparison with doing it with just room heat. For my last small harvest, I hung them in a closet with a dehumidifier set to 55 % and a small fan blowing up from the floor. They dried in 6 days. I really did not have an odor issue but my harvest was only 70 grams of trimmed bud, when dried.

Obviously, if you have dozens of plants the smell will be compounded. I grow just a single plant at a time for my personal medical needs (injured spine) so keeping a low profile is easy for me.

Question: I thought cannabis was completely legal in Ansterdam. Why all this talk of heat seeking drones and such?
If the police have drones that can smell pot, the technology you are after must be out there. Research those drones and you may have your answer as to how it all works.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
the police in america have a sniffer that works some of the time, is a lil low tech, and can get you 1-10years in prison
it looks like this


...como el Son...
Yes, the police in Amsterdam use flying drones with electronic sniffer noses to smell the air over buildings suspected of cultivation. For a long time now.

Are you sure about it? Are not maybe the drones searching another things like the hot or samething related with the electricity? Cos maybe Im wrong, but I was teached that still we have any Technology to do it better than an animal nose... N I cant see this kind of Technology In airports or ports...(Anyway, tecnology go faster everyday)...
