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does hps cause stretch


Well I hear a lot of people say that hps causes stretch but I have not found that to be the case. Here are some seedlings I started on september 12th, they went into soil on the 14th and have been under a 600 w hps ever sense. That is basically 3 weeks so you can decide for yourself here is what i found.



Hank Hemp

Active member
When I read the title I thought that you meant during flowering. I've never put seedlings under HPS. Sorry


Active member
They looked a little stretched to the first node and then not very big at all for being under a hps and 3 weeks.


Genetic Resource Management
You'll see them stretch more as the plants grow, and compete for light. looks like you have an indica dominant set though, which naturally stay stockier.

re: HPS stretch- it;s not actually that HPS causes stretch, it's the lack of blue wavelengths in your light source. Hortilux bulbs have sufficient blue to limit the stretch.

Hope that helps,


I dont find much streach at all and seeing as hps provide more lumens per watt i feal it is the best answer and the only type of grow light i own. This was actually 8 different strains. I find the stems are stout and the internodal spacing is great. I just dont see why anyone would use a mh set up unless it was free. peace leaf


Genetic Resource Management
mh bulbs have more PAR watts, more of their enegry is absorbed by the plants. HPS lights have more lumens, but a smaller amount of those lumens are converted into useable energy via photosynthesis.

Indoors, mixed spectrum is the only way to grow afaic.. provided your room has more than 1 light. If not, grab a hortilux HPS bulb..... just my opinion.
